muton (2023-07-31 22:52):
#paper: The memory trace of a stressful episode压力通过去甲肾上腺素和糖皮质激素对杏仁核和海马体的影响来影响情景记忆的形成。以往研究发现,当我们处在压力情境中时会有一种聚焦效应,也就是对情景中心方面的事情会记得更好。但是如何来用神经证据证明这一观点还未可知。本文作者使用神经表征相似性分析的方法分析了杏仁核脑区在压力情景下遇到物体的记忆情况。结果发现,出现在中心的物体比起出现在两边的物体神经表征的相似性会更高。并且这种更高的相似性预测了更好的记忆效果。这表明,中心物体被紧密地整合到一个以压力为中心的记忆表征中。本研究运用了一种生活化的实验范式巧妙设计并分析了压力情景下的“记忆痕迹”。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2021-12-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.044 PMID: 34653359
The memory trace of a stressful episode
Stress influences episodic memory formation via noradrenaline and glucocorticoid effects on amygdala and hippocampus. A common finding is the improvement of memory for central aspects of a stressful episode. This is putatively related to changes in the neural representations of specific experiences, i.e., their memory traces. Here we show that the memory improvement for objects that were encountered in a stressful episode relates to differences in the neural representations of these objects in the amygdala. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that stress specifically altered the representations of central objects: compared to control objects, they became more similar to one another and more distinct from objects that were not part of this episode. Furthermore, higher similarity of central objects to the main stressor-the faces of the stress-inducing committee members-predicted better memory. This suggests that the central objects were closely integrated into a stressor-centered memory representation. Our findings provide mechanistic insights into how stress shapes the memory trace and have profound implications for neurocognitive models of stressful and emotional memory.