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Spring (2023-08-28 21:20):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02497-z First-line durvalumab and tremelimumab with chemotherapy in RAS-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer: a phase 1b/2 trial ① 57名RAS突变的不可切除转移性结直肠癌患者接受mFOLFOX6化疗联合durvalumab及tremelimumab治疗;② 48名微卫星稳定(MSS)患者中,3个月、6个月、12个月、24个月的无进展生存率分别为90.7%、60.4%、26.9%、6.7%,中位无进展生存期为8.2个月;③ 6个月、12个月、24个月的总生存率分别为95.8%、81.1%及57.6%,中位总生存期尚未达到;④ 完全应答率及部分应答率分别为12.5%及52%;⑤ 在应答者中可观察到高肿瘤突变负荷及低基因组稳定性。
IF:58.700Q1 Nature medicine, 2023-08. DOI: 10.1038/s41591-023-02497-z PMID: 37563240
Although patients with microsatellite instable metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) benefit from immune checkpoint blockade, chemotherapy with targeted therapies remains the only therapeutic option for microsatellite stable (MSS) tumors. The single-arm, … >>>
Although patients with microsatellite instable metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) benefit from immune checkpoint blockade, chemotherapy with targeted therapies remains the only therapeutic option for microsatellite stable (MSS) tumors. The single-arm, phase 1b/2 MEDITREME trial evaluated the safety and efficacy of durvalumab plus tremelimumab combined with mFOLFOX6 chemotherapy in first line, in 57 patients with RAS-mutant unresectable metastatic CRC. Safety was the primary objective of phase Ib; no safety issue was observed. The phase 2 primary objective of efficacy in terms of 3-month progression-free survival (PFS) in patients with MSS tumors was met, with 3-month PFS of 90.7% (95% confidence interval (CI): 79.2-96%). For secondary objectives, response rate was 64.5%; median PFS was 8.2 months (95% CI: 5.9-8.6); and overall survival was not reached in patients with MSS tumors. We observed higher tumor mutational burden and lower genomic instability in responders. Integrated transcriptomic analysis underlined that high immune signature and low epithelial-mesenchymal transition were associated with better outcome. Immunomonitoring showed induction of neoantigen and NY-ESO1 and TERT blood tumor-specific T cell response associated with better PFS. The combination of durvalumab-tremelimumab with mFOLFOX6 was tolerable with promising clinical activity in MSS mCRC. Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT03202758 . <<<
Spring (2023-07-31 19:40):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.06.009 Circulating T cell profiles associate with enterotype signatures underlying hematological malignancy relapses ① 纳入55名接受阿奇霉素(27名)或安慰剂(28名)治疗的患者,收集粪便样本,分析肠道菌群、病毒组和代谢组的时间特征;② 描述四种肠道类型以及相关的细菌噬菌体种群和代谢途径网络;③ 其中一种肠型与持续缓解相关,拟杆菌属的一种分类单元与复发相关,拟杆菌属和普雷沃氏菌属的两种分类单元与完全缓解相关;④ 分类单元与脂质、戊糖和支链氨基酸代谢途径和几种噬菌体种群相关;⑤ 肠型和分类单元与耗竭T细胞和循环免疫细胞的功能状态相关。
IF:20.600Q1 Cell host & microbe, 2023-08-09. DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.06.009 PMID: 37463582
Early administration of azithromycin after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was shown to increase the relapse of hematological malignancies. To determine the impact of azithromycin on the post-transplant gut ecosystem … >>>
Early administration of azithromycin after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was shown to increase the relapse of hematological malignancies. To determine the impact of azithromycin on the post-transplant gut ecosystem and its influence on relapse, we characterized overtime gut bacteriome, virome, and metabolome of 55 patients treated with azithromycin or a placebo. We describe four enterotypes and the network of associated bacteriophage species and metabolic pathways. One enterotype associates with sustained remission. One taxon from Bacteroides specifically associates with relapse, while two from Bacteroides and Prevotella correlate with complete remission. These taxa are associated with lipid, pentose, and branched-chain amino acid metabolic pathways and several bacteriophage species. Enterotypes and taxa associate with exhausted T cells and the functional status of circulating immune cells. These results illustrate how an antibiotic influences a complex network of gut bacteria, viruses, and metabolites and may promote cancer relapse through modifications of immune cells. <<<
Spring (2023-06-30 13:17):
#paper Parabacteroides distasonis uses dietary inulin to suppress NASH via its metabolite pentadecanoic acid doi: 10.1038/s41564-023-01418-7 ① 小鼠模型中,菊粉比纤维素能更有效地抑制非酒精性脂肪肝炎(NASH)进展;② 用稳定同位素探测法(13C标记的菊粉)结合宏基因组测序和代谢组分析,发现菊粉可改变肠道菌群(富集潜在有益菌、抑制潜在致病菌)并可被特定肠菌吸收,其中被菊粉富集的狄氏副拟杆菌(Pd)可活跃地利用菊粉生成脂肪酸十五烷酸;③ 菊粉、Pd或十五烷酸可恢复NASH小鼠模型的肠道屏障功能,从而减少血清脂多糖和肝脏促炎细胞因子表达,对NASH发挥保护作用。
IF:20.500Q1 Nature microbiology, 2023-08. DOI: 10.1038/s41564-023-01418-7 PMID: 37386075
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the severe form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and is characterized by liver inflammation and fat accumulation. Dietary interventions, such as fibre, have been shown to … >>>
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the severe form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and is characterized by liver inflammation and fat accumulation. Dietary interventions, such as fibre, have been shown to alleviate this metabolic disorder in mice via the gut microbiota. Here, we investigated the mechanistic role of the gut microbiota in ameliorating NASH via dietary fibre in mice. Soluble fibre inulin was found to be more effective than insoluble fibre cellulose to suppress NASH progression in mice, as shown by reduced hepatic steatosis, necro-inflammation, ballooning and fibrosis. We employed stable isotope probing to trace the incorporation of C-inulin into gut bacterial genomes and metabolites during NASH progression. Shotgun metagenome sequencing revealed that the commensal Parabacteroides distasonis was enriched by C-inulin. Integration of C-inulin metagenomes and metabolomes suggested that P. distasonis used inulin to produce pentadecanoic acid, an odd-chain fatty acid, which was confirmed in vitro and in germ-free mice. P. distasonis or pentadecanoic acid was protective against NASH in mice. Mechanistically, inulin, P. distasonis or pentadecanoic acid restored gut barrier function in NASH models, which reduced serum lipopolysaccharide and liver pro-inflammatory cytokine expression. Overall this shows that gut microbiota members can use dietary fibre to generate beneficial metabolites to suppress metabolic disease. <<<
Spring (2023-05-30 02:29):
#paperdoi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02324-5 ① 纳入348名原发性癌症患者的新鲜冷冻样本进行全面的基因组分析;② 捕捉到克隆扩增、肿瘤富集的T细胞克隆的存在,并优于传统的预后分子生物标志物,如一致分子亚型和微卫星不稳定性分类;③ 基因免疫编辑的量化,定义为新抗原数量低于预期,进一步提高了其预后价值;④ 瘤内瘤胃球菌2和MBR评分彼此密切相关,发现了由瘤胃球菌驱动的微生物组特征溴化物,与有利结果相关;⑤ 开发并验证了一种复合评分,该评分可确定一组具有良好生存概率的患者。 An integrated tumor, immune and microbiome atlas of colon cancer 05-19
IF:58.700Q1 Nature medicine, 2023-05. DOI: 10.1038/s41591-023-02324-5 PMID: 37202560
The lack of multi-omics cancer datasets with extensive follow-up information hinders the identification of accurate biomarkers of clinical outcome. In this cohort study, we performed comprehensive genomic analyses on fresh-frozen … >>>
The lack of multi-omics cancer datasets with extensive follow-up information hinders the identification of accurate biomarkers of clinical outcome. In this cohort study, we performed comprehensive genomic analyses on fresh-frozen samples from 348 patients affected by primary colon cancer, encompassing RNA, whole-exome, deep T cell receptor and 16S bacterial rRNA gene sequencing on tumor and matched healthy colon tissue, complemented with tumor whole-genome sequencing for further microbiome characterization. A type 1 helper T cell, cytotoxic, gene expression signature, called Immunologic Constant of Rejection, captured the presence of clonally expanded, tumor-enriched T cell clones and outperformed conventional prognostic molecular biomarkers, such as the consensus molecular subtype and the microsatellite instability classifications. Quantification of genetic immunoediting, defined as a lower number of neoantigens than expected, further refined its prognostic value. We identified a microbiome signature, driven by Ruminococcus bromii, associated with a favorable outcome. By combining microbiome signature and Immunologic Constant of Rejection, we developed and validated a composite score (mICRoScore), which identifies a group of patients with excellent survival probability. The publicly available multi-omics dataset provides a resource for better understanding colon cancer biology that could facilitate the discovery of personalized therapeutic approaches. <<<
Spring (2023-04-30 18:46):
#paperdoi: 10.1016/j.advnut.2023.04.004 Tolerable upper intake level (UL) for individual amino acids in humans: A narrative review of recent clinical studies ① 总结6种必需氨基酸、2种非必需氨基酸、2种非蛋白质源性氨基酸的摄入量研究;② 年轻人及老年人的亮氨酸UL分别为每天35克及30克,色氨酸的UL为每天4.5克;③ 甲硫氨酸的NOAEL及LOAEL分别为每天3.2克及6.4克;④ 精氨酸的NOAEL为每天30克,赖氨酸的NOAEL及LOAEL分别为每天6克及7.5克;⑤ 组氨酸的NOAEL及LOAEL分别为每天8克及12克;⑥ 苯丙氨酸、丝氨酸、鸟氨酸、瓜氨酸的NOAEL分别为每天12克、12克、12克、24克。
Individual amino acids are widely popular as supplements because of various perceived and real health benefits. However, currently, there are no recommendations set by national health agencies for tolerable upper … >>>
Individual amino acids are widely popular as supplements because of various perceived and real health benefits. However, currently, there are no recommendations set by national health agencies for tolerable upper intake levels (UL) for amino acids because of a lack of well-conducted human dose-response trials. In the past decade, under the initiative of the International Council on Amino Acid Science, a nonprofit organization, a series of UL human clinical studies were conducted. The goal of this narrative review is to summarize the studies on 6 essential amino acids (leucine, tryptophan, methionine, lysine, histidine, and phenylalanine), 2 nonessential amino acids (arginine and serine), and 2 nonproteinogenic amino acids (ornithine and citrulline) and provide the first set of ULs. A brief background of the concept of the DRI framework of UL, the concept of UL for amino acids, and a perspective of the results are also provided. The data suggest that in relatively healthy adult individuals, the tested amino acids are well tolerated, and ULs, or the no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL), lowest-observed-adverse-effect-level (LOAEL), can be determined. The ULs were for leucine-young (35 g/d), tryptophan (4.5 g/d), and leucine-elderly (30 g/d); NOAEL and LOAEL for methionine at 3.2 and 6.4 g/d, respectively; NOAEL for arginine (30 g/d); NOAEL and LOAEL for lysine at 6 and 7.5 g/d, respectively; NOAEL and LOAEL for histidine at 8 and 12 g/d, respectively; and NOAEL for phenylalanine (12 g/d), serine (12 g/d), ornithine (12 g/d) and citrulline (24 g/d). This first set of human UL data are hoped to help national and international agencies set safety standards for supplemental amino acids. <<<
Spring (2023-03-31 13:10):
#paper doi: 10.15252/emmm.202317450 EMBO Molecular Medicine[IF:14.26] ① 纳入两个独立的队列人群,比较了早发性卵巢功能不全(POI)女性血清代谢组学,发现其表现为支链氨基酸(BCAA)不足相关的代谢紊乱;② 在小鼠模型中,低BCAA饮食干预使年轻小鼠出现POI样的代谢、内分泌、卵巢和生殖变化;③ 细胞实验表明,BCAA不足会上调神经酰胺,诱导ROS升高,从而使卵巢颗粒细胞功能受损;④ 有趣的是,BCAA膳食补充可以阻止雌性小鼠ROS诱导的POI发展,提示其预防价值。 BCAA insufficiency leads to premature ovarian insufficiency via ceramide-induced elevation of ROS
IF:9.000Q1 EMBO molecular medicine, 2023-04-11. DOI: 10.15252/emmm.202317450 PMID: 36847712
Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a disease featured by early menopause before 40 years of age, accompanied by an elevation of follicle-stimulating hormone. Though POI affects many aspects of women's … >>>
Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a disease featured by early menopause before 40 years of age, accompanied by an elevation of follicle-stimulating hormone. Though POI affects many aspects of women's health, its major causes remain unknown. Many clinical studies have shown that POI patients are generally underweight, indicating a potential correlation between POI and metabolic disorders. To understand the pathogenesis of POI, we performed metabolomics analysis on serum and identified branch-chain amino acid (BCAA) insufficiency-related metabolic disorders in two independent cohorts from two clinics. A low BCAA diet phenotypically reproduced the metabolic, endocrine, ovarian, and reproductive changes of POI in young C57BL/6J mice. A mechanism study revealed that the BCAA insufficiency-induced POI is associated with abnormal activation of the ceramide-reactive oxygen species (ROS) axis and consequent impairment of ovarian granulosa cell function. Significantly, the dietary supplement of BCAA prevented the development of ROS-induced POI in female mice. The results of this pathogenic study will lead to the development of specific therapies for POI. <<<
Spring (2023-02-27 21:24):
#paper Metabolically (un)healthy obesity and risk of obesity-related cancers: a pooled study 合并研究:新陈代谢(非)健康的肥胖和与肥胖有关的癌症风险 10.1093/jnci/djad008 基于超79万名欧洲人BMI和代谢评分(通过血压、血糖和甘油三酯定义),评估代谢处于异常或正常的人群与癌症风险间的关联; 相比代谢健康体重正常者,代谢异常的肥胖人群患肥胖相关癌症、结直肠癌、胆囊癌等风险增加,子宫内膜癌、肝癌和肾细胞癌的风险最高; 代谢健康的肥胖人群患肥胖相关癌症、男性结肠癌、子宫内膜癌和胆囊癌等风险增加,尽管风险关系较弱; BMI和代谢健康状况叠加会增加肥胖相关癌症、直肠癌及子宫内膜癌等风险。
BACKGROUND: Studies of obesity with or without metabolic aberrations, commonly termed metabolically unhealthy or healthy obesity, in relation to cancer risk are scarce.METHODS: We investigated body mass index (normal weight, … >>>
BACKGROUND: Studies of obesity with or without metabolic aberrations, commonly termed metabolically unhealthy or healthy obesity, in relation to cancer risk are scarce.METHODS: We investigated body mass index (normal weight, overweight, obesity) jointly and in interaction with metabolic health status in relation to obesity-related cancer risk (n = 23 630) among 797 193 European individuals. A metabolic score comprising mid-blood pressure, plasma glucose, and triglycerides was used to define metabolically healthy and unhealthy status. Hazard ratios (HRs) and multiplicative interactions were assessed using Cox regression, and additive interactions were assessed using the relative excess risk for interaction. All statistical tests were 2-sided.RESULTS: Metabolically unhealthy obesity, with a baseline prevalence of 7%, was, compared with metabolically healthy normal weight, associated with an increased relative risk of any obesity-related cancer and of colon, rectal, pancreas, endometrial, liver, gallbladder, and renal cell cancer (P < .05), with the highest risk estimates for endometrial, liver, and renal cell cancer (HR = 2.55-3.00). Metabolically healthy obesity showed a higher relative risk for any obesity-related cancer and colon (in men), endometrial, renal cell, liver, and gallbladder cancer, though the risk relationships were weaker. There were no multiplicative interactions, but there were additive, positive interactions between body mass index and metabolic health status on obesity-related and rectal cancer among men and on endometrial cancer (P < .05).CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights that the type of metabolic obesity phenotype is important when assessing obesity-related cancer risk. In general, metabolic aberrations further increased the obesity-induced cancer risk, suggesting that obesity and metabolic aberrations are useful targets for prevention. <<<
Spring (2023-01-31 23:02):
#paper An epithelial cell-derived metabolite tunes immunoglobulin A secretion by gut-resident plasma cells 01-19, doi: 10.1038/s41590-022-01413-w Nature子刊:膳食胆固醇如何影响肠道驻留浆细胞介导的体液免疫 Nature Immunology[IF:31.25] ① 十二指肠的肠上皮细胞(IEC)依赖代谢酶CH25H将胆固醇代谢为氧化甾醇7α,25-OHC;② Myd88依赖的模式识别受体检测肠道菌群以及NPC1L1介导的膳食胆固醇吸收是IEC产生7α,25-OHC的必要条件;③ 7α,25-OHC可被十二指肠固有层驻留的浆细胞(PC)通过趋化受体GPR183感知,促进其迁移到小肠绒毛中心靠近淋巴管的周围,并抑制抗原特异性的IgA分泌;④ 抑制肠道胆固醇吸收或抑制GPR183信号可使PC分泌更多的IgA,增强肠道对沙门氏菌的免疫反应。
IF:27.700Q1 Nature immunology, 2023-03. DOI: 10.1038/s41590-022-01413-w PMID: 36658240
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) secretion by plasma cells, terminally differentiated B cells residing in the intestinal lamina propria, assures microbiome homeostasis and protects the host against enteric infections. Exposure to diet-derived … >>>
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) secretion by plasma cells, terminally differentiated B cells residing in the intestinal lamina propria, assures microbiome homeostasis and protects the host against enteric infections. Exposure to diet-derived and commensal-derived signals provides immune cells with organizing cues that instruct their effector function and dynamically shape intestinal immune responses at the mucosal barrier. Recent data have described metabolic and microbial inputs controlling T cell and innate lymphoid cell activation in the gut; however, whether IgA-secreting lamina propria plasma cells are tuned by local stimuli is completely unknown. Although antibody secretion is considered to be imprinted during B cell differentiation and therefore largely unaffected by environmental changes, a rapid modulation of IgA levels in response to intestinal fluctuations might be beneficial to the host. In the present study, we showed that dietary cholesterol absorption and commensal recognition by duodenal intestinal epithelial cells lead to the production of oxysterols, evolutionarily conserved lipids with immunomodulatory functions. Using conditional cholesterol 25-hydroxylase deleter mouse line we demonstrated that 7α,25-dihydroxycholesterol from epithelial cells is critical to restrain IgA secretion against commensal- and pathogen-derived antigens in the gut. Intestinal plasma cells sense oxysterols via the chemoattractant receptor GPR183 and couple their tissue positioning with IgA secretion. Our findings revealed a new mechanism linking dietary cholesterol and humoral immune responses centered around plasma cell localization for efficient mucosal protection. <<<
Spring (2022-09-28 11:59):
#paper doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(22)00185-9 The early-life gut microbiome and vaccine efficacy 09-08,  Lancet子刊:生命早期肠道菌群与疫苗效力(综述) ① 许多疫苗的效力在不同地区的婴儿间存在很大差异,这与肠道菌群组成差异有关;② 肠道菌群和免疫系统间的互作,以及遗传和环境的影响,可以解释个体间对疫苗免疫反应的差异;③ 双歧杆菌、拟杆菌及其代谢产物具有免疫调节特性,可影响早期免疫接种结果;④ 短链脂肪酸,胞外多糖和细菌细胞外囊泡等微生物产物可以调节宿主的免疫应答;⑤ 对健康婴儿肠菌中的关键菌株及其副产物的进一步了解和定性,可能催生新一代疫苗增强疗法。
Vaccines are one of the greatest successes of public health, preventing millions of cases of disease and death in children each year. However, the efficacy of many vaccines can vary … >>>
Vaccines are one of the greatest successes of public health, preventing millions of cases of disease and death in children each year. However, the efficacy of many vaccines can vary greatly between infants from geographically and socioeconomically distinct locations. Differences in the composition of the intestinal microbiome have emerged as one of the main factors that can account for variations in immunisation outcomes. In this Review, we assess the influence of the gut microbiota upon early life immunity, focusing on two important members of the microbiota with health-promoting and immunomodulatory properties: Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides. Additionally, we discuss their immune stimulatory microbial properties, interactions with the host, and their effect on vaccine responses and efficacy in infants. We also provide an overview of current microbiota-based approaches to enhance vaccine outcomes, and describe novel microbe-derived components that could lead to safer, more effective vaccines and vaccine adjuvants. <<<
Spring (2022-08-31 23:17):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41590-022-01284-1 Inflammation triggers ILC3 patrolling of the intestinal barrier ① 通过活体成像,观察到小鼠肠道绒毛处的ILC3大多处于几乎不移动的稳定状态;② 利用细菌鞭毛蛋白诱导炎症发生,可增加ILC3的IL-22表达,并增强ILC3的移动能力,ILC3在肠道中的迁移模式也发生显著改变;③ T细胞可抑制ILC3的肠道巡逻行为,而CCR9-CCL25趋化因子信号可增强炎症诱导的ILC3迁移;④ 阻断CCL25介导的ILC3迁移可促进肠道上皮细胞的死亡,从而破坏肠道屏障,ILC3产生的IL-22可抑制肠道上皮细胞的死亡。
IF:27.700Q1 Nature immunology, 2022-09. DOI: 10.1038/s41590-022-01284-1 PMID: 35999393
An orchestrated cellular network, including adaptive lymphocytes and group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s), maintains intestinal barrier integrity and homeostasis. T cells can monitor environmental insults through constitutive circulation, scanning … >>>
An orchestrated cellular network, including adaptive lymphocytes and group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s), maintains intestinal barrier integrity and homeostasis. T cells can monitor environmental insults through constitutive circulation, scanning tissues and forming immunological contacts, a process named immunosurveillance. In contrast, the dynamics of intestinal ILC3s are unknown. Using intravital imaging, we observed that villus ILC3s were largely immotile at steady state but acquired migratory 'patrolling' attributes and enhanced cytokine expression in response to inflammation. We showed that T cells, the chemokine CCL25 and bacterial ligands regulated intestinal ILC3 behavior and that loss of patrolling behavior by interleukin-22 (IL-22)-producing ILC3s altered the intestinal barrier through increased epithelial cell death. Collectively, we identified notable differences between the behavior of ILC3s and T cells, with a prominent adaptation of intestinal ILC3s toward mucosal immunosurveillance after inflammation. <<<
Spring (2022-07-31 22:52):
#paper Gut Microbially Produced Indole-3-Propionic Acid Inhibits Atherosclerosis by Promoting Reverse Cholesterol Transport and Its Deficiency Is Causally Related to Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease 07-27, doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.122.321253 ① 肠道菌群和代谢组整合分析表明,冠心病(CAD)患者中吲哚-3-丙酸(IPA,色氨酸的菌群代谢物)明显降低;② 在另一队列中,血液IPA水平与动脉粥样硬化心血管病风险和严重程度负相关;③ 结合细胞实验和补充/耗竭IPA的小鼠实验表明,IPA作用于巨噬细胞,通过抑制miR-142-5p来诱导ABCA1表达,从而促进胆固醇从巨噬细胞流出,对动脉粥样硬化有保护作用;④ CAD患者中,巨噬细胞的miR-142-5p/ABCA1/胆固醇逆转运轴失调,且与血液IPA降低相关。
IF:16.500Q1 Circulation research, 2022-08-19. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.122.321253 PMID: 35893593
BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence has shown that disorders in the gut microbiota and derived metabolites affect the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). However, which and how specific gut microbial metabolites … >>>
BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence has shown that disorders in the gut microbiota and derived metabolites affect the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). However, which and how specific gut microbial metabolites contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis and the clinical relevance of their alterations remain unclear.METHODS: We performed integrated microbiome-metabolome analysis of 30 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and 30 age- and sex-matched healthy controls to identify CAD-associated microbial metabolites, which were then assessed in an independent population of patients with ASCVD and controls (n=256). We further investigate the effect of CAD-associated microbial metabolites on atherosclerosis and the mechanisms of the action.RESULTS: Indole-3-propionic acid (IPA), a solely microbially derived tryptophan metabolite, was the most downregulated metabolite in patients with CAD. Circulating IPA was then shown in an independent population to be associated with risk of prevalent ASCVD and correlated with the ASCVD severity. Dietary IPA supplementation alleviates atherosclerotic plaque development in ApoE-/- mice. In murine- and human-derived macrophages, administration of IPA promoted cholesterol efflux from macrophages to ApoA-I through an undescribed miR-142-5p/ABCA1 (ATP-binding cassette transporter A1) signaling pathway. Further in vivo studies demonstrated that IPA facilitates macrophage reverse cholesterol transport, correlating with the regulation of miR-142-5p/ABCA1 pathway, whereas reduced IPA production contributed to the aberrant overexpression of miR-142-5p in macrophages and accelerated the progression of atherosclerosis. Moreover, the miR-142-5p/ABCA1/reverse cholesterol transport axis in macrophages were dysregulated in patients with CAD, and correlated with the changes in circulating IPA levels.CONCLUSIONS: Our study identify a previously unknown link between specific gut microbiota-derived tryptophan metabolite and ASCVD. The microbial metabolite IPA/miR-142-5p/ABCA1 pathway may represent a promising therapeutic target for ASCVD. <<<