Spring (2023-07-31 19:40):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.06.009 Circulating T cell profiles associate with enterotype signatures underlying hematological malignancy relapses ① 纳入55名接受阿奇霉素(27名)或安慰剂(28名)治疗的患者,收集粪便样本,分析肠道菌群、病毒组和代谢组的时间特征;② 描述四种肠道类型以及相关的细菌噬菌体种群和代谢途径网络;③ 其中一种肠型与持续缓解相关,拟杆菌属的一种分类单元与复发相关,拟杆菌属和普雷沃氏菌属的两种分类单元与完全缓解相关;④ 分类单元与脂质、戊糖和支链氨基酸代谢途径和几种噬菌体种群相关;⑤ 肠型和分类单元与耗竭T细胞和循环免疫细胞的功能状态相关。
IF:20.600Q1 Cell host & microbe, 2023-08-09. DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.06.009 PMID: 37463582
Circulating T cell profiles associate with enterotype signatures underlying hematological malignancy relapses
Early administration of azithromycin after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was shown to increase the relapse of hematological malignancies. To determine the impact of azithromycin on the post-transplant gut ecosystem and its influence on relapse, we characterized overtime gut bacteriome, virome, and metabolome of 55 patients treated with azithromycin or a placebo. We describe four enterotypes and the network of associated bacteriophage species and metabolic pathways. One enterotype associates with sustained remission. One taxon from Bacteroides specifically associates with relapse, while two from Bacteroides and Prevotella correlate with complete remission. These taxa are associated with lipid, pentose, and branched-chain amino acid metabolic pathways and several bacteriophage species. Enterotypes and taxa associate with exhausted T cells and the functional status of circulating immune cells. These results illustrate how an antibiotic influences a complex network of gut bacteria, viruses, and metabolites and may promote cancer relapse through modifications of immune cells.