来自杂志 The Lancet. Microbe 的文献。
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Spring (2022-09-28 11:59):
#paper doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(22)00185-9 The early-life gut microbiome and vaccine efficacy 09-08,  Lancet子刊:生命早期肠道菌群与疫苗效力(综述) ① 许多疫苗的效力在不同地区的婴儿间存在很大差异,这与肠道菌群组成差异有关;② 肠道菌群和免疫系统间的互作,以及遗传和环境的影响,可以解释个体间对疫苗免疫反应的差异;③ 双歧杆菌、拟杆菌及其代谢产物具有免疫调节特性,可影响早期免疫接种结果;④ 短链脂肪酸,胞外多糖和细菌细胞外囊泡等微生物产物可以调节宿主的免疫应答;⑤ 对健康婴儿肠菌中的关键菌株及其副产物的进一步了解和定性,可能催生新一代疫苗增强疗法。
Vaccines are one of the greatest successes of public health, preventing millions of cases of disease and death in children each year. However, the efficacy of many vaccines can vary … >>>
Vaccines are one of the greatest successes of public health, preventing millions of cases of disease and death in children each year. However, the efficacy of many vaccines can vary greatly between infants from geographically and socioeconomically distinct locations. Differences in the composition of the intestinal microbiome have emerged as one of the main factors that can account for variations in immunisation outcomes. In this Review, we assess the influence of the gut microbiota upon early life immunity, focusing on two important members of the microbiota with health-promoting and immunomodulatory properties: Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides. Additionally, we discuss their immune stimulatory microbial properties, interactions with the host, and their effect on vaccine responses and efficacy in infants. We also provide an overview of current microbiota-based approaches to enhance vaccine outcomes, and describe novel microbe-derived components that could lead to safer, more effective vaccines and vaccine adjuvants. <<<