张贝 (2023-01-31 22:54):
#paper Limitations and opportunities of technologies for the analysis of cell-free DNA in cancer diagnostics,Nat Biomed Eng. 2022 Mar;6(3):232-245.doi:10.1038/s41551-021-00837-3. 本文是2022年发表在Nature Biomedical Engineering上的一篇关于cfDNA的综述,血浆中的游离DNA(cfDNA)来源于细胞裂解后(包括主动裂解和被动裂解)释放的DNA,经核酸酶裂解成长度约为160bp的片段,半衰期约为5~150分钟,这种“全局快照”能力使cfDNA成为许多疾病的理想生物标志物。本文讨论了现阶段肿瘤cfDNA检测领域面临的机遇与挑战,从cfDNA检测在癌症管理中的角色、分析前的限制因素、cfDNA的低重分析方法、cfDNA的NGS分析方法、唯一分子标签技术、等位基因富集技术、cfDNA的非突变标志物和肿瘤早筛对精度的要求这8个方面分别进行介绍。
Limitations and opportunities of technologies for the analysis of cell-free DNA in cancer diagnostics
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the circulating blood plasma of patients with cancer contains tumour-derived DNA sequences that can serve as biomarkers for guiding therapy, for the monitoring of drug resistance, and for the early detection of cancers. However, the analysis of cfDNA for clinical diagnostic applications remains challenging because of the low concentrations of cfDNA, and because cfDNA is fragmented into short lengths and is susceptible to chemical damage. Barcodes of unique molecular identifiers have been implemented to overcome the intrinsic errors of next-generation sequencing, which is the prevailing method for highly multiplexed cfDNA analysis. However, a number of methodological and pre-analytical factors limit the clinical sensitivity of the cfDNA-based detection of cancers from liquid biopsies. In this Review, we describe the state-of-the-art technologies for cfDNA analysis, with emphasis on multiplexing strategies, and discuss outstanding biological and technical challenges that, if addressed, would substantially improve cancer diagnostics and patient care.