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颜林林 (2022-09-21 07:48):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24458 Human Mutation, 2022, A survey of current methods to detect and genotype inversions. 倒位(inversion)是基因组上一类特殊的变异,越来越多的技术方法可以对其进行发现和鉴定,也因此发现该事件广泛存在于不同物种的基因组中。这篇综述从技术角度,分别介绍了PCR、NGS序列比对、单倍体型识别、模板链测序(template‐strand sequencing,Strand‐seq)、光学图谱(optical mapping,Bionano)及基因组组装这六类方法对倒位的鉴定,以及相应方法所取得的研究进展。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-11. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24458 PMID: 36047337
Polymorphic inversions are ubiquitous in humans and they have been linked to both adaptation and disease. Following their discovery in Drosophila more than a century ago, inversions have proved to … >>>
Polymorphic inversions are ubiquitous in humans and they have been linked to both adaptation and disease. Following their discovery in Drosophila more than a century ago, inversions have proved to be more elusive than other structural variants. A wide variety of methods for the detection and genotyping of inversions have recently been developed: multiple techniques based on selective amplification by PCR, short- and long-read sequencing approaches, principal component analysis of small variant haplotypes, template strand sequencing, optical mapping, and various genome assembly methods. Many methods apply complex wet lab protocols or increasingly refined bioinformatic analyses. This review is an attempt to provide a practical summary and comparison of the methods that are in current use, with a focus on metrics such as the maximum size of segmental duplications at inversion breakpoints that each method can tolerate, the size range of inversions that they recover, their throughput, and whether the locations of putative inversions must be known beforehand. <<<
颜林林 (2022-09-20 06:54):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24465 Human Mutations, 2022, Long-read sequencing for molecular diagnostics in constitutional genetic disorders. 这是一篇关于使用三代长读长测序进行遗传病基因检测的综述,来自费城儿童医院。文章列举了其医院提供的耳聋基因检测的例子,来说明在实践中整合使用多种不同检测技术,实现检测上百个基因不同类型疾病相关突变的需求。此外,也通过实例,系统地分析了诸如重复片段、假基因、同一基因发生多个距离较远突变(需要进行phasing,即定相)等可能造成检测结果误判的问题,以及长读长测序技术如何解决相应问题。三代测序用于遗传基因检测,目前最大瓶颈在于所积累的证据和人群数据,但这正好是时间可以逐步积累并解决的。从这篇文章展示的这些几乎只能使用长读长相关技术才能解决的问题案例,可以预期不久的未来将迎来一批相应的长读长测序基因检测方法的落地应用。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-11. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24465 PMID: 36086952
Long-read sequencing (LRS) has been around for more than a decade, but widespread adoption of the technology has been slow due to the perceived high error rates and high sequencing … >>>
Long-read sequencing (LRS) has been around for more than a decade, but widespread adoption of the technology has been slow due to the perceived high error rates and high sequencing cost. This is changing due to the recent advancements to produce highly accurate sequences and the reducing costs. LRS promises significant improvement over short read sequencing in four major areas: (1) better detection of structural variation (2) better resolution of highly repetitive or nonunique regions (3) accurate long-range haplotype phasing and (4) the detection of base modifications natively from the sequencing data. Several successful applications of LRS have demonstrated its ability to resolve molecular diagnoses where short-read sequencing fails to identify a cause. However, the argument for increased diagnostic yield from LRS remains to be validated. Larger cohort studies may be required to establish the realistic boundaries of LRS's clinical utility and analytical validity, as well as the development of standards for clinical applications. We discuss the limitations of the current standard of care, and contrast with the applications and advantages of two major LRS platforms, PacBio and Oxford Nanopore, for molecular diagnostics of constitutional disorders, and present a critical argument about the potential of LRS in diagnostic settings. <<<
颜林林 (2022-09-15 22:35):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24455 Human Mutation, 2022, de novo variant calling identifies cancer mutation signatures in the 1000 Genomes Project. 本文开发了一种能利用GPU加速、基于trio(一家三口,父母两人及一个子女)全基因组测序数据、检测新发突变(de novo variant)的工具。并使用该工具重新分析了三个大规模trio人群数据,三个人群分别是Simons Simplex Collection(SSC)、Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research(SPARK)和千人基因组(1000 Genomes Project,1000G),其样本类型分别为外周血、唾液和细胞系。结果发现细胞系的新发突变数量和特征,明显不符合预期。通过对1000G中的这些新发突变的特征分析,发现它们与B细胞淋巴瘤相似,从而推断其大多应为细胞系制备过程(即EBV处理)中引入的artifacts。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-12. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24455 PMID: 36054329
Detection of de novo variants (DNVs) is critical for studies of disease-related variation and mutation rates. To accelerate DNV calling, we developed a graphics processing units-based workflow. We applied our … >>>
Detection of de novo variants (DNVs) is critical for studies of disease-related variation and mutation rates. To accelerate DNV calling, we developed a graphics processing units-based workflow. We applied our workflow to whole-genome sequencing data from three parent-child sequenced cohorts including the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC), Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research (SPARK), and the 1000 Genomes Project (1000G) that were sequenced using DNA from blood, saliva, and lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), respectively. The SSC and SPARK DNV callsets were within expectations for number of DNVs, percent at CpG sites, phasing to the paternal chromosome of origin, and average allele balance. However, the 1000G DNV callset was not within expectations and contained excessive DNVs that are likely cell line artifacts. Mutation signature analysis revealed 30% of 1000G DNV signatures matched B-cell lymphoma. Furthermore, we found variants in DNA repair genes and at Clinvar pathogenic or likely-pathogenic sites and significant excess of protein-coding DNVs in IGLL5; a gene known to be involved in B-cell lymphomas. Our study provides a new rapid DNV caller for the field and elucidates important implications of using sequencing data from LCLs for reference building and disease-related projects. <<<
颜林林 (2022-09-14 05:52):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24460 Human Mutation, 2022, CIC missense variants contribute to susceptibility for spina bifida. 既往研究发现,叶酸摄入对于神经系统发育具有重要作用,其缺乏可能导致神经管缺陷(Neural tube defects,NTDs)这样的严重先天畸形。本文应该是从另一项研究出发,由入组的140例散发脊柱裂(spina bifida)病例,进行的全基因组测序结果中,发现8例CIC基因的罕见错义突变。通过近缘物种间序列保守性,确认了这些突变可能存在重要作用。在细胞系中通过质粒转染和叶酸缺乏培养等实验,引入野生型或携带上述突变的CIC基因的质粒,通过免疫荧光观察突变对表达量和亚细胞定位的影响。此外,还使用Western、qPCR等方法,对CIC所调控的基因的表达进行测定,确认了所发现的CIC突变,确实会对相关通路造成影响。这是一篇用湿实验方法对所发现基因突变功能进行验证的典型研究。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-12. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24460 PMID: 36054333
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are congenital malformations resulting from abnormal embryonic development of the brain, spine, or spinal column. The genetic etiology of human NTDs remains poorly understood despite intensive … >>>
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are congenital malformations resulting from abnormal embryonic development of the brain, spine, or spinal column. The genetic etiology of human NTDs remains poorly understood despite intensive investigation. CIC, homolog of the Capicua transcription repressor, has been reported to interact with ataxin-1 (ATXN1) and participate in the pathogenesis of spinocerebellar ataxia type 1. Our previous study demonstrated that CIC loss of function (LoF) variants contributed to the cerebral folate deficiency syndrome by downregulating folate receptor 1 (FOLR1) expression. Given the importance of folate transport in neural tube formation, we hypothesized that CIC variants could contribute to increased risk for NTDs by depressing embryonic folate concentrations. In this study, we examined CIC variants from whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data of 140 isolated spina bifida cases and identified eight missense variants of CIC gene. We tested the pathogenicity of the observed variants through multiple in vitro experiments. We determined that CIC variants decreased the FOLR1 protein level and planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway signaling in a human cell line (HeLa). In a murine cell line (NIH3T3), CIC loss of function variants downregulated PCP signaling. Taken together, this study provides evidence supporting CIC as a risk gene for human NTD. <<<
颜林林 (2022-07-19 00:21):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24440 Human Mutation, 2022, Multi-omics analysis reveals multiple mechanisms causing Prader-Willi like syndrome in a family with a X;15 translocation. 这篇文章报道了一个患有PWS(Prader-Willi syndrome)遗传病的家庭,以及对其致病基因进行发现和确认的过程。PWS是一种神经发育疾病,且属于教科书级别的遗传病,因为它由一个遗传印记基因区域的变异所导致。所谓遗传印记,即该等位基因会记住其来源是父方或母方,并只在其中一方来源的染色体上的该基因才会表达。PWS就是与15q11.2区域相关,通常是该区域基因的父源拷贝缺失导致疾病。这篇文章报道的家庭,两位女儿都表现出该疾病相关症状(肥胖、智力障碍等),其母亲是携带者(存在一个15号染色体与X染色体的易位突变,translocation)。在本文中,分别使用了核型分析(karyotype)、FISH(染色体原位荧光杂交)、甲基化敏感的MLPA、短序列WGS、10x linked read WGS、转录组测序、ddPCR等方法,各方法都对应解决了在该遗传调查过程中要解决的某个环节的问题,最终确认了该致病基因,以及解释和推论出两个女儿患者的不同发病机制:一个是在15号染色体该区域表现为单亲二体(Uniparental disomy,UPD),另一个则是在印记基因上丧失了印记特性,即两条染色体上都能同时表达该SNRPN基因。对于遗传病研究人员或者从事遗传咨询工作的人员,这篇文章的整个研究过程,涉及的技术众多,逻辑条理清晰,非常具有学习价值。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-11. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24440 PMID: 35842787
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS; MIM# 176270) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by the loss of expression of paternally imprinted genes within the PWS region located on 15q11.2. It is usually caused … >>>
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS; MIM# 176270) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by the loss of expression of paternally imprinted genes within the PWS region located on 15q11.2. It is usually caused by either maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 15 (UPD15) or 15q11.2 recurrent deletion(s). Here, we report a healthy carrier of a balanced X;15 translocation and her two daughters, both with the karyotype 45,X,der(X)t(X;15)(p22;q11.2),-15. Both daughters display symptoms consistent with haploinsufficiency of the SHOX gene and PWS. We explored the architecture of the derivative chromosomes and investigated effects on gene expression in patient-derived neural cells. First, a multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification methylation assay was used to determine the methylation status of the PWS-region revealing maternal UPD15 in daughter 2, explaining her clinical symptoms. Next, short read whole genome sequencing and 10X genomics linked read sequencing was used to pinpoint the exact breakpoints of the translocation. Finally, we performed transcriptome sequencing on neuroepithelial stem cells from the mother and from daughter 1 and observed biallelic expression of genes in the PWS region (including SNRPN) in daughter 1. In summary, our multi-omics analysis highlights two different PWS mechanisms in one family and provide an example of how structural variation can affect imprinting through long-range interactions. <<<
颜林林 (2022-06-29 22:30):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24424 Human Mutation, 2022, Screening of potential novel candidate genes in schwannomatosis patients. 这篇论文研究的是神经鞘瘤病(Schwannomatosis),是一种由周围神经的神经鞘所形成的肿瘤,该疾病与遗传有很大关系,通常会筛查NF2、SMARCB1和LZTR1这三个基因的胚系突变。然而,仍有相当大比例的患者并不携带这三个基因的突变,提示存在其他致病基因,本文则为寻找这样的基因。研究纳入了来自75个家庭的散发患者,这些患者均经筛查未携带上述三个基因的致病突变,于是采用NGS、MLPA、PCR+Sanger等方法,扩展筛查范围,找到DGCR8、COQ6、CDKN2A和CDKN2B等基因携带致病突变,结合既往文献研究,推断它们与该疾病发生相关,为后续研究该疾病的发病机制提供了证据提示。本文的研究逻辑和方法,也是拓展遗传病致病基因的常规研究套路。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-10. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24424 PMID: 35723634
Schwannomatosis comprises a group of hereditary tumor predisposition syndromes characterized by, usually benign, multiple nerve sheath tumors, which frequently cause severe pain that does not typically respond to drug treatments. … >>>
Schwannomatosis comprises a group of hereditary tumor predisposition syndromes characterized by, usually benign, multiple nerve sheath tumors, which frequently cause severe pain that does not typically respond to drug treatments. The most common schwannomatosis-associated gene is NF2, but SMARCB1 and LZTR1 are also associated. There are still many cases in which no pathogenic variants (PVs) have been identified, suggesting the existence of as yet unidentified genetic risk factors. In this study, we performed extended genetic screening of 75 unrelated schwannomatosis patients without identified germline PVs in NF2, LZTR1, or SMARCB1. Screening of the coding region of DGCR8, COQ6, CDKN2A, and CDKN2B was carried out, based on previous reports that point to these genes as potential candidate genes for schwannomatosis. Deletions or duplications in CDKN2A, CDKN2B, and adjacent chromosome 9 region were assessed by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification analysis. Sequencing analysis of a patient with multiple schwannomas and melanomas identified a novel duplication in the coding region of CDKN2A, disrupting both p14ARF and p16INK4a. Our results suggest that none of these genes are major contributors to schwannomatosis risk but the possibility remains that they may have a role in more complex mechanisms for tumor predisposition. <<<
颜林林 (2022-06-14 00:32):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24378 Human Mutation, 2022, Short amplicon reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction detects aberrant splicing in genes with low expression in blood missed by ribonucleic acid sequencing analysis for clinical diagnosis. 这篇文章的标题很守规矩,把一大堆缩写都展开写全了,害我仔细辨认了半天:“reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction” 其实是 rt-PCR,“ribonucleic acid sequencing” 其实是 RNA-seq。原来这是个说明“在某些情况下,rt-PCR相比RNA-seq更好”的故事。文章从另一个研究(Splicing and Disease Research Study)中选出了13个实际临床病例,它们在一些血液中通常低表达的基因上,已知存在诸如“外显子跳跃”这样的剪切相关突变,将这些病例的外周血样本,提取RNA后,分别进行RNA-seq和rt-PCR,确认了短片段rt-PCR的确能够有效且更灵敏地检出这些突变,而在RNA-seq中因为表达量太低而难以检出。从而验证了短片段rt-PCR方法可用于此类低表达基因的剪切相关突变的检测。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-07. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24378 PMID: 35476365
Use of blood RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) as a splicing analysis tool for clinical interpretation of variants of uncertain significance (VUSs) found via whole-genome and exome sequencing can be difficult for … >>>
Use of blood RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) as a splicing analysis tool for clinical interpretation of variants of uncertain significance (VUSs) found via whole-genome and exome sequencing can be difficult for genes that have low expression in the blood due to insufficient read count coverage aligned to specific genes of interest. Here, we present a short amplicon reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) for the detection of genes with low blood expression. Short amplicon RT-PCR, is designed to span three exons where an exon harboring a variant is flanked by one upstream and one downstream exon. We tested short amplicon RT-PCRs for genes that have median transcripts per million (TPM) values less than one according to the genotype-tissue expression database. Median TPM values of genes analyzed in this study are SYN1 = 0.8549, COL1A1 = 0.6275, TCF4 = 0.4009, DSP = .2894, TTN = 0.2851, COL5A2 = 0.1036, TERT = 0.04452, NTRK2 = 0.0344, ABCA4 = 0.00744, PRPH = 0, and WT1 = 0. All these genes show insufficient exon-spanning read coverage in our RNA-seq data to allow splicing analysis. We successfully detected all genes tested except PRPH and WT1. Aberrant splicing was detected in SYN1, TCF4, NTRK2, TTN, and TERT VUSs. Therefore, our results show short amplicon RT-PCR is a useful alternative for the analysis of splicing events in genes with low TPM in blood RNA for clinical diagnostics. <<<