(2022-09-14 05:52):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24460 Human Mutation, 2022, CIC missense variants contribute to susceptibility for spina bifida. 既往研究发现,叶酸摄入对于神经系统发育具有重要作用,其缺乏可能导致神经管缺陷(Neural tube defects,NTDs)这样的严重先天畸形。本文应该是从另一项研究出发,由入组的140例散发脊柱裂(spina bifida)病例,进行的全基因组测序结果中,发现8例CIC基因的罕见错义突变。通过近缘物种间序列保守性,确认了这些突变可能存在重要作用。在细胞系中通过质粒转染和叶酸缺乏培养等实验,引入野生型或携带上述突变的CIC基因的质粒,通过免疫荧光观察突变对表达量和亚细胞定位的影响。此外,还使用Western、qPCR等方法,对CIC所调控的基因的表达进行测定,确认了所发现的CIC突变,确实会对相关通路造成影响。这是一篇用湿实验方法对所发现基因突变功能进行验证的典型研究。
CIC missense variants contribute to susceptibility for spina bifida
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are congenital malformations resulting from abnormal embryonic development of the brain, spine, or spinal column. The genetic etiology of human NTDs remains poorly understood despite intensive investigation. CIC, homolog of the Capicua transcription repressor, has been reported to interact with ataxin-1 (ATXN1) and participate in the pathogenesis of spinocerebellar ataxia type 1. Our previous study demonstrated that CIC loss of function (LoF) variants contributed to the cerebral folate deficiency syndrome by downregulating folate receptor 1 (FOLR1) expression. Given the importance of folate transport in neural tube formation, we hypothesized that CIC variants could contribute to increased risk for NTDs by depressing embryonic folate concentrations. In this study, we examined CIC variants from whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data of 140 isolated spina bifida cases and identified eight missense variants of CIC gene. We tested the pathogenicity of the observed variants through multiple in vitro experiments. We determined that CIC variants decreased the FOLR1 protein level and planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway signaling in a human cell line (HeLa). In a murine cell line (NIH3T3), CIC loss of function variants downregulated PCP signaling. Taken together, this study provides evidence supporting CIC as a risk gene for human NTD.