颜林林 (2022-06-14 00:32):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24378 Human Mutation, 2022, Short amplicon reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction detects aberrant splicing in genes with low expression in blood missed by ribonucleic acid sequencing analysis for clinical diagnosis. 这篇文章的标题很守规矩,把一大堆缩写都展开写全了,害我仔细辨认了半天:“reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction” 其实是 rt-PCR,“ribonucleic acid sequencing” 其实是 RNA-seq。原来这是个说明“在某些情况下,rt-PCR相比RNA-seq更好”的故事。文章从另一个研究(Splicing and Disease Research Study)中选出了13个实际临床病例,它们在一些血液中通常低表达的基因上,已知存在诸如“外显子跳跃”这样的剪切相关突变,将这些病例的外周血样本,提取RNA后,分别进行RNA-seq和rt-PCR,确认了短片段rt-PCR的确能够有效且更灵敏地检出这些突变,而在RNA-seq中因为表达量太低而难以检出。从而验证了短片段rt-PCR方法可用于此类低表达基因的剪切相关突变的检测。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-07. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24378 PMID: 35476365
Short amplicon reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction detects aberrant splicing in genes with low expression in blood missed by ribonucleic acid sequencing analysis for clinical diagnosis
Use of blood RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) as a splicing analysis tool for clinical interpretation of variants of uncertain significance (VUSs) found via whole-genome and exome sequencing can be difficult for genes that have low expression in the blood due to insufficient read count coverage aligned to specific genes of interest. Here, we present a short amplicon reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) for the detection of genes with low blood expression. Short amplicon RT-PCR, is designed to span three exons where an exon harboring a variant is flanked by one upstream and one downstream exon. We tested short amplicon RT-PCRs for genes that have median transcripts per million (TPM) values less than one according to the genotype-tissue expression database. Median TPM values of genes analyzed in this study are SYN1 = 0.8549, COL1A1 = 0.6275, TCF4 = 0.4009, DSP = .2894, TTN = 0.2851, COL5A2 = 0.1036, TERT = 0.04452, NTRK2 = 0.0344, ABCA4 = 0.00744, PRPH = 0, and WT1 = 0. All these genes show insufficient exon-spanning read coverage in our RNA-seq data to allow splicing analysis. We successfully detected all genes tested except PRPH and WT1. Aberrant splicing was detected in SYN1, TCF4, NTRK2, TTN, and TERT VUSs. Therefore, our results show short amplicon RT-PCR is a useful alternative for the analysis of splicing events in genes with low TPM in blood RNA for clinical diagnostics.