颜林林 (2022-09-20 06:54):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24465 Human Mutations, 2022, Long-read sequencing for molecular diagnostics in constitutional genetic disorders. 这是一篇关于使用三代长读长测序进行遗传病基因检测的综述,来自费城儿童医院。文章列举了其医院提供的耳聋基因检测的例子,来说明在实践中整合使用多种不同检测技术,实现检测上百个基因不同类型疾病相关突变的需求。此外,也通过实例,系统地分析了诸如重复片段、假基因、同一基因发生多个距离较远突变(需要进行phasing,即定相)等可能造成检测结果误判的问题,以及长读长测序技术如何解决相应问题。三代测序用于遗传基因检测,目前最大瓶颈在于所积累的证据和人群数据,但这正好是时间可以逐步积累并解决的。从这篇文章展示的这些几乎只能使用长读长相关技术才能解决的问题案例,可以预期不久的未来将迎来一批相应的长读长测序基因检测方法的落地应用。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-11. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24465 PMID: 36086952
Long-read sequencing for molecular diagnostics in constitutional genetic disorders
Long-read sequencing (LRS) has been around for more than a decade, but widespread adoption of the technology has been slow due to the perceived high error rates and high sequencing cost. This is changing due to the recent advancements to produce highly accurate sequences and the reducing costs. LRS promises significant improvement over short read sequencing in four major areas: (1) better detection of structural variation (2) better resolution of highly repetitive or nonunique regions (3) accurate long-range haplotype phasing and (4) the detection of base modifications natively from the sequencing data. Several successful applications of LRS have demonstrated its ability to resolve molecular diagnoses where short-read sequencing fails to identify a cause. However, the argument for increased diagnostic yield from LRS remains to be validated. Larger cohort studies may be required to establish the realistic boundaries of LRS's clinical utility and analytical validity, as well as the development of standards for clinical applications. We discuss the limitations of the current standard of care, and contrast with the applications and advantages of two major LRS platforms, PacBio and Oxford Nanopore, for molecular diagnostics of constitutional disorders, and present a critical argument about the potential of LRS in diagnostic settings.