颜林林 (2022-07-19 00:21):
#paper doi:10.1002/humu.24440 Human Mutation, 2022, Multi-omics analysis reveals multiple mechanisms causing Prader-Willi like syndrome in a family with a X;15 translocation. 这篇文章报道了一个患有PWS(Prader-Willi syndrome)遗传病的家庭,以及对其致病基因进行发现和确认的过程。PWS是一种神经发育疾病,且属于教科书级别的遗传病,因为它由一个遗传印记基因区域的变异所导致。所谓遗传印记,即该等位基因会记住其来源是父方或母方,并只在其中一方来源的染色体上的该基因才会表达。PWS就是与15q11.2区域相关,通常是该区域基因的父源拷贝缺失导致疾病。这篇文章报道的家庭,两位女儿都表现出该疾病相关症状(肥胖、智力障碍等),其母亲是携带者(存在一个15号染色体与X染色体的易位突变,translocation)。在本文中,分别使用了核型分析(karyotype)、FISH(染色体原位荧光杂交)、甲基化敏感的MLPA、短序列WGS、10x linked read WGS、转录组测序、ddPCR等方法,各方法都对应解决了在该遗传调查过程中要解决的某个环节的问题,最终确认了该致病基因,以及解释和推论出两个女儿患者的不同发病机制:一个是在15号染色体该区域表现为单亲二体(Uniparental disomy,UPD),另一个则是在印记基因上丧失了印记特性,即两条染色体上都能同时表达该SNRPN基因。对于遗传病研究人员或者从事遗传咨询工作的人员,这篇文章的整个研究过程,涉及的技术众多,逻辑条理清晰,非常具有学习价值。
IF:3.300Q2 Human mutation, 2022-11. DOI: 10.1002/humu.24440 PMID: 35842787
Multi-omics analysis reveals multiple mechanisms causing Prader-Willi like syndrome in a family with a X;15 translocation
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS; MIM# 176270) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by the loss of expression of paternally imprinted genes within the PWS region located on 15q11.2. It is usually caused by either maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 15 (UPD15) or 15q11.2 recurrent deletion(s). Here, we report a healthy carrier of a balanced X;15 translocation and her two daughters, both with the karyotype 45,X,der(X)t(X;15)(p22;q11.2),-15. Both daughters display symptoms consistent with haploinsufficiency of the SHOX gene and PWS. We explored the architecture of the derivative chromosomes and investigated effects on gene expression in patient-derived neural cells. First, a multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification methylation assay was used to determine the methylation status of the PWS-region revealing maternal UPD15 in daughter 2, explaining her clinical symptoms. Next, short read whole genome sequencing and 10X genomics linked read sequencing was used to pinpoint the exact breakpoints of the translocation. Finally, we performed transcriptome sequencing on neuroepithelial stem cells from the mother and from daughter 1 and observed biallelic expression of genes in the PWS region (including SNRPN) in daughter 1. In summary, our multi-omics analysis highlights two different PWS mechanisms in one family and provide an example of how structural variation can affect imprinting through long-range interactions.