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lsj (2022-09-30 08:58):
#paper DOI:The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1995, 15(l): 70-66 背景:之前的研究已知在postsubiculum中记录到在平面上与动物头朝向功能的神经元,这类神经元的放电独立于动物在环境中的行为和位置。解剖学研究发现postsubiculum和ATN具有双向连接。 目的:为了能够探究大脑中头朝向细胞信号处理,在自由运动的小鼠脑中采用单细胞记录的技术刻画神经元行为和空间的关联。 实验环境:在包含单一朝向线索的圆柱形环境中训练小鼠获取食物。 结论:在ATN中单记录的细胞中大约60%的细胞放电都与平面上头朝向有关。实验中包含朝向线索的旋转表明偏好方向发放朝向可以被显著的视觉线索控制。与postsubicular的HD细胞相比,受抑制动物的被动旋转显示,当动物的头部朝向偏好方向时,大多数ATN的HD细胞停止放电。这些发现证明了ATN中头朝向细胞的存在并且表明这个区域在空间导航方面的潜在重要性。 相关结论:在动物的观察和定量分析中发现头朝向细胞的发放不依赖于动物的行为,位置,线性速度,角头速度或者环境中的位置,这样的细胞大多数在丘脑前背核(anterior dorsal thalamic nucleus)。每个头朝向细胞都有一个偏好方向,在该偏好方向上放电最大,当远离偏好方向时细胞的发放率线性下降。所有的偏好方向覆盖360度。定量分析发现这些细胞与在postsubicular中的HD细胞具有相同的参数值,比如发放率峰值,朝向发放范围。 讨论:头朝向信号的起源是被讨论的,因为postsubiculum和ATN之间具有双向连接的存在,所以下一步的研究进一步探究头朝向信息流。最后ATN中HD细胞和postsubicular中HD细胞有不同之处,在于ATN需要意志的运动输入。
Previous studies have identified neurons in the postsubiculum which discharge as a function of the animal's head direction in the horizontal plane, independent of its behavior and location in the … >>>
Previous studies have identified neurons in the postsubiculum which discharge as a function of the animal's head direction in the horizontal plane, independent of its behavior and location in the environment. Anatomical studies have shown that the postsubiculum contains reciprocal connections with the anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN). In order to determine how the head direction (HD) cell signal is processed in the brain, single- unit recordings were monitored in the ATN of freely moving rats in order to characterize their behavioral and spatial correlates. Animals were trained to retrieve food pellets thrown randomly into a cylindrical apparatus containing a single orientation cue. Single unit recordings in the ATN showed that approximately 60% of the recorded cells discharged in relation to the animal's head direction in the horizontal plane. Observation of the animal and quantitative analyses showed that HD cell firing was not dependent on the animal's behavior, trunk position, linear speed, angular head velocity, or location in the environment. Most of these cells were localized to the anterior dorsal thalamic nucleus. Each HD cell contained only one head direction at which the cell discharged maximally and the firing rate decreased linearly away from this preferred direction. The preferred firing directions from all cells recorded were distributed over a 360° range. Quantitative analysis showed that these cells contained similar discharge parameters (peak firing rate, directional firing range) to values reported previously for post-subicular HD cells (Taube et el., 1990a). Experiments involving rotation of the orientation cue showed that the preferred firing direction could be controlled by a salient visual cue. In contrast to postsubicular HD cells, passive rotation of a restrained animal showed that most ATN HD cells ceased discharging when the animal's head was oriented in the preferred direction. These findings demonstrate the presence of HD cells in the ATN and indicate the potential importance of this area for spatial navigation. The origin of the head direction signal is discussed and it is concluded that because of the presence of reciprocal connections between the postsubiculum and the ATN, further studies are required in order to determine the direction in which this head-directional information is flowing. Finally, ATN HD cells differ from postsubicular HD cells by appearing to require volitional motoric input. <<<
lsj (2022-08-31 20:20):
#paper http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2016.12.012 The representation of space in the brain 这是一篇综述文章,主要讲了大脑中空间表征的几类细胞,重点介绍位置细胞、头朝向细胞和栅格细胞,此外还介绍了联合细胞、边界细胞、目标细胞等。这篇文章从不同的细胞入手,分别介绍了生物实验中如何发现这些细胞在哪些脑区,有哪些性质以及神经环路,同时还阐述了这些空间表征的细胞联合协作共同完成空间导航任务。
Animals can navigate vast distances and often display behaviours or activities that indicate a detailed, internal spatial representation of their surrounding environment or a 'cognitive map'. Over a century of … >>>
Animals can navigate vast distances and often display behaviours or activities that indicate a detailed, internal spatial representation of their surrounding environment or a 'cognitive map'. Over a century of behavioural research on spatial navigation in humans and animals has greatly increased our understanding of how this highly complex feat is achieved. In turn this has inspired half a century of electrophysiological spatial navigation and memory research which has further advanced our understanding of the brain. In particular, three functional cell types have been suggested to underlie cognitive mapping processes; place cells, head direction cells and grid cells. However, there are numerous other spatially modulated neurons in the brain. For a more complete understanding of the electrophysiological systems and behavioural processes underlying spatial navigation we must also examine these lesser understood neurons. In this review we will briefly summarise the literature surrounding place cells, head direction cells, grid cells and the evidence that these cells collectively form the neural basis of a cognitive map. We will then review literature covering many other spatially modulated neurons in the brain that perhaps further augment this cognitive map. <<<
lsj (2022-07-31 22:15):
#paper Li, A. et al. Neural fragility as an EEG marker of the seizure onset zone. Nat Neurosci 24, 1465–1474 (2021). 癫痫发作具有高同步、高波幅的病理性神经活动特征,并且难以预测并干预。动力学系统的稳定性分析或许可刻画出癫痫发作前或发作中的系统稳定性变化,并通过维护或破坏系统稳定性,提供外科干预、神经调控与发作预测策略。
IF:21.200Q1 Nature neuroscience, 2021-10. DOI: 10.1038/s41593-021-00901-w PMID: 34354282
Over 15 million patients with epilepsy worldwide do not respond to drugs. Successful surgical treatment requires complete removal or disconnection of the seizure onset zone (SOZ), brain region(s) where seizures … >>>
Over 15 million patients with epilepsy worldwide do not respond to drugs. Successful surgical treatment requires complete removal or disconnection of the seizure onset zone (SOZ), brain region(s) where seizures originate. Unfortunately, surgical success rates vary between 30 and 70% because no clinically validated biological marker of the SOZ exists. We develop and retrospectively validate a new electroencephalogram (EEG) marker-neural fragility-in a retrospective analysis of 91 patients by using neural fragility of the annotated SOZ as a metric to predict surgical outcomes. Fragility predicts 43 out of 47 surgical failures, with an overall prediction accuracy of 76% compared with the accuracy of clinicians at 48% (successful outcomes). In failed outcomes, we identify fragile regions that were untreated. When compared to 20 EEG features proposed as SOZ markers, fragility outperformed in predictive power and interpretability, which suggests neural fragility as an EEG biomarker of the SOZ. <<<
lsj (2022-06-27 10:16):
#Virtual resection predicts surgical outcome for drug-resistant epilepsy. 该研究使用了线性系统稳定性理论与分析方法,提出了一种新的颅内EEG癫痫发作起始区的标记——神经易脆性,并通过多中心的91名患者数据对该方法进行了回顾性验证。
IF:10.600Q1 Brain : a journal of neurology, 2019-12-01. DOI: 10.1093/brain/awz303 PMID: 31599323 PMCID:PMC6885672
Patients with drug-resistant epilepsy often require surgery to become seizure-free. While laser ablation and implantable stimulation devices have lowered the morbidity of these procedures, seizure-free rates have not dramatically improved, … >>>
Patients with drug-resistant epilepsy often require surgery to become seizure-free. While laser ablation and implantable stimulation devices have lowered the morbidity of these procedures, seizure-free rates have not dramatically improved, particularly for patients without focal lesions. This is in part because it is often unclear where to intervene in these cases. To address this clinical need, several research groups have published methods to map epileptic networks but applying them to improve patient care remains a challenge. In this study we advance clinical translation of these methods by: (i) presenting and sharing a robust pipeline to rigorously quantify the boundaries of the resection zone and determining which intracranial EEG electrodes lie within it; (ii) validating a brain network model on a retrospective cohort of 28 patients with drug-resistant epilepsy implanted with intracranial electrodes prior to surgical resection; and (iii) sharing all neuroimaging, annotated electrophysiology, and clinical metadata to facilitate future collaboration. Our network methods accurately forecast whether patients are likely to benefit from surgical intervention based on synchronizability of intracranial EEG (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.89) and provide novel information that traditional electrographic features do not. We further report that removing synchronizing brain regions is associated with improved clinical outcome, and postulate that sparing desynchronizing regions may further be beneficial. Our findings suggest that data-driven network-based methods can identify patients likely to benefit from resective or ablative therapy, and perhaps prevent invasive interventions in those unlikely to do so. <<<
lsj (2022-05-31 22:29):
#paper:https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003588 几千年来,哲学家们一直在争论意识的本质,以及它能否存在于其他物种中。而现在,随着人工智能技术越发成熟,人们对揭开意识的谜底更迫切——仅仅通过交互,即经典的图灵测试,可能已无法判断你是在和机器打交道,还是在和人打交道了,伴随而来的人工智能伦理挑战越发不容忽视。本文提出了一种定量刻画意识的理论,整合信息论,来探索意识的机制。主要有几部分关键内容,整合信息论简介、关于意识的公理、对意识的物理基质的假定、机制的系统与概念结构、整合信息论的局限性。
This paper presents Integrated Information Theory (IIT) of consciousness 3.0, which incorporates several advances over previous formulations. IIT starts from phenomenological axioms: information says that each experience is specific--it is … >>>
This paper presents Integrated Information Theory (IIT) of consciousness 3.0, which incorporates several advances over previous formulations. IIT starts from phenomenological axioms: information says that each experience is specific--it is what it is by how it differs from alternative experiences; integration says that it is unified--irreducible to non-interdependent components; exclusion says that it has unique borders and a particular spatio-temporal grain. These axioms are formalized into postulates that prescribe how physical mechanisms, such as neurons or logic gates, must be configured to generate experience (phenomenology). The postulates are used to define intrinsic information as "differences that make a difference" within a system, and integrated information as information specified by a whole that cannot be reduced to that specified by its parts. By applying the postulates both at the level of individual mechanisms and at the level of systems of mechanisms, IIT arrives at an identity: an experience is a maximally irreducible conceptual structure (MICS, a constellation of concepts in qualia space), and the set of elements that generates it constitutes a complex. According to IIT, a MICS specifies the quality of an experience and integrated information ΦMax its quantity. From the theory follow several results, including: a system of mechanisms may condense into a major complex and non-overlapping minor complexes; the concepts that specify the quality of an experience are always about the complex itself and relate only indirectly to the external environment; anatomical connectivity influences complexes and associated MICS; a complex can generate a MICS even if its elements are inactive; simple systems can be minimally conscious; complicated systems can be unconscious; there can be true "zombies"--unconscious feed-forward systems that are functionally equivalent to conscious complexes. <<<