lsj (2022-08-31 20:20):
#paper The representation of space in the brain 这是一篇综述文章,主要讲了大脑中空间表征的几类细胞,重点介绍位置细胞、头朝向细胞和栅格细胞,此外还介绍了联合细胞、边界细胞、目标细胞等。这篇文章从不同的细胞入手,分别介绍了生物实验中如何发现这些细胞在哪些脑区,有哪些性质以及神经环路,同时还阐述了这些空间表征的细胞联合协作共同完成空间导航任务。
The representation of space in the brain
Animals can navigate vast distances and often display behaviours or activities that indicate a detailed, internal spatial representation of their surrounding environment or a 'cognitive map'. Over a century of behavioural research on spatial navigation in humans and animals has greatly increased our understanding of how this highly complex feat is achieved. In turn this has inspired half a century of electrophysiological spatial navigation and memory research which has further advanced our understanding of the brain. In particular, three functional cell types have been suggested to underlie cognitive mapping processes; place cells, head direction cells and grid cells. However, there are numerous other spatially modulated neurons in the brain. For a more complete understanding of the electrophysiological systems and behavioural processes underlying spatial navigation we must also examine these lesser understood neurons. In this review we will briefly summarise the literature surrounding place cells, head direction cells, grid cells and the evidence that these cells collectively form the neural basis of a cognitive map. We will then review literature covering many other spatially modulated neurons in the brain that perhaps further augment this cognitive map.