来自用户 笑对人生 的文献。
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笑对人生 (2022-10-01 23:59):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0414-6. RNA velocity of single cells. Nature. 2018 Aug;560(7719):494-498. 本研究首次将RNA速率(RNA velocity)这一概念引入单细胞转录组测序数据科学中,即利用新生(未剪切)和成熟(剪切)mRNA相对丰度变化来评估基因剪切和降解的速率。此外,研究者运用该概念揭示了小鼠胚胎海马组织和人类胚胎大脑中细胞转录动力学特征,表明了RNA速率在单细胞数据科学中的应用价值。RNA速率的发现:在真核生物中,细胞核的DNA首先经过转录形成初级mRNA(或未成熟mRNA),接着需要经过加工(可变剪接)才产生成熟的mRNA。在这个过程中,细胞内就可能存在不同状态的mRNAs。传统转录组测序的mRNA富集方法是利用带有oligo(dT)的磁珠对mRNA进行分离纯化。本研究通过对不同技术平台的单细胞转录组测序数据进行read检查发现,存在15-25%的reads包含内含子序列(内含子序列在mRNA加工成熟过程会被切掉,在成熟mRNA一般不会存在)。基于这些reads的内含子序列和对应外显子序列可认为它们代表的是未剪接的mRNAs前体。 RNA速率中未剪接(unspliced)和剪接(spliced)事件的预测公式(微积分方程):du/dt=α(t)-β(t)u(t),ds/dt=β(t)u(t)-γ(t)s(t),α表示转录速率,β表示剪接速率,s表示剪切mRNAs分子数,t表示时间,u表示未剪切的mRNA分子数,γ表示降解的速率。RNA速率是由unspliced mRNA形成spliced mRNA和mRNA降解两个事件的动态平衡来决定的。对于给定某个基因的,利用unspliced和spliced分子数可以建立一个线性回归模型,本文将其定义为steady-state model。在这个方程拟合直线上的细胞认为具有正速度(unspliced更占优),细胞处于下方则具有负速度(降解更占优),若在直线上,就处于稳态。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2018-08. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0414-6 PMID: 30089906
RNA abundance is a powerful indicator of the state of individual cells. Single-cell RNA sequencing can reveal RNA abundance with high quantitative accuracy, sensitivity and throughput. However, this approach captures … >>>
RNA abundance is a powerful indicator of the state of individual cells. Single-cell RNA sequencing can reveal RNA abundance with high quantitative accuracy, sensitivity and throughput. However, this approach captures only a static snapshot at a point in time, posing a challenge for the analysis of time-resolved phenomena such as embryogenesis or tissue regeneration. Here we show that RNA velocity-the time derivative of the gene expression state-can be directly estimated by distinguishing between unspliced and spliced mRNAs in common single-cell RNA sequencing protocols. RNA velocity is a high-dimensional vector that predicts the future state of individual cells on a timescale of hours. We validate its accuracy in the neural crest lineage, demonstrate its use on multiple published datasets and technical platforms, reveal the branching lineage tree of the developing mouse hippocampus, and examine the kinetics of transcription in human embryonic brain. We expect RNA velocity to greatly aid the analysis of developmental lineages and cellular dynamics, particularly in humans. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-09-29 20:05):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41568-021-00431-4. Programmed death ligand 1 signals in cancer cells. Nat Rev Cancer. 2022 Mar;22(3):174-189. 2016年5月18日,来自罗氏的阿替丽珠成为了首个获批上市的PD-L1抑制剂,用于治疗转移性/复发性尿路上皮癌。PD-L1抑制剂能成药的基础是肿瘤的免疫逃逸机制,即肿瘤细胞为了逃避以T细胞为代表的免疫细胞攻击,自身表面会表达PD-L1(又称为CD274或B7-H1),进而与T细胞表面的PD-1相互作用,触发抑制信号,使T细胞无法发挥杀死’‘异己’的功能。PD-L1抑制剂能够有效地结合肿瘤细胞表面的PD-1蛋白,从而恢复T细胞对肿瘤细胞的识别和杀伤。以上所述均是基于细胞外表面的PD-L1分子(cell-extrinsic),然而,有关细胞内的PD-L1信号分子(cell-intrinsic)的研究相对较少且缺乏深入理解。本综述从细胞内PD-L1亚细胞定位、肿瘤细胞内PD-L1免疫调控、影响细胞内PD-L1表达机制以及针对胞内PD-L1潜在治疗策略和生物标志物四个方面作了较为全面总结和讨论。作者认为靶向肿瘤胞内PD-L1可能有助于进一步提高目前免疫治疗的效果,或者作为一种联合策略,最终使更多的癌症患者获益。另外,胞内的PD-L1也是一种有潜力的预后或预测生物标志物。文章中提到的胞内PD-L1包括胞内可溶性PD-L1蛋白、囊泡包裹的PD-L1以及PD-L1蛋白亚基(或异构体)
The paradigm of surface-expressed programmed death ligand 1 (PDL1) signalling to immune cell programmed death 1 (PD1) to inhibit antitumour immunity has helped to develop effective and revolutionary immunotherapies using … >>>
The paradigm of surface-expressed programmed death ligand 1 (PDL1) signalling to immune cell programmed death 1 (PD1) to inhibit antitumour immunity has helped to develop effective and revolutionary immunotherapies using antibodies blocking these cell-extrinsic interactions. The recent discovery of cancer cell-intrinsic PDL1 signals has broadened understanding of pathologic tumour PDL1 signal consequences that now includes control of tumour growth and survival pathways, stemness, immune effects, DNA damage responses and gene expression regulation. Many such effects are PD1-independent. These insights demonstrate that the prevailing cell-extrinsic PDL1 signalling paradigm is useful, but incomplete in important respects. This Perspective discusses historical and recent advances in understanding cancer cell-intrinsic PDL1 signals, mechanisms for signal controls and important immunopathologic consequences including resistance to cytotoxic agents, targeted small molecules and immunotherapies. Cancer cell-intrinsic PDL1 signals present novel drug discovery targets and also have potential as reliable treatment response biomarkers. Cancer cell-intrinsic PD1 signals and cell-intrinsic PDL1 signals in non-cancer cells are discussed briefly, as are PDL1 signals from soluble and vesicle-bound PDL1 and PDL1 isoforms. We conclude with suggestions for addressing the most pressing challenges and opportunities in this rapidly developing field. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-08-31 21:18):
#paper Dynamic patterns of microRNA expression during acute myeloid leukemia state-transition. Sci Adv. 2022 Apr 22;8(16):eabj1664. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1664. miRNAs是一类长度为21nt的非编码RNA,自1993年首次发现以来,至今已将近30年。在机体内,miRNAs大多数扮演微调的角色。既往的研究已证明miRNAs能作为急性髓系白血病(AML)预后的生物标志物。Inv(16)是与急性髓系白血病密切相关的一种常见染色体易位,携带该变异的患者占总AML患者的5%。该白血病亚型的分子特征是染色体上的CBFB和MYH11基因的相互易位产生CBFB-MYH11融合基因。本研究利用敲入Cbfb-MYH11融合基因小鼠的PBMC,首次绘制AML从疾病开始到进展的动态miRNAs图谱,测序技术使用的是基于PAGE(聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳)进行片段筛选的miRNA-seq。研究将每只小鼠的 miRNA 转录组作为准电位中经历布朗运动的粒子,并分成两个稳态,受扰动的造血c1和AMLc2,这两个稳态由不稳定的过渡态(c3)隔开。进一步地将AML疾病由发生到进展划分为四个不同的事件,最终获得四个反映不同疾病进展的miRNAs集。基于先前来自相同小鼠模型PBMC的mRNA测序数据,研究证实了miRNA表达谱在描述疾病进展过程,与mRNA表达相比,具有一定相似性。更为重要的是,该研究发现mmu-miR-126a在疾病发展进程中表达逐渐上调,并与5个AML致病基因(Prkd1、Egfl7、Wt1、Kite和Cbfb-MYH11)的表达高度正相关。此外,还发现了先前未报道的,但与5个致病基因表达高度正相关的miRNAs,分别是mmu-miR-31 和 mmu-miR-340。
IF:11.700Q1 Science advances, 2022-04-22. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1664 PMID: 35452289
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to hold prognostic value in acute myeloid leukemia (AML); however, the temporal dynamics of miRNA expression in AML are poorly understood. Using serial samples from … >>>
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to hold prognostic value in acute myeloid leukemia (AML); however, the temporal dynamics of miRNA expression in AML are poorly understood. Using serial samples from a mouse model of AML to generate time-series miRNA sequencing data, we are the first to show that the miRNA transcriptome undergoes state-transition during AML initiation and progression. We modeled AML state-transition as a particle undergoing Brownian motion in a quasi-potential and validated the AML state-space and state-transition model to accurately predict time to AML in an independent cohort of mice. The critical points of the model provided a framework to align samples from mice that developed AML at different rates. Our mathematical approach allowed discovery of dynamic processes involved during AML development and, if translated to humans, has the potential to predict an individual's disease trajectory. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-07-31 09:15):
#paper Phasing analysis of lung cancer genomes using a long read sequencer. Nat Commun. 2022 Jun 16;13(1):3464. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31133-6 背景知识:SNV(单核苷酸位点变异,single nucleotide variant)是指基因组上发生单碱基改变的位点。SNP(单核苷酸多态性,single nucleotide polymorphism)是指基因组上由单个核苷酸变异引起的DNA序列多态性。SNP描述的是个体基因组上发生碱基改变,而SNP更倾向于是一种群体属性。更加易懂的英文:A haplotype is a physical grouping of genomic variants (or polymorphisms) that tend to be inherited together. A specific haplotype typically reflects a unique combination of variants that reside near each other on a chromosome. 单倍型(Haplotype)是指位于一条染色体上某个区域,具有一定相关联等位变异位点的组合。一种组合就代表一种单倍型。对单倍型进行分型,判断变异是否来自同一条染色体的过程称为phasing(又称haplotype estimation)。这里提到的分型或变异,常常是经过比较后得出的结果,在群体遗传学中,这种比较可能是某个个体与群体其他人的比较,或子代和亲本之间的比较,讲述的是进化或变异的结果(自己理解)。等位基因(allele,又称allelomorph)一般指位于一对同源染色体(一条来自父本,一条来自母本)的相同位置上控制相同性状不同状态的一对基因。英文解释:Any one of a series of two or more different genes that may occupy the same locus on a specific chromosome;An allele is a variant form of a gene. 目前的二代或三代测序,测到的reads是来自同一条染色体,因此无法区分某一条序列来自父源还是母源。不过,相对于二代,三代测序可凭借长读长优势,能覆盖大部分相邻的单核苷酸多态性位点,实现更为准确的单倍型分型。另外,三代测序可精准检测拷贝数变异(copy number variant,CNV),以及在进行对序列进行定相的同时,携带甲基化等碱基修饰信息。 研究目的:既往对肿瘤内SNVs、indels和CNV的检测大多是基于二代测序。然而,二代测序因短读长的特点,无法对基因组上高GC、重复序列区域以及染色体大片段变异进行准确识别。因此,利用三代测序技术超长读长的优势,将有助于更加全面地揭示肿瘤内发生的变异事件。最近公布的ONT-Q20+测序技术,可实现>99%的原始reads(单链)准确度,或约Q30的双链(Duplex)准确度。本研究的研究目的就是利用ONT的nanopore技术对非小细胞肺癌进行组织和细胞层面的定相分析、拷贝数变异和染色体碎裂等研究。 研究方法:对来自20名非小细胞肺癌患者的正常组织同时进行二代和三代的全基因组测序,对肿瘤组织只进行三代测序。另外,利用测序中甲基化信号和基于ONT平台的全长转录组测序探究变异与表型的关系。为了进一步探究肿瘤细胞的克隆结构,还对2例样本完成了基于ONT平台的scDNAseq。 研究结果:本研究通过利用二代测序对三代测序数据进行校正,在N50长度超过834 kb定相区块中,实现与公开二代测序的WGS数据库一致性接近99%的SNVs检测。结合甲基化数据和全长转录组测序,仅在两个样本中发现定相区块的变异(单倍型变异)与甲基化修饰和转录调控存在相关。另外,对染色体大片段变异进行分析,发现EGFR突变阳性肺腺癌肿瘤组织存在特有的染色体碎裂事件,揭示了EGFR通路的异常可能会影响端粒酶活性。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2022-06-16. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31133-6 PMID: 35710642
Chromosomal backgrounds of cancerous mutations still remain elusive. Here, we conduct the phasing analysis of non-small cell lung cancer specimens of 20 Japanese patients. By the combinatory use of short … >>>
Chromosomal backgrounds of cancerous mutations still remain elusive. Here, we conduct the phasing analysis of non-small cell lung cancer specimens of 20 Japanese patients. By the combinatory use of short and long read sequencing data, we obtain long phased blocks of 834 kb in N50 length with >99% concordance rate. By analyzing the obtained phasing information, we reveal that several cancer genomes harbor regions in which mutations are unevenly distributed to either of two haplotypes. Large-scale chromosomal rearrangement events, which resemble chromothripsis events but have smaller scales, occur on only one chromosome, and these events account for the observed biased distributions. Interestingly, the events are characteristic of EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinomas. Further integration of long read epigenomic and transcriptomic data reveal that haploid chromosomes are not always at equivalent transcriptomic/epigenomic conditions. Distinct chromosomal backgrounds are responsible for later cancerous aberrations in a haplotype-specific manner. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-06-30 23:48):
#paper BCL-XL inhibition induces an FGFR4-mediated rescue response in colorectal cancer.Cell Rep. 2022 Feb 15;38(7):110374. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110374 世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构(IARC)公布的2020年全球最新癌症负担数据显示,我国结直肠癌的总体发病率已升至第二位。早期的结直肠癌患者,在采取有效治疗的情况下,5年生存率能达到90%。然而,如果对于晚期,尤其是发生转移的结直肠癌患者,尽管采取化疗和靶向治疗,生存率也仅为5%-15%。耐药性是治疗失败产生的重要原因之一。前期的研究表明,瘤内肿瘤干细胞(CSC)是导致结直肠癌患者发生耐药的潜在帮凶,未被杀死的CSC往往会利用本身干细胞特性,促进肿瘤的发生和发展。BCL-XL是Bcl-2家族成员之一,具有抗凋亡的功能。BCL-XL主要是通过两种机制来防止凋亡,一是通过与凋亡蛋白结合来抑制其凋亡作用,二是直接在线粒体外膜上形成寡聚体通道以在细胞应激时维持线粒体膜正常形态。BH3 mimetics是BCL-2、MCL1、BCL-XL 的特异性抑制剂。临床上,使用高剂量的BH3 mimetics虽然能够很好诱导肿瘤细胞的凋亡,但也对大大损伤正常细胞。本研究通过一种高效的药物靶点筛选系统,发现了FGFR4是在使用低剂量BCL-XL抑制剂下,负反馈调节通路中的一个重要协同物。同时,通过实验证实了FGFR4介导的信号通路下游分子ERK和MCL-1。ERK和MCL-1蛋白分别是促进细胞增殖和存活重要分子。体外细胞实验和患者来源体外类器官证实,FGFR4抑制剂能通过抑制MCL-1的表达,提高低剂量BCL-XL抑制剂对CSC的促凋亡作用,并且对正常结肠细胞和血小板的损伤较少。
IF:7.500Q1 Cell reports, 2022-02-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110374 PMID: 35172148
The heterogeneous therapy response observed in colorectal cancer is in part due to cancer stem cells (CSCs) that resist chemotherapeutic insults. The anti-apoptotic protein BCL-XL plays a critical role in … >>>
The heterogeneous therapy response observed in colorectal cancer is in part due to cancer stem cells (CSCs) that resist chemotherapeutic insults. The anti-apoptotic protein BCL-XL plays a critical role in protecting CSCs from cell death, where its inhibition with high doses of BH3 mimetics can induce apoptosis. Here, we screen a compound library for synergy with low-dose BCL-XL inhibitor A-1155463 to identify pathways that regulate sensitivity to BCL-XL inhibition and reveal that fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)4 inhibition effectively sensitizes to A-1155463 both in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, we identify a rescue response that is activated upon BCL-XL inhibition and leads to rapid FGF2 secretion and subsequent FGFR4-mediated post-translational stabilization of MCL-1. FGFR4 inhibition prevents MCL-1 upregulation and thereby sensitizes CSCs to BCL-XL inhibition. Altogether, our findings suggest a cell transferable induction of a FGF2/FGFR4 rescue response in CRC that is induced upon BCL-XL inhibition and leads to MCL-1 upregulation. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-05-31 22:11):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41592-022-01481-8. Benchmarking spatial and single-cell transcriptomics integration methods. Nat Methods. 2022 May 16. 空间转录组(spatial transcriptomics)的发展极大提高了我们对组织RNA转录本的空间定位的认知。然而,目前空间转录组的技术并不能获取单个细胞的转录组特征。为了突破这个局限,人们往往将单细胞转录组测序(single-cell transcriptomics)和空间转录组测序进行整合分析。本文利用45对公开数据(空转和单细胞)和32份模拟数据,分别就两个整合需考虑的问题,对16种整合工具(有些工具两种功能都有)进行了基准测试(benchmark)。第一个问题是预测RNA转录本在组织空间分布(复位),共测试了8种整合方法。第二个问题是对组织的spot进行正确的单细胞类型区分和注释,共测试了12种整合方法。结果表明,解决第一个问题优势明显的有Tangram、gimVI、SpaGE。解决第二问题优势明显的是Cell2location、SpatialDWLS和RCTD。如果综合效率和准确性的话,推荐使用Tangram和Seurat。
笑对人生 (2022-05-01 00:03):
#paper Transfer learning between preclinical models and human tumors identifies a conserved NK cell activation signature in anti-CTLA-4 responsive tumors, Genome Med. 2021 Aug 11;13(1):129. doi: 10.1186/s13073-021-00944-5. 目前,单细胞转录组测序在临床前动物实验研究应用较为普遍,然而,如何将这些新的发现迁移到人类的肿瘤单细胞转录组研究中,仍然是一大挑战。该研究利用机器学习中迁移学习方法,识别出在Anti-CTLA-4响应小鼠和人类肿瘤中共有的NK细胞状态特征,并发现该特征与患者更长的总生存期相关,能用于预测ICBs治疗疗效。最近,NK细胞的研究在CNS频繁“出镜”,可能NK细胞的过继细胞疗法在临床上取得较大进展有关,这也提示我们,相比于T细胞,NK细胞尚未有很大的研究空白,借助目前单细胞转录组测序技术,可能会找到一些有趣的新发现。
IF:10.400Q1 Genome medicine, 2021-08-11. DOI: 10.1186/s13073-021-00944-5 PMID: 34376232 PMCID:PMC8356429
BACKGROUND: Tumor response to therapy is affected by both the cell types and the cell states present in the tumor microenvironment. This is true for many cancer treatments, including immune … >>>
BACKGROUND: Tumor response to therapy is affected by both the cell types and the cell states present in the tumor microenvironment. This is true for many cancer treatments, including immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). While it is well-established that ICIs promote T cell activation, their broader impact on other intratumoral immune cells is unclear; this information is needed to identify new mechanisms of action and improve ICI efficacy. Many preclinical studies have begun using single-cell analysis to delineate therapeutic responses in individual immune cell types within tumors. One major limitation to this approach is that therapeutic mechanisms identified in preclinical models have failed to fully translate to human disease, restraining efforts to improve ICI efficacy in translational research.METHOD: We previously developed a computational transfer learning approach called projectR to identify shared biology between independent high-throughput single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets. In the present study, we test this algorithm's ability to identify conserved and clinically relevant transcriptional changes in complex tumor scRNA-seq data and expand its application to the comparison of scRNA-seq datasets with additional data types such as bulk RNA-seq and mass cytometry.RESULTS: We found a conserved signature of NK cell activation in anti-CTLA-4 responsive mouse and human tumors. In human metastatic melanoma, we found that the NK cell activation signature associates with longer overall survival and is predictive of anti-CTLA-4 (ipilimumab) response. Additional molecular approaches to confirm the computational findings demonstrated that human NK cells express CTLA-4 and bind anti-CTLA-4 antibodies independent of the antibody binding receptor (FcR) and that similar to T cells, CTLA-4 expression by NK cells is modified by cytokine-mediated and target cell-mediated NK cell activation.CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate a novel application of our transfer learning approach, which was able to identify cell state transitions conserved in preclinical models and human tumors. This approach can be adapted to explore many questions in cancer therapeutics, enhance translational research, and enable better understanding and treatment of disease. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-04-30 21:43):
#paper The single-cell transcriptional landscape of mammalian organogenesis Cao J, et al. Nature. 2019 Feb;566(7745):496-502. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-0969-x 该文章是利用一种名为sci-RNA-seq3超高通量单细胞测序技术,该技术一次实验可完成大约200万个细胞转录组测序建库,单人完成的时间为1周,成本为每个细胞0.01美元。该研究主要是对小鼠不同发育阶段的61个胚胎(E9.5到E13.5)的单细胞转录图谱进行了描述,该图谱命名为MOCA(mouse organogenesis cell altas)。文章虽然不是很新,但这是monocle3首次在scRNAseq(单细胞转录组测序)的应用案例,提供monocle3详尽的基本原理和分析思路。从文章的作者列表来看,也发现有monocle3软件开发者的名字。monocle3是一款用于scRNAseq拟时序分析的工具,为monocle2更新版本。虽然,monocle2是目前已发表文章的应用较为广泛的一款版本,但是它在实际使用时存在一些问题,第一,monocle2使用的细胞降维方式与seurat(一款流行的,能独立完成从细胞-基因表达矩阵到细胞降维聚类分群的scRNAseq工具)并不兼容;第二,该版本已被作者弃用并停止维护,实际应用中发现一些bug,却难以找到解决的方案。在生信分析中,如何选择软件往往是一个难题(这可能也是很多评测文章出现的原因)。作为一名工具的使用者,可以在充分理解算法原理的基础上,结合自己的研究,并通过调试,最终做出适当的选择。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2019-02. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-0969-x PMID: 30787437 PMCID:PMC6434952
Mammalian organogenesis is a remarkable process. Within a short timeframe, the cells of the three germ layers transform into an embryo that includes most of the major internal and external … >>>
Mammalian organogenesis is a remarkable process. Within a short timeframe, the cells of the three germ layers transform into an embryo that includes most of the major internal and external organs. Here we investigate the transcriptional dynamics of mouse organogenesis at single-cell resolution. Using single-cell combinatorial indexing, we profiled the transcriptomes of around 2 million cells derived from 61 embryos staged between 9.5 and 13.5 days of gestation, in a single experiment. The resulting 'mouse organogenesis cell atlas' (MOCA) provides a global view of developmental processes during this critical window. We use Monocle 3 to identify hundreds of cell types and 56 trajectories, many of which are detected only because of the depth of cellular coverage, and collectively define thousands of corresponding marker genes. We explore the dynamics of gene expression within cell types and trajectories over time, including focused analyses of the apical ectodermal ridge, limb mesenchyme and skeletal muscle. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-03-21 23:28):
#paper Transcriptional census of epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity in cancer. Sci Adv. 2022 Jan 7;8(1):eabi7640. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abi7640 细胞的上皮间充质可塑性是指细胞具有在上皮细胞和间充质细胞两种细胞形态相互转化的能力,它描述的是细胞对周围复杂微环境做出响应后的一种动态混合形态。EMP包含两种重要的进程,分别为EMT和MET,其中EMT与原发灶肿瘤细胞远端转移和肿瘤细胞干性等相关,而MET与肿瘤细胞在转移病灶定植有关。该篇文章首先对17项已发表研究的单细胞转录组测序数据进行收集,涉及8种类型的癌种,总共266份肿瘤组织样本,223,501个细胞。接着利用这些数据对已报道的328个与EMP相关的基因进行重新定义,最终筛选到含有128个基因的基因集,并以此构建一个肿瘤细胞特异的EMP signature。同时也发现EMP是瘤内异质性发生的来源之一,并有高度的环境依赖性。利用TCGA的泛癌RNAseq数据发现EMP sigature的激活与更短EPI(无进展时间)相关,以及更强免疫抑制微环境相关。最后,作者还探究这个EMP的互作转录因子、MEK抑制剂和TGF-βR1抑制剂的关系。整篇文章属于纯数据挖掘,但没有高深的公式和构建机器学习模型,纯粹是基于生物学原理的逻辑进行推导和探究,具有一定的借鉴意义。
IF:11.700Q1 Science advances, 2022-Jan-07. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abi7640 PMID: 34985957
Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) contributes to tumor progression, promoting therapy resistance and immune cell evasion. Definitive molecular features of this plasticity have largely remained elusive due to the limited scale of … >>>
Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) contributes to tumor progression, promoting therapy resistance and immune cell evasion. Definitive molecular features of this plasticity have largely remained elusive due to the limited scale of most studies. Leveraging single-cell RNA sequencing data from 266 tumors spanning eight different cancer types, we identify expression patterns associated with intratumoral EMP. Integrative analysis of these programs confirmed a high degree of diversity among tumors. These diverse programs are associated with combinations of various common regulatory mechanisms initiated from cues within the tumor microenvironment. We show that inferring regulatory features can inform effective therapeutics to restrict EMP. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-02-28 19:28):
#paper Cell types of origin of the cell-free transcriptome. Nat Biotechnol. 2022 Feb 7. doi: 10.1038/s41587-021-01188-9 2017年卢煜明教授曾联合单细胞转录组测序技术和血浆cfRNA测序全面解析了人类胚胎细胞的异质性,同时也首次发现基于cfRNA可以发现先兆子痫胎盘中绒毛滋养层细胞的功能异常。基于cfRNA的液体活检技术目前已证实能用于追溯不同的器官来源,然而,血浆cfRNA是否可以推断不同组织来源的细胞类型及其病理状态呢?该研究利用2021年公布的人类泛组织单细胞转录组图谱数据Tabula Sapiens、HPA转录组数据、GTEx、以及4个cfRNA测序数据集,证实了血浆cfRNA可用于检测多种疾病的健康人和病人之间细胞类型特异的病理差异,其中最易于预测的是来源于脑、肺、肠、肝以及肾的细胞。同时,也发现cfRNA主要的贡献细胞是免疫细胞和造血细胞。有趣的是,在该文章中用到一个经济学指标-基尼系数来衡量一个基因是否是细胞类型特异的。总的来说,这是单细胞转录组测序在临床应用中的一个很好实践。
IF:33.100Q1 Nature biotechnology, 2022-06. DOI: 10.1038/s41587-021-01188-9 PMID: 35132263 PMCID:PMC9200634
Cell-free RNA from liquid biopsies can be analyzed to determine disease tissue of origin. We extend this concept to identify cell types of origin using the Tabula Sapiens transcriptomic cell … >>>
Cell-free RNA from liquid biopsies can be analyzed to determine disease tissue of origin. We extend this concept to identify cell types of origin using the Tabula Sapiens transcriptomic cell atlas as well as individual tissue transcriptomic cell atlases in combination with the Human Protein Atlas RNA consensus dataset. We define cell type signature scores, which allow the inference of cell types that contribute to cell-free RNA for a variety of diseases. <<<