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na na na (2022-10-31 18:03):
#paper Big data in basic and translational cancer research doi: 10.1038/s41568-022-00502-0. Epub 2022 Sep 5,https://www.nature.com/articles/s41568-022-00502-0;分享一篇肿瘤大数据综述文章;在肿瘤领域,其研究焦点通常是关注肿瘤相关的生物途径和基因的突变/表达特征等,并和临床相结合进行转化;近年来,随着高通量技术的突破,大规模癌症组学数据的快速积累,研究者们或基于研究课题方向,或基于组学信息,或基于课题组资源,整理和构建了多个公共数据库,从而更好的通过公共资源以支持更多研究者的工作。本文回顾了通过大数据来推进癌症研究和治疗的现状和未来的挑战,比较系统性的描述了肿瘤研究领域的组学类型,组学特征,常见的研究方式和常用的公共数据库等信息,内容比较多也很全面。
Historically, the primary focus of cancer research has been molecular and clinical studies of a few essential pathways and genes. Recent years have seen the rapid accumulation of large-scale cancer … >>>
Historically, the primary focus of cancer research has been molecular and clinical studies of a few essential pathways and genes. Recent years have seen the rapid accumulation of large-scale cancer omics data catalysed by breakthroughs in high-throughput technologies. This fast data growth has given rise to an evolving concept of 'big data' in cancer, whose analysis demands large computational resources and can potentially bring novel insights into essential questions. Indeed, the combination of big data, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence has led to notable advances in our basic understanding of cancer biology and to translational advancements. Further advances will require a concerted effort among data scientists, clinicians, biologists and policymakers. Here, we review the current state of the art and future challenges for harnessing big data to advance cancer research and treatment. <<<
笑对人生 (2022-09-29 20:05):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41568-021-00431-4. Programmed death ligand 1 signals in cancer cells. Nat Rev Cancer. 2022 Mar;22(3):174-189. 2016年5月18日,来自罗氏的阿替丽珠成为了首个获批上市的PD-L1抑制剂,用于治疗转移性/复发性尿路上皮癌。PD-L1抑制剂能成药的基础是肿瘤的免疫逃逸机制,即肿瘤细胞为了逃避以T细胞为代表的免疫细胞攻击,自身表面会表达PD-L1(又称为CD274或B7-H1),进而与T细胞表面的PD-1相互作用,触发抑制信号,使T细胞无法发挥杀死’‘异己’的功能。PD-L1抑制剂能够有效地结合肿瘤细胞表面的PD-1蛋白,从而恢复T细胞对肿瘤细胞的识别和杀伤。以上所述均是基于细胞外表面的PD-L1分子(cell-extrinsic),然而,有关细胞内的PD-L1信号分子(cell-intrinsic)的研究相对较少且缺乏深入理解。本综述从细胞内PD-L1亚细胞定位、肿瘤细胞内PD-L1免疫调控、影响细胞内PD-L1表达机制以及针对胞内PD-L1潜在治疗策略和生物标志物四个方面作了较为全面总结和讨论。作者认为靶向肿瘤胞内PD-L1可能有助于进一步提高目前免疫治疗的效果,或者作为一种联合策略,最终使更多的癌症患者获益。另外,胞内的PD-L1也是一种有潜力的预后或预测生物标志物。文章中提到的胞内PD-L1包括胞内可溶性PD-L1蛋白、囊泡包裹的PD-L1以及PD-L1蛋白亚基(或异构体)
The paradigm of surface-expressed programmed death ligand 1 (PDL1) signalling to immune cell programmed death 1 (PD1) to inhibit antitumour immunity has helped to develop effective and revolutionary immunotherapies using … >>>
The paradigm of surface-expressed programmed death ligand 1 (PDL1) signalling to immune cell programmed death 1 (PD1) to inhibit antitumour immunity has helped to develop effective and revolutionary immunotherapies using antibodies blocking these cell-extrinsic interactions. The recent discovery of cancer cell-intrinsic PDL1 signals has broadened understanding of pathologic tumour PDL1 signal consequences that now includes control of tumour growth and survival pathways, stemness, immune effects, DNA damage responses and gene expression regulation. Many such effects are PD1-independent. These insights demonstrate that the prevailing cell-extrinsic PDL1 signalling paradigm is useful, but incomplete in important respects. This Perspective discusses historical and recent advances in understanding cancer cell-intrinsic PDL1 signals, mechanisms for signal controls and important immunopathologic consequences including resistance to cytotoxic agents, targeted small molecules and immunotherapies. Cancer cell-intrinsic PDL1 signals present novel drug discovery targets and also have potential as reliable treatment response biomarkers. Cancer cell-intrinsic PD1 signals and cell-intrinsic PDL1 signals in non-cancer cells are discussed briefly, as are PDL1 signals from soluble and vesicle-bound PDL1 and PDL1 isoforms. We conclude with suggestions for addressing the most pressing challenges and opportunities in this rapidly developing field. <<<