刘昊辰 (2025-02-25 22:38):
#paper Playing Hex and Counter Wargames using Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks. 这是一篇关于如何使用强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)和循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Networks, RNN)来玩六角格战棋游戏(Hex and Counter Wargames)的研究论文。论文提出一种结合AlphaZero强化学习算法和循环神经网络的新系统,以应对六角格战棋游戏的战略复杂性。该系统能够在不同地形和战术情况下进行泛化,并探索其在更大地图上的扩展能力。提出的系统在有限的训练资源和计算能力下,能够在复杂的六角格战棋游戏中取得良好的表现,展示了其在复杂场景中的泛化能力。下载地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/2502.13918
arXiv, 2025-02-19T17:52:45Z. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2502.13918
Playing Hex and Counter Wargames using Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks
Hex and Counter Wargames are adversarial two-player simulations of realmilitary conflicts requiring complex strategic decision-making. Unlikeclassical board games, these games feature intricate terrain/unit interactions,unit stacking, large maps of varying sizes, and simultaneous move and combatdecisions involving hundreds of units. This paper introduces a novel systemdesigned to address the strategic complexity of Hex and Counter Wargames byintegrating cutting-edge advancements in Recurrent Neural Networks withAlphaZero, a reliable modern Reinforcement Learning algorithm. The systemutilizes a new Neural Network architecture developed from existing research,incorporating innovative state and action representations tailored to thesespecific game environments. With minimal training, our solution has shownpromising results in typical scenarios, demonstrating the ability to generalizeacross different terrain and tactical situations. Additionally, we explore thesystem's potential to scale to larger map sizes. The developed system is openlyaccessible, facilitating continued research and exploration within thischallenging domain.