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钟鸣 (2023-09-29 22:03):
#paper doi:10.1128/iai.00252-23 Protection against lethal sepsis following immunization with Candida species varies by isolate and inversely correlates with bone marrow tissue damage 文章通过攻毒保护实验探讨了不同念珠菌接种小鼠后引发的免疫保护能力。结果认为,不同毒力表型的分离株提供的保护作用各不相同,不提供交叉保护。第二,股骨组织的铁死亡和结构完整性可作为定量指标衡量分离株的毒力强弱。此外还有一个意料之外的现象:毒力最强的分离株提供的免疫保护作用却最弱。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2023-10-17. DOI: 10.1128/iai.00252-23 PMID: 37702509
Protection against lethal ()/ () intra-abdominal infection (IAI)-mediated sepsis can be achieved by a novel form of trained innate immunity (TII) involving Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) that are induced … >>>
Protection against lethal ()/ () intra-abdominal infection (IAI)-mediated sepsis can be achieved by a novel form of trained innate immunity (TII) involving Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) that are induced by inoculation (immunization) with low virulence species [i.e., ()] that infiltrate the bone marrow (BM). In contrast, more virulent species (i.e., ), even at sub-lethal inocula, fail to induce similar levels of protection. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that the level of TII-mediated protection induced by strains inversely correlates with damage in the BM as a reflection of virulence. Mice were immunized by intraperitoneal inoculation with several parental and mutant strains of deficient in virulence factors (hyphal formation and candidalysin production), followed by an intraperitoneal challenge 14 d later and monitored for sepsis and mortality. Whole femur bones were collected 24 h and 13 d after immunization and assessed for BM tissue/cellular damage via ferroptosis and histology. While immunization with standard but not sub-lethal inocula of most wild-type strains resulted in considerable mortality, protection against lethal / IAI challenge varied by strain was usually less than that for , with no differences observed between parental and corresponding mutants. Finally, levels of protection afforded by the strains were inversely correlated with BM tissue damage ( = -0.773). TII-mediated protection against lethal sepsis induced by strain immunization inversely correlates with BM tissue/cellular damage as a reflection of localized virulence. <<<
钟鸣 (2023-08-28 21:14):
#paper doi: 10.1128/iai.00154-23 The choline-binding proteins PspA, PspC, and LytA of Streptococcus pneumoniae and their interaction with human endothelial and red blood cells 这是关于肺炎链球菌毒力因子研究的最新文章,研究路线也比较基础,通过同源重组获得靶蛋白的突变体,紧接着测毒力形状,包括生物膜形成能力、细胞染毒后的代谢活性、对细胞的粘附性、溶血活性、对细胞中特定蛋白表达的影响等,最后使用string预测了蛋白互作网络。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2023-09-14. DOI: 10.1128/iai.00154-23 PMID: 37551971
is a Gram-positive opportunistic pathogen that can colonize the upper respiratory tract. It is a leading cause of a wide range of infectious diseases, including community-acquired pneumonia and meningitis. Pneumococcal … >>>
is a Gram-positive opportunistic pathogen that can colonize the upper respiratory tract. It is a leading cause of a wide range of infectious diseases, including community-acquired pneumonia and meningitis. Pneumococcal infections cause 1-2 million deaths per year, most of which occur in developing countries. Here, we focused on three choline-binding proteins (CBPs), i.e., PspC, PspA, and LytA. These pneumococcal proteins have different surface-exposed regions but share related choline-binding anchors. These surface-exposed pneumococcal proteins are in direct contact with host cells and have diverse functions. We explored the role of the three CBPs on adhesion and pathogenicity in a human host by performing relevant imaging and functional analyses, such as electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and functional quantitative assays, targeting biofilm formation and the hemolytic capacity of . biofilm formation assays and electron microscopy experiments were used to examine the ability of knockout mutant strains lacking the lytA, pspC, or pspA genes to adhere to surfaces. We found that LytA plays an important role in robust synthesis of the biofilm matrix. PspA and PspC appeared crucial for the hemolytic effects of on human red blood cells. Furthermore, all knockout mutants caused less damage to endothelial cells than wild-type bacteria, highlighting the significance of each CPB for the overall pathogenicity of . Hence, in addition to their structural function within the cell wall of , each of these three surface-exposed CBPs controls or mediates multiple steps during bacterial pathogenesis. <<<
钟鸣 (2023-07-30 10:58):
#paper doi:10.1128/iai.00037-23 Identification of Virulence Factors Involved in a Murine Model of Severe Achromobacter xylosoxidans Infection 本文使用正常鼠、免疫低下鼠、正常毒株、弱毒株进行攻毒实验,以此研究木糖氧化无色杆菌(Ax)的毒力影响因素。核心结论是,插入突变研究结果表明, III 型分泌系统、Vi 胶囊、antisigma-E 因子,以及ArtA 粘附素是影响毒力强弱的主要因素。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2023-07-18. DOI: 10.1128/iai.00037-23 PMID: 37255468
Achromobacter xylosoxidans (Ax) is an opportunistic pathogen and causative agent of numerous infections particularly in immunocompromised individuals with increasing prevalence in cystic fibrosis (CF). To date, investigations have focused on … >>>
Achromobacter xylosoxidans (Ax) is an opportunistic pathogen and causative agent of numerous infections particularly in immunocompromised individuals with increasing prevalence in cystic fibrosis (CF). To date, investigations have focused on the clinical epidemiology and genomic comparisons of Ax isolates, yet little is known about disease pathology or the role that specific virulence factors play in tissue invasion or damage. Here, we model an acute Ax lung infection in immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice and immunocompromised CF mice, revealing a link between cytotoxicity and disease in an intact host. Mice were intratracheally challenged with sublethal doses of a cytotoxic (GN050) or invasive (GN008) strain of Ax. Bacterial burden, immune cell populations, and inflammatory markers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung homogenates were measured at different time points to assess disease severity. CF mice had a similar but delayed immune response toward both Ax strains compared to C57BL/6J mice. GN050 caused more severe disease and higher mortality which correlated with greater bacterial burden and increased proinflammatory responses in both mouse models. In agreement with the cytotoxicity of GN050 toward macrophages , mice challenged with GN050 had fewer macrophages. Mutants with transposon insertions in predicted virulence factors of GN050 showed that disease severity depended on the type III secretion system, Vi capsule, antisigma-E factor, and partially on the ArtA adhesin. The development of an acute infection model provides an essential tool to better understand the infectivity of diverse Ax isolates and enable improved identification of virulence factors important to bacterial persistence and disease. <<<
钟鸣 (2023-03-31 22:47):
#paper doi:10.1128/iai.00529-22 Hyperglycemia Increases Severity of Staphylococcus aureus Osteomyelitis and Influences Bacterial Genes Required for Survival in Bone 过去的研究中发现高血糖患者更容易发生严重的金黄色葡萄球菌感染,这是一种广泛存在于环境中且具有重要公共卫生意义的细菌。为了这种现象的原因,研究者使用小鼠作为实验动物,构建了高血糖模型,同时使用转座子测序技术对金黄色葡萄球菌随机插入突变,随后攻毒检验毒力。实验结果是得到一个基因,sodA ,编码超氧化物歧化酶 A,与该菌在高糖环境下的毒力增加有关。从技术和研究方案来说很成熟很简单,但是得到的结论很有价值且深远。但该基因如何影响金黄色葡萄球菌在特定环境下的表型,以及这种调控是否具有种属特异性、该基因是否具有未探明的功能,仍然未知。当然还需要更多的实验从不同角度验证本文的结论。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2023-04-18. DOI: 10.1128/iai.00529-22 PMID: 36877063
Hyperglycemia, or elevated blood glucose, renders individuals more prone to developing severe Staphylococcus aureus infections. S. aureus is the most common etiological agent of musculoskeletal infection, which is a common … >>>
Hyperglycemia, or elevated blood glucose, renders individuals more prone to developing severe Staphylococcus aureus infections. S. aureus is the most common etiological agent of musculoskeletal infection, which is a common manifestation of disease in hyperglycemic patients. However, the mechanisms by which S. aureus causes severe musculoskeletal infection during hyperglycemia are incompletely characterized. To examine the influence of hyperglycemia on S. aureus virulence during invasive infection, we used a murine model of osteomyelitis and induced hyperglycemia with streptozotocin. We discovered that hyperglycemic mice exhibited increased bacterial burdens in bone and enhanced dissemination compared to control mice. Furthermore, infected hyperglycemic mice sustained increased bone destruction relative to euglycemic controls, suggesting that hyperglycemia exacerbates infection-associated bone loss. To identify genes contributing to S. aureus pathogenesis during osteomyelitis in hyperglycemic animals relative to euglycemic controls, we used transposon sequencing (TnSeq). We identified 71 genes uniquely essential for S. aureus survival in osteomyelitis in hyperglycemic mice and another 61 mutants with compromised fitness. Among the genes essential for S. aureus survival in hyperglycemic mice was the gene encoding superoxide dismutase A (), one of two S. aureus superoxide dismutases involved in detoxifying reactive oxygen species (ROS). We determined that a mutant exhibits attenuated survival in high glucose and during osteomyelitis in hyperglycemic mice. SodA therefore plays an important role during growth in high glucose and promotes S. aureus survival in bone. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that hyperglycemia increases the severity of osteomyelitis and identify genes contributing to S. aureus survival during hyperglycemic infection. <<<
钟鸣 (2023-01-31 23:18):
#paper Sex Matters: Male Hamsters Are More Susceptible to Lethal Infection with Lower Doses of Pathogenic Leptospira than Female Hamsters https://doi.org/10.1128/IAI.00369-18 过去的研究中发现女性比男性更容易感染钩端螺旋体,但现实生活中男性感染钩端螺旋体的发病率和重症率却高于女性,为解释这个矛盾的现象,作者使用仓鼠做了动物实验。使用人工攻毒的方式建立动物模型,他们发现不同性别动物感染钩端螺旋体后确实存在差异,但是这种差异仅在感染低剂量时才能够体现出来,即在感染低剂量病原时雄性具有更严重的症状,包括存活率和病理评分以及病原负荷(载毒量)。进一步调查发现,病理评分的差异主要存在于肾脏,并且伴随着更高的炎症因子水平。新冠病毒引起的症状在不同性别间也有差异,而且我们也早就知道男女性之间的抗炎能力存在差异。但是为什么一些病原体的致病性在不同性别间有差异但是有些没有,虽然感染病原后都会引发炎症。以及为什么钩端螺旋体引起的炎症反应差异仅存在于肾脏中?研究没有继续深入,至此戛然而止。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2018-10. DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00369-18 PMID: 30012637
A somewhat contradictory published body of evidence suggests that sex impacts severity outcomes of human leptospirosis. In this study, we used an acute animal model of disease to analyze leptospirosis … >>>
A somewhat contradictory published body of evidence suggests that sex impacts severity outcomes of human leptospirosis. In this study, we used an acute animal model of disease to analyze leptospirosis in male and female hamsters infected side by side with low but increasing doses of serovar Copenhageni. We found that male hamsters were considerably more susceptible to leptospirosis, given that only 6.3% survived infection, whereas 68.7% of the females survived the same infection doses. In contrast to the females, male hamsters had high burdens of in kidney and high histopathological scores after exposure to low infection doses (∼10 bacteria). In hamsters infected with higher doses of (∼10 bacteria), differences in pathogen burdens as well as cytokine and fibrosis transcript levels in kidney were not distinct between sexes. Our results indicate that male hamsters infected with are more susceptible to severe leptospirosis after exposure to lower infectious doses than females. <<<
钟鸣 (2022-08-31 00:39):
#paper doi:10.1128/IAI.00334-21 Infect Immun.,2022,Categorizing Sequences of Concern by Function To Better Assess Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis 病原微生物往往通过产生毒力因子作用于宿主进而损伤宿主。VFDB数据库是经典的毒力因子数据库,但其收录的毒力因子太多太多,并包含了大量并不直接损伤宿主的毒力因子,例如帮助细菌在贫瘠环境中存活的铁载体等。对于专注于狭义毒力因子的研究者来说,数据库中这些广义毒力因子是令人不悦的噪音。为了改善这种情况,这篇文章的作者对已知的毒力因子进行了梳理、归类和去冗余。本文的大部分篇幅用于对每个类别的描述,读起来不像论文而更像是一场讲座的讲稿。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2022-05-19. DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00334-21 PMID: 34780277
To identify sequences with a role in microbial pathogenesis, we assessed the adequacy of their annotation by existing controlled vocabularies and sequence databases. Our goal was to regularize descriptions of … >>>
To identify sequences with a role in microbial pathogenesis, we assessed the adequacy of their annotation by existing controlled vocabularies and sequence databases. Our goal was to regularize descriptions of microbial pathogenesis for improved integration with bioinformatic applications. Here, we review the challenges of annotating sequences for pathogenic activity. We relate the categorization of more than 2,750 sequences of pathogenic microbes through a controlled vocabulary called Functions of Sequences of Concern (FunSoCs). These allow for an ease of description by both humans and machines. We provide a subset of 220 fully annotated sequences in the supplemental material as examples. The use of this compact (∼30 terms), controlled vocabulary has potential benefits for research in microbial genomics, public health, biosecurity, biosurveillance, and the characterization of new and emerging pathogens. <<<