钟鸣 (2023-01-31 23:18):
#paper Sex Matters: Male Hamsters Are More Susceptible to Lethal Infection with Lower Doses of Pathogenic Leptospira than Female Hamsters https://doi.org/10.1128/IAI.00369-18 过去的研究中发现女性比男性更容易感染钩端螺旋体,但现实生活中男性感染钩端螺旋体的发病率和重症率却高于女性,为解释这个矛盾的现象,作者使用仓鼠做了动物实验。使用人工攻毒的方式建立动物模型,他们发现不同性别动物感染钩端螺旋体后确实存在差异,但是这种差异仅在感染低剂量时才能够体现出来,即在感染低剂量病原时雄性具有更严重的症状,包括存活率和病理评分以及病原负荷(载毒量)。进一步调查发现,病理评分的差异主要存在于肾脏,并且伴随着更高的炎症因子水平。新冠病毒引起的症状在不同性别间也有差异,而且我们也早就知道男女性之间的抗炎能力存在差异。但是为什么一些病原体的致病性在不同性别间有差异但是有些没有,虽然感染病原后都会引发炎症。以及为什么钩端螺旋体引起的炎症反应差异仅存在于肾脏中?研究没有继续深入,至此戛然而止。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2018-10. DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00369-18 PMID: 30012637
Sex Matters: Male Hamsters Are More Susceptible to Lethal Infection with Lower Doses of Pathogenic Leptospira than Female Hamsters
A somewhat contradictory published body of evidence suggests that sex impacts severity outcomes of human leptospirosis. In this study, we used an acute animal model of disease to analyze leptospirosis in male and female hamsters infected side by side with low but increasing doses of serovar Copenhageni. We found that male hamsters were considerably more susceptible to leptospirosis, given that only 6.3% survived infection, whereas 68.7% of the females survived the same infection doses. In contrast to the females, male hamsters had high burdens of in kidney and high histopathological scores after exposure to low infection doses (∼10 bacteria). In hamsters infected with higher doses of (∼10 bacteria), differences in pathogen burdens as well as cytokine and fibrosis transcript levels in kidney were not distinct between sexes. Our results indicate that male hamsters infected with are more susceptible to severe leptospirosis after exposure to lower infectious doses than females.