钟鸣 (2022-08-31 00:39):
#paper doi:10.1128/IAI.00334-21 Infect Immun.,2022,Categorizing Sequences of Concern by Function To Better Assess Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis 病原微生物往往通过产生毒力因子作用于宿主进而损伤宿主。VFDB数据库是经典的毒力因子数据库,但其收录的毒力因子太多太多,并包含了大量并不直接损伤宿主的毒力因子,例如帮助细菌在贫瘠环境中存活的铁载体等。对于专注于狭义毒力因子的研究者来说,数据库中这些广义毒力因子是令人不悦的噪音。为了改善这种情况,这篇文章的作者对已知的毒力因子进行了梳理、归类和去冗余。本文的大部分篇幅用于对每个类别的描述,读起来不像论文而更像是一场讲座的讲稿。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2022-05-19. DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00334-21 PMID: 34780277
Categorizing Sequences of Concern by Function To Better Assess Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis
To identify sequences with a role in microbial pathogenesis, we assessed the adequacy of their annotation by existing controlled vocabularies and sequence databases. Our goal was to regularize descriptions of microbial pathogenesis for improved integration with bioinformatic applications. Here, we review the challenges of annotating sequences for pathogenic activity. We relate the categorization of more than 2,750 sequences of pathogenic microbes through a controlled vocabulary called Functions of Sequences of Concern (FunSoCs). These allow for an ease of description by both humans and machines. We provide a subset of 220 fully annotated sequences in the supplemental material as examples. The use of this compact (∼30 terms), controlled vocabulary has potential benefits for research in microbial genomics, public health, biosecurity, biosurveillance, and the characterization of new and emerging pathogens.