来自杂志 Cancer discovery 的文献。
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小擎子 (2023-08-31 23:40):
#paper doi:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0324 Cancer Discov,2022, The Cancer Microbiome: Recent Highlights and Knowledge Gaps 癌症微生物组 最近的亮点和知识空白。提出了微生物影响癌症进程的几种模型,微生物参与肿瘤发生的几种理论,网罗了各种癌症与微生物关系的相关报道。癌症微生物可能会帮助未来的早期癌症诊断。有一个比较有意思的,奈瑟属酒精脱氢酶发达,乳酸杆菌RA 可以将乙醛代谢为无毒模式。饮酒会引起奈瑟属升高,乳酸杆菌RA减少。但是口腔鳞癌(与酒精损伤有关)里没有观察到这个现象,文献观点认为这是早期微生物因素驱动或者影响了口腔鳞癌的发展,但后期检测不到,属于机制中的肇事逃逸模型。
IF:29.700Q1 Cancer discovery, 2021-10. DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0324 PMID: 34400408
Knowledge of the human microbiome, which is likely a critical factor in the initiation, progression, and prognosis of multiple forms of cancer, is rapidly expanding. In this review, we focus … >>>
Knowledge of the human microbiome, which is likely a critical factor in the initiation, progression, and prognosis of multiple forms of cancer, is rapidly expanding. In this review, we focus on recent investigations to discern putative, causative microbial species and the microbiome composition and structure currently associated with procarcinogenesis and tumorigenesis at select body sites. We specifically highlight forms of cancer, gastrointestinal and nongastrointestinal, that have significant bacterial associations and well-defined experimental evidence with the aim of generating directions for future experimental and translational investigations to develop a clearer understanding of the multifaceted mechanisms by which microbiota affect cancer formation. SIGNIFICANCE: Emerging and, for some cancers, strong experimental and translational data support the contribution of the microbiome to cancer biology and disease progression. Disrupting microbiome features and pathways contributing to cancer may provide new approaches to improving cancer outcomes in patients. <<<
洪媛媛 (2022-12-31 23:21):
#paper doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-22-0659. Cancer Discov 2022. Detecting liver cancer using cell-free DNA fragmentomes. 利用cfDNA片段大小(473个5MB的基因组区域的片段)、基因组不稳定性和转录因子结合区域覆盖度进行HCC早筛,方法是低深度全基因组测序~2.6X,使用机器学习方法分析健康人 VS HCC病人特异性98%,灵敏度88%;高风险人群 VS HCC病人特异性80%,灵敏度85%。并且在独立队列进行了验证。
IF:29.700Q1 Cancer discovery, 2023-03-01. DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-22-0659 PMID: 36399356
Liver cancer is a major cause of cancer mortality worldwide. Screening individuals at high risk, including those with cirrhosis and viral hepatitis, provides an avenue for improved survival, but current … >>>
Liver cancer is a major cause of cancer mortality worldwide. Screening individuals at high risk, including those with cirrhosis and viral hepatitis, provides an avenue for improved survival, but current screening methods are inadequate. In this study, we used whole-genome cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragmentome analyses to evaluate 724 individuals from the United States, the European Union, or Hong Kong with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or who were at average or high-risk for HCC. Using a machine learning model that incorporated multifeature fragmentome data, the sensitivity for detecting cancer was 88% in an average-risk population at 98% specificity and 85% among high-risk individuals at 80% specificity. We validated these results in an independent population. cfDNA fragmentation changes reflected genomic and chromatin changes in liver cancer, including from transcription factor binding sites. These findings provide a biological basis for changes in cfDNA fragmentation in patients with liver cancer and provide an accessible approach for noninvasive cancer detection. <<<
LXJ (2022-10-31 23:26):
#paper DOI:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-1059 Hallmarks of Cancer: New Dimensions 癌症概念化的特征是一种启发式工具,将超级复杂的癌症表型与基因型提炼为一组现行但 未来可能出现变动的基本定律。随着人们对癌症发生发展机制的认知逐步完善,该疾病的其他方面已成为潜在的(认知)优化(方向)。本文对未来癌症研究的展望是:表型可塑性和分化中断是一种彼此不相关的标志性能力,并且非突变表观遗传重编程和多态微生物组是促进(癌症)获得标志性能力的独特有利特征。此外,不同来源的衰老细胞可能会被添加到肿瘤微环境重要功能细胞名单中。(最近半个月在读的文献, 肿瘤研究领域非常经典的文献第三版,Hanahan今年1月份发表在Cancer Discov,遇到困扰时就翻出来看一下)
IF:29.700Q1 Cancer discovery, 2022-01. DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-1059 PMID: 35022204
The hallmarks of cancer conceptualization is a heuristic tool for distilling the vast complexity of cancer phenotypes and genotypes into a provisional set of underlying principles. As knowledge of cancer … >>>
The hallmarks of cancer conceptualization is a heuristic tool for distilling the vast complexity of cancer phenotypes and genotypes into a provisional set of underlying principles. As knowledge of cancer mechanisms has progressed, other facets of the disease have emerged as potential refinements. Herein, the prospect is raised that phenotypic plasticity and disrupted differentiation is a discrete hallmark capability, and that nonmutational epigenetic reprogramming and polymorphic microbiomes both constitute distinctive enabling characteristics that facilitate the acquisition of hallmark capabilities. Additionally, senescent cells, of varying origins, may be added to the roster of functionally important cell types in the tumor microenvironment. SIGNIFICANCE: Cancer is daunting in the breadth and scope of its diversity, spanning genetics, cell and tissue biology, pathology, and response to therapy. Ever more powerful experimental and computational tools and technologies are providing an avalanche of "big data" about the myriad manifestations of the diseases that cancer encompasses. The integrative concept embodied in the hallmarks of cancer is helping to distill this complexity into an increasingly logical science, and the provisional new dimensions presented in this perspective may add value to that endeavor, to more fully understand mechanisms of cancer development and malignant progression, and apply that knowledge to cancer medicine. <<<
小擎子 (2022-06-30 23:08):
#paper 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-17-1134 Cancer Discov. The Pancreatic Cancer Microbiome Promotes Oncogenesis by Induction of Innate and Adaptive Immune Suppression 文章要点 1.与正常的胰腺相比,癌性胰腺有明显更丰富的微生物组 2.肿瘤胰腺特定细菌数量有所增加 3.微生物群消融可以防止侵袭前和侵袭性PDA 4.细菌消融与肿瘤微环境免疫原性重编程有关 5. 上述变化包括髓源性抑制细胞的减少和 M1 巨噬细胞分化的增加,促进 CD4 + T 细胞和 CD8 + 的Th1 分化T 细胞活化 6.细菌消融通过上调 PD-1 表达来提高检查点靶向免疫疗法的疗效 7.PDA 微生物组通过差异激活单核细胞中的选择 toll 样受体来产生耐受性免疫程序 8.内源性微生物群促进了 PDA 的免疫抑制特性,微生物组具有作为调节疾病进展的治疗靶点的潜力 9.文章发现独特而丰富的微生物组通过选择性 toll 样受体连接导致 T 细胞无反应性驱动抑制性单核细胞分化。靶向微生物组可防止肿瘤发生、逆转肿瘤内免疫耐受性,并使基于检查点的免疫疗法有效。这些数据对于理解胰腺癌中的免疫抑制及其在临床中的逆转具有重要意义。
IF:29.700Q1 Cancer discovery, 2018-04. DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-17-1134 PMID: 29567829
We found that the cancerous pancreas harbors a markedly more abundant microbiome compared with normal pancreas in both mice and humans, and select bacteria are differentially increased in the tumorous … >>>
We found that the cancerous pancreas harbors a markedly more abundant microbiome compared with normal pancreas in both mice and humans, and select bacteria are differentially increased in the tumorous pancreas compared with gut. Ablation of the microbiome protects against preinvasive and invasive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA), whereas transfer of bacteria from PDA-bearing hosts, but not controls, reverses tumor protection. Bacterial ablation was associated with immunogenic reprogramming of the PDA tumor microenvironment, including a reduction in myeloid-derived suppressor cells and an increase in M1 macrophage differentiation, promoting TH1 differentiation of CD4 T cells and CD8 T-cell activation. Bacterial ablation also enabled efficacy for checkpoint-targeted immunotherapy by upregulating PD-1 expression. Mechanistically, the PDA microbiome generated a tolerogenic immune program by differentially activating select Toll-like receptors in monocytic cells. These data suggest that endogenous microbiota promote the crippling immune-suppression characteristic of PDA and that the microbiome has potential as a therapeutic target in the modulation of disease progression. We found that a distinct and abundant microbiome drives suppressive monocytic cellular differentiation in pancreatic cancer via selective Toll-like receptor ligation leading to T-cell anergy. Targeting the microbiome protects against oncogenesis, reverses intratumoral immune tolerance, and enables efficacy for checkpoint-based immunotherapy. These data have implications for understanding immune suppression in pancreatic cancer and its reversal in the clinic. . <<<