LXJ (2022-10-31 23:26):
#paper DOI:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-1059 Hallmarks of Cancer: New Dimensions 癌症概念化的特征是一种启发式工具,将超级复杂的癌症表型与基因型提炼为一组现行但 未来可能出现变动的基本定律。随着人们对癌症发生发展机制的认知逐步完善,该疾病的其他方面已成为潜在的(认知)优化(方向)。本文对未来癌症研究的展望是:表型可塑性和分化中断是一种彼此不相关的标志性能力,并且非突变表观遗传重编程和多态微生物组是促进(癌症)获得标志性能力的独特有利特征。此外,不同来源的衰老细胞可能会被添加到肿瘤微环境重要功能细胞名单中。(最近半个月在读的文献, 肿瘤研究领域非常经典的文献第三版,Hanahan今年1月份发表在Cancer Discov,遇到困扰时就翻出来看一下)
IF:29.700Q1 Cancer discovery, 2022-01. DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-1059 PMID: 35022204
Hallmarks of Cancer: New Dimensions
The hallmarks of cancer conceptualization is a heuristic tool for distilling the vast complexity of cancer phenotypes and genotypes into a provisional set of underlying principles. As knowledge of cancer mechanisms has progressed, other facets of the disease have emerged as potential refinements. Herein, the prospect is raised that phenotypic plasticity and disrupted differentiation is a discrete hallmark capability, and that nonmutational epigenetic reprogramming and polymorphic microbiomes both constitute distinctive enabling characteristics that facilitate the acquisition of hallmark capabilities. Additionally, senescent cells, of varying origins, may be added to the roster of functionally important cell types in the tumor microenvironment. SIGNIFICANCE: Cancer is daunting in the breadth and scope of its diversity, spanning genetics, cell and tissue biology, pathology, and response to therapy. Ever more powerful experimental and computational tools and technologies are providing an avalanche of "big data" about the myriad manifestations of the diseases that cancer encompasses. The integrative concept embodied in the hallmarks of cancer is helping to distill this complexity into an increasingly logical science, and the provisional new dimensions presented in this perspective may add value to that endeavor, to more fully understand mechanisms of cancer development and malignant progression, and apply that knowledge to cancer medicine.