小擎子 (2023-08-31 23:40):
#paper doi:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0324 Cancer Discov,2022, The Cancer Microbiome: Recent Highlights and Knowledge Gaps 癌症微生物组 最近的亮点和知识空白。提出了微生物影响癌症进程的几种模型,微生物参与肿瘤发生的几种理论,网罗了各种癌症与微生物关系的相关报道。癌症微生物可能会帮助未来的早期癌症诊断。有一个比较有意思的,奈瑟属酒精脱氢酶发达,乳酸杆菌RA 可以将乙醛代谢为无毒模式。饮酒会引起奈瑟属升高,乳酸杆菌RA减少。但是口腔鳞癌(与酒精损伤有关)里没有观察到这个现象,文献观点认为这是早期微生物因素驱动或者影响了口腔鳞癌的发展,但后期检测不到,属于机制中的肇事逃逸模型。
IF:29.700Q1 Cancer discovery, 2021-10. DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0324 PMID: 34400408
The Cancer Microbiome: Recent Highlights and Knowledge Gaps
Knowledge of the human microbiome, which is likely a critical factor in the initiation, progression, and prognosis of multiple forms of cancer, is rapidly expanding. In this review, we focus on recent investigations to discern putative, causative microbial species and the microbiome composition and structure currently associated with procarcinogenesis and tumorigenesis at select body sites. We specifically highlight forms of cancer, gastrointestinal and nongastrointestinal, that have significant bacterial associations and well-defined experimental evidence with the aim of generating directions for future experimental and translational investigations to develop a clearer understanding of the multifaceted mechanisms by which microbiota affect cancer formation. SIGNIFICANCE: Emerging and, for some cancers, strong experimental and translational data support the contribution of the microbiome to cancer biology and disease progression. Disrupting microbiome features and pathways contributing to cancer may provide new approaches to improving cancer outcomes in patients.