洪媛媛 (2022-12-31 23:21):
#paper doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-22-0659. Cancer Discov 2022. Detecting liver cancer using cell-free DNA fragmentomes. 利用cfDNA片段大小(473个5MB的基因组区域的片段)、基因组不稳定性和转录因子结合区域覆盖度进行HCC早筛,方法是低深度全基因组测序~2.6X,使用机器学习方法分析健康人 VS HCC病人特异性98%,灵敏度88%;高风险人群 VS HCC病人特异性80%,灵敏度85%。并且在独立队列进行了验证。
IF:29.700Q1 Cancer discovery, 2023-03-01. DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-22-0659 PMID: 36399356
Detecting Liver Cancer Using Cell-Free DNA Fragmentomes
Liver cancer is a major cause of cancer mortality worldwide. Screening individuals at high risk, including those with cirrhosis and viral hepatitis, provides an avenue for improved survival, but current screening methods are inadequate. In this study, we used whole-genome cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragmentome analyses to evaluate 724 individuals from the United States, the European Union, or Hong Kong with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or who were at average or high-risk for HCC. Using a machine learning model that incorporated multifeature fragmentome data, the sensitivity for detecting cancer was 88% in an average-risk population at 98% specificity and 85% among high-risk individuals at 80% specificity. We validated these results in an independent population. cfDNA fragmentation changes reflected genomic and chromatin changes in liver cancer, including from transcription factor binding sites. These findings provide a biological basis for changes in cfDNA fragmentation in patients with liver cancer and provide an accessible approach for noninvasive cancer detection.