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龙海晨 (2022-12-01 17:34):
#paper Wang L, Jiang D, Zhang L. A thermophilic 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase from Thermococcus barophilus Ch5 is a new member of AGOG DNA glycosylase family[J]. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica.PMID: 35713316 DOI: 10.3724/abbs.2022072 DNA中的8-氧代胍(8oxoguanine,8oxoG)是一种主要的氧化碱基,对基因组稳定性构成严重威胁。细胞已经进化出8oxoG-DNA糖苷酶(OGG)来抵消8oxoG在DNA中产生的诱变。目前,OGG酶分为三个家族:OGG1、OGG2和AGOG。文章研究发现,来自超嗜热性欧氏菌T嗜酸乳杆菌Ch5的Tb-AGOG能在75-95摄氏度pH9.0的时候去除8oxoG有最大效率。Tb-AGOG是一种双功能DNA糖苷酶,具有糖苷酶活性和AP裂解酶活性。文章阐述了AGOG的作用机制。Tb-AGOG中的残基D41和D229对催化至关重要。
8-Oxoguanine (8oxoG) in DNA is a major oxidized base that poses a severe threat to genome stability. To counteract the mutagenic effect generated by 8oxoG in DNA, cells have evolved … >>>
8-Oxoguanine (8oxoG) in DNA is a major oxidized base that poses a severe threat to genome stability. To counteract the mutagenic effect generated by 8oxoG in DNA, cells have evolved 8oxoG DNA glycosylase (OGG) that can excise this oxidized base from DNA. Currently, OGG enzymes have been divided into three families: OGG1, OGG2 and AGOG (archaeal 8oxoG DNA glycosylase). Due to the limited reports, our understanding on AGOG enzymes remains incomplete. Herein, we present evidence that an AGOG from the hyperthermophilic euryarchaeon Ch5 (Tb-AGOG) excises 8oxoG from DNA at high temperature. The enzyme displays maximum efficiency at 75°C-95°C and at pH 9.0. As expected, Tb-AGOG is a bifunctional glycosylase that harbors glycosylase activity and AP (apurinic/apyrimidinic) lyase activity. Importantly, we reveal for the first time that residue D41 in Tb-AGOG is essential for 8oxoG excision and intermediate formation, but not essential for DNA binding or AP cleavage. Furthermore, residue E79 in Tb-AGOG is essential for 8oxoG excision and intermediate formation, and is partially involved in DNA binding and AP cleavage, which has not been described among the reported AGOG members to date. Overall, our work provides new insights into catalytic mechanism of AGOG enzymes. <<<
龙海晨 (2022-08-02 17:38):
#paper Lu W, Ren S, Dong W, et al. Albumin-induced premature senescence in human renal proximal tubular cells and its relationship with intercellular fibrosis[J]. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2022.PMID: 35713317  DOI: 10.3724/abbs.2022055 文章探讨白蛋白诱导的早衰对肾小管纤维化的影响及其可能作用的机制。通过使用不同浓度的牛血清白蛋白(BSA)以及是否加入si-p21刺激HK-2细胞进行实验,并以SA- β-半乳糖活性、衰老相关分泌表型(SASP)、层粘连蛋白B1被用作衰老的标志物。HK-2细胞在BSA刺激下,阻滞在G2/M期的细胞显著增加,p21、pCDC25C和p-CDK1的表达水平升高,纤维生成增加。当p21表达受到抑制时,pCDC25C和p-CDK1的表达水平降低,G2/M期阻滞得到改善,从而减少细胞凋亡的产生,同时减少纤维生成。实验证明BSA诱导一系列衰老表型。激活HK-2细胞中p21的表达,p21通过CDC25C/CDK1途径,调节细胞周期阻滞在G2/M期,这些变化导致早衰,最终导致纤维化增加。
The presence of senescent cells is associated with renal fibrosis. This study aims to investigate the effect of albumin-induced premature senescence on tubulointerstitial fibrosis and its possible mechanism . Different … >>>
The presence of senescent cells is associated with renal fibrosis. This study aims to investigate the effect of albumin-induced premature senescence on tubulointerstitial fibrosis and its possible mechanism . Different concentrations of bovine serum albumim (BSA) with or without si-p21 are used to stimulate HK-2 cells for 72 h, and SA-β-gal activity, senescence-associated secretory phenotypes (SASPs), LaminB1 are used as markers of senescence. Immunofluorescence staining is performed to characterize the G2/M phase arrest between the control and BSA groups. Alterations in the DNA damage marker γ-H2AX, fibrogenesis, and associated proteins at the G2/M phase, such as p21, p-CDC25C and p-CDK1, are evaluated. Compared with those in the control group, the SA-β-gal activity, SASP, and γ-H2AX levels are increased in the BSA group, while the level of LaminB1 is decreased. Meanwhile, HK-2 cells blocked at the G2/M phase are significantly increased under the stimulation of BSA, and the levels of p21, p-CDC25C and p-CDK1, as well as fibrogenesis are also increased. When p21 expression is inhibited, the levels of p-CDC25C and p-CDK1 are decreased and the G2/M phase arrest is improved, which decreases the production of fibrogenesis. In conclusion, BSA induces renal tubular epithelial cell premature senescence, which regulates the G2/M phase through the CDC25C/CDK1 pathway, leading to tubulointerstitial fibrosis. <<<