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na na na (2024-01-31 23:53):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02371-y. Epub 2023 May 29.Pan-cancer T cell atlas links a cellular stress response state to immunotherapy resistance 。T细胞是肿瘤免疫中非常重要的存在,肿瘤细胞被发现之后,T细胞就会以指数方式增殖向效应T细胞和记忆T细胞分化,快速消灭外来病原体/肿瘤,但经历不断的抗原刺激和免疫抑制信号的干扰,一些T细胞也会进入疲软期,分化为功能丧失的状态,称为T细胞耗竭(TEX)。MD安德森癌症中心对T细胞状态的广泛多样性以及它们在复杂的肿瘤微环境中的关系和作用提供了更深入的了解,为理解癌症免疫治疗效果带来了新的视角。文章主要提出了一个新的概念:T细胞应激反应状态(T cell stress response state),是指当细胞面临不利环境或压力时触发的一系列变化,以保持细胞的稳态和适应环境。适度的应激刺激可以激活细胞的防御机制,促进修复和适应能力的提高。在肿瘤中,TSTR细胞可以被认为是一类“压力过大”的T细胞。但与TEX细胞的不同,T细胞是通过两条截然不同的途径分化为TEX细胞与TSTR细胞。新的T细胞类型的发现对指导之后的肿瘤免疫微环境分析很大的价值,值得对作者数据再次进行挖掘,例如得到新的细胞亚型signature。推荐给做肿瘤科研的小伙伴,值得一读。
IF:58.700Q1 Nature medicine, 2023-Jun. DOI: 10.1038/s41591-023-02371-y PMID: 37248301
Tumor-infiltrating T cells offer a promising avenue for cancer treatment, yet their states remain to be fully characterized. Here we present a single-cell atlas of T cells from 308,048 transcriptomes … >>>
Tumor-infiltrating T cells offer a promising avenue for cancer treatment, yet their states remain to be fully characterized. Here we present a single-cell atlas of T cells from 308,048 transcriptomes across 16 cancer types, uncovering previously undescribed T cell states and heterogeneous subpopulations of follicular helper, regulatory and proliferative T cells. We identified a unique stress response state, T, characterized by heat shock gene expression. T cells are detectable in situ in the tumor microenvironment across various cancer types, mostly within lymphocyte aggregates or potential tertiary lymphoid structures in tumor beds or surrounding tumor edges. T cell states/compositions correlated with genomic, pathological and clinical features in 375 patients from 23 cohorts, including 171 patients who received immune checkpoint blockade therapy. We also found significantly upregulated heat shock gene expression in intratumoral CD4/CD8 cells following immune checkpoint blockade treatment, particularly in nonresponsive tumors, suggesting a potential role of T cells in immunotherapy resistance. Our well-annotated T cell reference maps, web portal and automatic alignment/annotation tool could provide valuable resources for T cell therapy optimization and biomarker discovery. <<<
na na na (2023-02-28 23:14):
#paper DOI:10.1038/s41573-021-00387-y. Identification of neoantigens for individualized therapeutic cancer vaccines.目前肿瘤疫苗、CART等通过应用人体自身适应性免疫系统来治疗的方式非常火热,其中有关肿瘤新新抗原识别尤其重要,在20的特斯拉联盟比赛中可以看到,大部分预测出的新抗原,其产生真正免疫原性的数量是很少的,不足30%,继续优化新抗原识别算法非常必要,如果要学习新抗原的识别算法,就必须了解肿瘤新抗原在免疫系统中的作用机制。在这篇综述中,作者比较全面的阐述了T细胞识别新抗原的基本机制,并结合体细胞突变和癌症免疫治疗的新抗原预测的现有方法逻辑之间的关系。并且作者也提出一种新抗原的分类方法,这个分类方法更多考虑了临床关注点,可以了解一下。
Somatic mutations in cancer cells can generate tumour-specific neoepitopes, which are recognized by autologous T cells in the host. As neoepitopes are not subject to central immune tolerance and are … >>>
Somatic mutations in cancer cells can generate tumour-specific neoepitopes, which are recognized by autologous T cells in the host. As neoepitopes are not subject to central immune tolerance and are not expressed in healthy tissues, they are attractive targets for therapeutic cancer vaccines. Because the vast majority of cancer mutations are unique to the individual patient, harnessing the full potential of this rich source of targets requires individualized treatment approaches. Many computational algorithms and machine-learning tools have been developed to identify mutations in sequence data, to prioritize those that are more likely to be recognized by T cells and to design tailored vaccines for every patient. In this Review, we fill the gaps between the understanding of basic mechanisms of T cell recognition of neoantigens and the computational approaches for discovery of somatic mutations and neoantigen prediction for cancer immunotherapy. We present a new classification of neoantigens, distinguishing between guarding, restrained and ignored neoantigens, based on how they confer proficient antitumour immunity in a given clinical context. Such context-based differentiation will contribute to a framework that connects neoantigen biology to the clinical setting and medical peculiarities of cancer, and will enable future neoantigen-based therapies to provide greater clinical benefit. <<<
na na na (2023-01-31 22:49):
#paper,dentification of neoantigens for individualized therapeutic cancer vaccines. Nat Rev Drug Discov. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41573-021-00387-y. PMID: 35105974; PMCID: PMC7612664. 近几年肿瘤疫苗是一个非常热门的领域,我们知道肿瘤细胞的体细胞突变可以产生肿瘤特异性的肿瘤表位,被宿主体内的自体T细胞识别,从而产生相应的杀伤;而肿瘤的异质性和个体化程度高,因此个体化治疗性癌症疫苗肿瘤抗原的鉴定就显得十分重要。目前已经开发了许多计算算法和机器学习工具,以识别序列数据中的突变,并优先筛选可能被T细胞识别的突变,为下游每个患者的个体化疫苗设计提供靶点。本篇综述结合T细胞识别肿瘤抗原的基本机制和发现体细胞突变和癌症免疫治疗预测肿瘤抗原的计算方法,比较完整的提供了新抗原算法开发目前成果和待解决问题。是一篇比较好的学习指南,推荐一下
Somatic mutations in cancer cells can generate tumour-specific neoepitopes, which are recognized by autologous T cells in the host. As neoepitopes are not subject to central immune tolerance and are … >>>
Somatic mutations in cancer cells can generate tumour-specific neoepitopes, which are recognized by autologous T cells in the host. As neoepitopes are not subject to central immune tolerance and are not expressed in healthy tissues, they are attractive targets for therapeutic cancer vaccines. Because the vast majority of cancer mutations are unique to the individual patient, harnessing the full potential of this rich source of targets requires individualized treatment approaches. Many computational algorithms and machine-learning tools have been developed to identify mutations in sequence data, to prioritize those that are more likely to be recognized by T cells and to design tailored vaccines for every patient. In this Review, we fill the gaps between the understanding of basic mechanisms of T cell recognition of neoantigens and the computational approaches for discovery of somatic mutations and neoantigen prediction for cancer immunotherapy. We present a new classification of neoantigens, distinguishing between guarding, restrained and ignored neoantigens, based on how they confer proficient antitumour immunity in a given clinical context. Such context-based differentiation will contribute to a framework that connects neoantigen biology to the clinical setting and medical peculiarities of cancer, and will enable future neoantigen-based therapies to provide greater clinical benefit. <<<
na na na (2022-12-31 23:50):
#paper,Feature specific quantile normalization enables cross-platform classification of molecular subtypes using gene expression data(2018),DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty026. 分享一篇算法工具类的文章,FSQN(feature specific quantile normalization);该方法主要是处理了 RNA-seq平台 转录组测序数据 和 芯片平台转录组测序数据的标准化问题。这个问题在做公共数据分析的时候尤其重要,通常的办法例如取log2,z-score以及用中位数做矫正等方法虽然可以在一定程度行把数据分布拉到一个区间上,但起分布依然是不一致的,导致在做机器学习建模的时候往往跨平台效果较差,该文章讨论了不同平台间批次产生的原因,并从应用角度入手,不仅比较了现有方法的劣势,也推出了FSQN的方法,该方法在测试数据集上,基于常见的分类器模型,实现了RNA-seq平台 98%的准确度和芯片平台97%准确度。还方法作者提供了R包:https://github.com/jenniferfranks/FSQN。我做过测试,通过PCA可以看到去批次效果较好,但未能实现文章中机器学习模型的高准确度,因此平台间数据的去批次方法和机器学习跨平台使用依然是一个可研究的方向,扩展思维的话,在RNA-seq和Nanostrign之间,RNA-seq和单细胞测序之间,芯片和Nanostrign之间都可以从数据矫正的角度出发去开发去批次的工具。
Motivation: Molecular subtypes of cancers and autoimmune disease, defined by transcriptomic profiling, have provided insight into disease pathogenesis, molecular heterogeneity and therapeutic responses. However, technical biases inherent to different gene … >>>
Motivation: Molecular subtypes of cancers and autoimmune disease, defined by transcriptomic profiling, have provided insight into disease pathogenesis, molecular heterogeneity and therapeutic responses. However, technical biases inherent to different gene expression profiling platforms present a unique problem when analyzing data generated from different studies. Currently, there is a lack of effective methods designed to eliminate platform-based bias. We present a method to normalize and classify RNA-seq data using machine learning classifiers trained on DNA microarray data and molecular subtypes in two datasets: breast invasive carcinoma (BRCA) and colorectal cancer (CRC).Results: Multiple analyses show that feature specific quantile normalization (FSQN) successfully removes platform-based bias from RNA-seq data, regardless of feature scaling or machine learning algorithm. We achieve up to 98% accuracy for BRCA data and 97% accuracy for CRC data in assigning molecular subtypes to RNA-seq data normalized using FSQN and a support vector machine trained exclusively on DNA microarray data. We find that maximum accuracy was achieved when normalizing RNA-seq datasets that contain at least 25 samples. FSQN allows comparison of RNA-seq data to existing DNA microarray datasets. Using these techniques, we can successfully leverage information from existing gene expression data in new analyses despite different platforms used for gene expression profiling.Availability and implementation: FSQN has been submitted as an R package to CRAN. All code used for this study is available on Github (https://github.com/jenniferfranks/FSQN).Contact: michael.l.whitfield@dartmouth.edu.Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. <<<
na na na (2022-11-30 23:54):
#paper doi: 10.1186/s13148-021-01210-6. Clin Epigenetics. 2021 Dec 18,Meyer B;Identification of DNA methylation biomarkers with potential to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer; 为避免新辅助化疗(NAC)用于三阴性乳腺癌(TNBC)术前的治疗所产生的化学毒性,需要准确的生物标志物来进行个体化预测。作者对术前TNBC活检样本进行了全基因组DNA甲基化分析,找到9个诊断时与NAC反应相关的显著差异甲基化区域(DMRs)。其中4种DMRs与TNBC总生存率显著相关(P < 0.05)。文章的重要意义不仅在于找到了TNBC的新辅助化疗预后标志物,更强调了DNA甲基化作为生物标志物在预测NAC反应方面的潜力。
IF:4.800Q1 Clinical epigenetics, 2021-12-18. DOI: 10.1186/s13148-021-01210-6 PMID: 34922619
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is used to treat triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) prior to resection. Biomarkers that accurately predict a patient's response to NAC are needed to individualise therapy and avoid … >>>
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is used to treat triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) prior to resection. Biomarkers that accurately predict a patient's response to NAC are needed to individualise therapy and avoid chemotoxicity from unnecessary chemotherapy. We performed whole-genome DNA methylation profiling on diagnostic TNBC biopsy samples from the Sequential Evaluation of Tumours Undergoing Preoperative (SETUP) NAC study. We found 9 significantly differentially methylated regions (DMRs) at diagnosis which were associated with response to NAC. We show that 4 of these DMRs are associated with TNBC overall survival (P < 0.05). Our results highlight the potential of DNA methylation biomarkers for predicting NAC response in TNBC. <<<
na na na (2022-10-31 18:03):
#paper Big data in basic and translational cancer research doi: 10.1038/s41568-022-00502-0. Epub 2022 Sep 5,https://www.nature.com/articles/s41568-022-00502-0;分享一篇肿瘤大数据综述文章;在肿瘤领域,其研究焦点通常是关注肿瘤相关的生物途径和基因的突变/表达特征等,并和临床相结合进行转化;近年来,随着高通量技术的突破,大规模癌症组学数据的快速积累,研究者们或基于研究课题方向,或基于组学信息,或基于课题组资源,整理和构建了多个公共数据库,从而更好的通过公共资源以支持更多研究者的工作。本文回顾了通过大数据来推进癌症研究和治疗的现状和未来的挑战,比较系统性的描述了肿瘤研究领域的组学类型,组学特征,常见的研究方式和常用的公共数据库等信息,内容比较多也很全面。
Historically, the primary focus of cancer research has been molecular and clinical studies of a few essential pathways and genes. Recent years have seen the rapid accumulation of large-scale cancer … >>>
Historically, the primary focus of cancer research has been molecular and clinical studies of a few essential pathways and genes. Recent years have seen the rapid accumulation of large-scale cancer omics data catalysed by breakthroughs in high-throughput technologies. This fast data growth has given rise to an evolving concept of 'big data' in cancer, whose analysis demands large computational resources and can potentially bring novel insights into essential questions. Indeed, the combination of big data, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence has led to notable advances in our basic understanding of cancer biology and to translational advancements. Further advances will require a concerted effort among data scientists, clinicians, biologists and policymakers. Here, we review the current state of the art and future challenges for harnessing big data to advance cancer research and treatment. <<<
na na na (2022-09-26 22:58):
#paper doi: 10.1038/nrg.2016.67 Nat Rev Genet, 2016, Computational genomics tools for dissecting tumour-immune cell interactions. 分享一篇比较早的16年综述,本文全方面收录了研究肿瘤免疫中各个环节涉及到的热点软件工具和数据库,描述了基于基因表达谱、DNA甲基化谱和免疫组织化学等分子信息的多种来源和可用于研究肿瘤免疫表型的生信算法,并且深入浅出的讲述了肿瘤免疫相关的技术发展现况、面临的挑战、现今研究重点、未来发展,既可帮助入门学习肿瘤免疫,也可用于深入肿瘤免疫相关研究。虽然时间有点久了,但其中讲述的观点和算法工具至今依然受用。
Recent breakthroughs in cancer immunotherapy and decreasing costs of high-throughput technologies have sparked intensive research into tumour-immune cell interactions using genomic tools. The wealth of the generated data and the … >>>
Recent breakthroughs in cancer immunotherapy and decreasing costs of high-throughput technologies have sparked intensive research into tumour-immune cell interactions using genomic tools. The wealth of the generated data and the added complexity pose considerable challenges and require computational tools to process, to analyse and to visualize the data. Recently, various tools have been developed and used to mine tumour immunologic and genomic data effectively and to provide novel mechanistic insights. Here, we review computational genomics tools for cancer immunology and provide information on the requirements and functionality in order to assist in the selection of tools and assembly of analytical pipelines. <<<
na na na (2022-03-29 23:30):
#paper Zhu T, Liu J, Beck S, Pan S, Capper D, Lechner M, Thirlwell C, Breeze CE, Teschendorff AE. A pan-tissue DNA methylation atlas enables in silico decomposition of human tissue methylomes at cell-type resolution. Nat Methods. 2022 Mar;19(3):296-306. doi: 10.1038/s41592-022-01412-7. Epub 2022 Mar 11. PMID: 35277705; PMCID: PMC8916958. 该文是3月19刚发表在Nat Methods上的一篇文章,文章主要讲的是利用组织特异性单细胞RNA 测序数据集的高分辨率特性构建了针对13种实体组织类型和40种细胞类型定义的DNA甲基化图谱,简单来说就是构建了一个利用DNA甲基化变异解析多种组织中细胞类型。目前单细胞测序主要还是以RNA表达谱为主,因此如何通过甲基化测序来准确预测组织中各种细胞类型还待研究。虽然已经有一些算法例如MehylCIBERSORT,其原理如其名字一样,都是借鉴CIBERSORT的反卷积算法,但根据其原理,只能计算成纤维细胞以及7种免疫细胞的甲基化谱,但不同肿瘤类型的组织中实际情况是更加复杂的。本文作者从多个不同肿瘤组织的单细胞测序数据出发,细胞的marker基因的mRNA表达量与其启动子区域的甲基化成显著反比的位点来定义甲基化marker。可以准确在13种组织类型和40种细胞的高分辨率DNA甲基化图谱。作者基于不同组织的中特异的细胞类型结果,分别做了验证,并且在具体的临床问题(神经细胞瘤和2期黑色素瘤的新预后关联)上,也都有良好的表现。最后作者提供了上述表达谱计算R包,并且该R包也能通过自测数据,在新的组织上构建起特异的细胞类型:https://github.com/ww880412/RPresto ; 遗憾的是,我没成功安装上还,缺少依赖包“presto”。但未找到该包,只有一个RPresto,装上后依然报错,待解决中;
IF:36.100Q1 Nature methods, 2022-03. DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01412-7 PMID: 35277705 PMCID:PMC8916958
Bulk-tissue DNA methylomes represent an average over many different cell types, hampering our understanding of cell-type-specific contributions to disease development. As single-cell methylomics is not scalable to large cohorts of … >>>
Bulk-tissue DNA methylomes represent an average over many different cell types, hampering our understanding of cell-type-specific contributions to disease development. As single-cell methylomics is not scalable to large cohorts of individuals, cost-effective computational solutions are needed, yet current methods are limited to tissues such as blood. Here we leverage the high-resolution nature of tissue-specific single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets to construct a DNA methylation atlas defined for 13 solid tissue types and 40 cell types. We comprehensively validate this atlas in independent bulk and single-nucleus DNA methylation datasets. We demonstrate that it correctly predicts the cell of origin of diverse cancer types and discovers new prognostic associations in olfactory neuroblastoma and stage 2 melanoma. In brain, the atlas predicts a neuronal origin for schizophrenia, with neuron-specific differential DNA methylation enriched for corresponding genome-wide association study risk loci. In summary, the DNA methylation atlas enables the decomposition of 13 different human tissue types at a high cellular resolution, paving the way for an improved interpretation of epigenetic data. <<<
na na na (2022-01-23 22:40):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41573-021-00155-y. Nat Rev Drug Discov,2021 Mar 8. Beyond immune checkpoint blockade: emerging immunological strategies.  1. 推荐理由:肿瘤的免疫治疗近年来一直是肿瘤领域热门的研究课题;本篇综述整理总结了多项免疫治疗前沿研究成果,在免疫治疗机制探索,免疫治疗药物临床疗效等多个方面都有总结讨论,并提出了两个治疗创新应关注的关键因素;感兴趣的朋友不妨一读,科普当前肿瘤免疫治疗效果及研究进展,而关注该领域的朋友更可以从综述所提出的方向来结合自身研究课题进行梳理和深入挖掘; 2. 解读:当前免疫治疗的主力军还是免疫检查点抑制剂,其原理主要是通过“阻止”免疫抑制,持续激活免疫反应来达到“治疗”肿瘤的效果;而提高免疫治疗疗效应考虑到更为复杂的免疫细胞-癌细胞相互作用。作者提出以下两个改善方向:①改善T细胞归巢和功能障碍:②关注单核吞噬细胞功能用以TME炎症重塑;以上两个方向基于复杂的生物学机制又有多个影响因素,例如在T细胞归巢方向,有肿瘤微血管系统,趋化因子和细胞因子等;单核吞噬细胞方向,有CD47,血管生成,胞外基质等。 3. 评论:未来的免疫疗法需要更多的关注个性化或定制策略,这些策略不仅要考虑保护性免疫应答的机制,而且还考虑其他免疫细胞类型在TME复杂细胞网络中的作用;识别出肿瘤特异性的弱点,通过对应的调节药物影响,然后将这些新药物与检查点抑制剂结合,才有可能突破当前的困境。
The success of checkpoint inhibitors has accelerated the clinical implementation of a vast mosaic of single agents and combination immunotherapies. However, the lack of clinical translation for a number of … >>>
The success of checkpoint inhibitors has accelerated the clinical implementation of a vast mosaic of single agents and combination immunotherapies. However, the lack of clinical translation for a number of immunotherapies as monotherapies or in combination with checkpoint inhibitors has clarified that new strategies must be employed to advance the field. The next chapter of immunotherapy should examine the immuno-oncology therapeutic failures, and consider the complexity of immune cell-cancer cell interactions to better design more effective anticancer drugs. Herein, we briefly review the history of immunotherapy and checkpoint blockade, highlighting important clinical failures. We discuss the critical aspects - beyond T cell co-receptors - of immune processes within the tumour microenvironment (TME) that may serve as avenues along which new therapeutic strategies in immuno-oncology can be forged. Emerging insights into tumour biology suggest that successful future therapeutics will focus on two key factors: rescuing T cell homing and dysfunction in the TME, and reappropriating mononuclear phagocyte function for TME inflammatory remodelling. New drugs will need to consider the complex cell networks that exist within tumours and among cancer types. <<<