na na na (2022-09-26 22:58):
#paper doi: 10.1038/nrg.2016.67 Nat Rev Genet, 2016, Computational genomics tools for dissecting tumour-immune cell interactions. 分享一篇比较早的16年综述,本文全方面收录了研究肿瘤免疫中各个环节涉及到的热点软件工具和数据库,描述了基于基因表达谱、DNA甲基化谱和免疫组织化学等分子信息的多种来源和可用于研究肿瘤免疫表型的生信算法,并且深入浅出的讲述了肿瘤免疫相关的技术发展现况、面临的挑战、现今研究重点、未来发展,既可帮助入门学习肿瘤免疫,也可用于深入肿瘤免疫相关研究。虽然时间有点久了,但其中讲述的观点和算法工具至今依然受用。
Computational genomics tools for dissecting tumour-immune cell interactions
Recent breakthroughs in cancer immunotherapy and decreasing costs of high-throughput technologies have sparked intensive research into tumour-immune cell interactions using genomic tools. The wealth of the generated data and the added complexity pose considerable challenges and require computational tools to process, to analyse and to visualize the data. Recently, various tools have been developed and used to mine tumour immunologic and genomic data effectively and to provide novel mechanistic insights. Here, we review computational genomics tools for cancer immunology and provide information on the requirements and functionality in order to assist in the selection of tools and assembly of analytical pipelines.