芝麻 (2022-08-31 21:33):
#paper IGF1R upregulation confers resistance to isoform-specific inhibitors of PI3K in PIK3CA-driven ovarian cancer, Cell Death Dis. 2018 Sep 20;9(10):944. doi: 10.1038/s41419-018-1025-8. PIK3CA突变导致的(PI3K)通路的过度激活发生在20%以上的卵巢癌患者中,是卵巢癌的一个潜在药物靶点。但是卵巢癌PI3Ki的临床试验中,患者对治疗会产生耐药。因此,临床迫切需要开发新的药物应对PI3Ki的耐药。作者通过对比抗PI3Ki vs PI3Ki敏感的PIK3CA突变OC细胞系来寻找导致PI3Ki耐药的分子机制。作者发现在耐药细胞系中,AKT/mTOR的持续激活是导致PI3Ki耐药的主要原因。通过体外敲除关键因子IGF1R,可以逆转PI3Ki的耐药,并且IGF1R抑制剂在体外和体内显示出有效的抗肿瘤活性。总之,作者研究证明,PI3K和IGF1R的双重抑制可能被视为PIK3CA驱动的OC的一种新的治疗策略。
IF:8.100Q1 Cell death & disease, 2018-09-20. DOI: 10.1038/s41419-018-1025-8 PMID: 30237504
IGF1R upregulation confers resistance to isoform-specific inhibitors of PI3K in PIK3CA-driven ovarian cancer
Genomic alterations (GA) in PIK3CA leads to the hyper-activation of the phosphatidylinositol-4, 5-bisphosphate 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway in more than 20% of ovarian cancer (OC) patients. Therefore, PI3K therapies are under clinical evaluation for this subset of patients. Evidently, in clinical trials testing the efficacy of isoform-specific inhibitors of PI3K (PI3Ki), patients having a stable disease eventually relapse, as tumors become resistant to treatment. Hence, there is an urgent clinical need to develop new therapeutic combinations to improve the efficacy of PI3Ki in PIK3CA-driven OC patients. Here we identified the molecular mechanism that limits the efficacy of the beta-sparing PI3Ki, Taselisib (GDC0032), in PIK3CA-mutated OC cell lines (IGROV1 and OAW42) that acquired resistance to GDC0032. By comparing the molecular profile of GDC0032-sensitve and -resistant OC cell lines, we found that AKT/mTOR inhibition is required for GDC0032 efficacy. In resistant cells, the sustained activation of AKT/mTOR was regulated by the upregulation of the insulin growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R). Knockdown of IGF1R re-sensitized cells to GDC0032 in vitro, and the combination of AEW541, an IGF1R inhibitor, with GDC0032 exhibited potent anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo. We further demonstrated that IGF1R regulates tumor cell proliferation in IGROV1 cells, whereas in OAW42, it determines autophagy as well. Overall, our findings suggest that the dual inhibition of PI3K and IGF1R may be considered as a new therapeutic strategy in PIK3CA-driven OC.