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June (2022-06-30 23:59):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.aaw9021. Epub 2022 Jan 7.Tissue geometry drives deterministic organoid patterning该研究提出了一种指导基于干细胞的器官发生的方法,该过程完全由“随机”自组织驱动。该研究还验证了长期存在但未充分探索的形态发生范例,其中组织的当前形状可以帮助图案化和指定组织的发育过程,从而确定组织的未来形状。在肠隐窝形成的情况下,出芽不仅可以跟随Paneth细胞的出现,而且还可以先于它。该研究的类器官培养物可用于回答现有类器官和动物模型无法解决的问题,它们可以将类器官技术转化为现实世界的应用。
Epithelial organoids are stem cell–derived tissues that approximate aspects of real organs, and thus they have potential as powerful tools in basic and translational research. By definition, they self-organize, but … >>>
Epithelial organoids are stem cell–derived tissues that approximate aspects of real organs, and thus they have potential as powerful tools in basic and translational research. By definition, they self-organize, but the structures formed are often heterogeneous and irreproducible, which limits their use in the lab and clinic. We describe methodologies for spatially and temporally controlling organoid formation, thereby rendering a stochastic process more deterministic. Bioengineered stem cell microenvironments are used to specify the initial geometry of intestinal organoids, which in turn controls their patterning and crypt formation. We leveraged the reproducibility and predictability of the culture to identify the underlying mechanisms of epithelial patterning, which may contribute to reinforcing intestinal regionalization in vivo. By controlling organoid culture, we demonstrate how these structures can be used to answer questions not readily addressable with the standard, more variable, organoid models. <<<
June (2022-05-31 22:42):
#paper:doi: 10.1038/s41556-021-00818-3.该研究通过独立的全基因组 CRISPR-Cas9 和激酶抑制剂文库筛选将 PKCβII 鉴定为铁死亡的关键贡献者。研究结果表明,PKCβII 可感知初始脂质过氧化物,并通过 ACSL4 的磷酸化和激活来放大与铁死亡相关的脂质过氧化。脂质组学分析表明,活化的 ACSL4 催化含多不饱和脂肪酸的脂质生物合成并促进脂质过氧化产物的积累,导致铁死亡。PKCβII-ACSL4 通路的减弱在体外有效地阻断了铁死亡,并在体内削弱了与铁死亡相关的癌症免疫治疗。总之,该研究结果将 PKCβII 确定为脂质过氧化的感应器,脂质过氧化-PKCβII-ACSL4 正反馈轴可能为铁死亡相关疾病治疗提供潜在的靶点。
IF:17.300Q1 Nature cell biology, 2022-01. DOI: 10.1038/s41556-021-00818-3 PMID: 35027735
The accumulation of lipid peroxides is recognized as a determinant of the occurrence of ferroptosis. However, the sensors and amplifying process of lipid peroxidation linked to ferroptosis remain obscure. Here … >>>
The accumulation of lipid peroxides is recognized as a determinant of the occurrence of ferroptosis. However, the sensors and amplifying process of lipid peroxidation linked to ferroptosis remain obscure. Here we identify PKCβII as a critical contributor of ferroptosis through independent genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 and kinase inhibitor library screening. Our results show that PKCβII senses the initial lipid peroxides and amplifies lipid peroxidation linked to ferroptosis through phosphorylation and activation of ACSL4. Lipidomics analysis shows that activated ACSL4 catalyses polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing lipid biosynthesis and promotes the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products, leading to ferroptosis. Attenuation of the PKCβII-ACSL4 pathway effectively blocks ferroptosis in vitro and impairs ferroptosis-associated cancer immunotherapy in vivo. Our results identify PKCβII as a sensor of lipid peroxidation, and the lipid peroxidation-PKCβII-ACSL4 positive-feedback axis may provide potential targets for ferroptosis-associated disease treatment. <<<
June (2022-04-30 14:29):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41392-022-00936-w该研究通过将 RT 与核酸酶野生型 Cas9 (WT-PE) 融合来进行大规模基因组操作,设计了一种新的先导编辑系统。与传统的先导编辑器(PE2)不同,这种新系统同时在目标位点引入了一个 DSB 和一个 3' 延伸的瓣,然后通过内源机制将它们整合到基因组中。当它与配对的 pegRNA 结合时,WT-PE 实现了高效的大规模基因组编辑,包括大片段缺失和染色体易位。因此, WT-PE 系统可能有助于建模或治疗与大片段畸变相关的疾病。
Large scale genomic aberrations including duplication, deletion, translocation, and other structural changes are the cause of a subtype of hereditary genetic disorders and contribute to onset or progress of cancer. … >>>
Large scale genomic aberrations including duplication, deletion, translocation, and other structural changes are the cause of a subtype of hereditary genetic disorders and contribute to onset or progress of cancer. The current prime editor, PE2, consisting of Cas9-nickase and reverse transcriptase enables efficient editing of genomic deletion and insertion, however, at small scale. Here, we designed a novel prime editor by fusing reverse transcriptase (RT) to nuclease wild-type Cas9 (WT-PE) to edit large genomic fragment. WT-PE system simultaneously introduced a double strand break (DSB) and a single 3' extended flap in the target site. Coupled with paired prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs) that have complementary sequences in their 3' terminus while target different genomic regions, WT-PE produced bi-directional prime editing, which enabled efficient and versatile large-scale genome editing, including large fragment deletion up to 16.8 megabase (Mb) pairs and chromosomal translocation. Therefore, our WT-PE system has great potential to model or treat diseases related to large-fragment aberrations. <<<
June (2022-03-31 18:24):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41556-021-00820-9. Epub 2022 Feb 10.Cancer-cell-derived GABA promotes β-catenin-mediated tumour growth and immunosuppression 在此项工作中,研究人员通过分析大量病人的肿瘤病理切片,证实了GABA在肺癌和结肠癌中的异常积累。通过统计,他们发现GABA的含量随着临床分期的提升而逐渐增加,并且与病人的生存时间呈现明显的负相关性。这些都提示GABA可能在肿瘤的发生发展中充当了“帮凶”。 为了找出GABA在肿瘤中积累的原因,研究人员结合肿瘤病人临床样品,小鼠肿瘤模型和体外肿瘤细胞,发现肺癌和结肠癌细胞通过异常表达谷氨酸脱羧酶家族成员GAD1从而利用肿瘤环境中丰富的谷氨酰胺进行代谢并合成GABA。通过干预GAD1在肿瘤细胞内的表达,不仅可以显著减少肿瘤细胞所产生的GABA,还能够在一定程度上抑制肿瘤的生长。 为了更加清晰地了解GABA在肿瘤中的作用机制,他们发现肿瘤细胞分泌到环境中的GABA将被同样表达于细胞表面的一种名叫GABA B型受体的蛋白所识别,其产生的细胞内信号最终增强了一种在发育和肿瘤等方面发挥着重要作用的通路调节蛋白β-catenin。有意思的是,这种增强的β-catenin信号不仅可以通过调节下游相关基因的表达帮助肿瘤细胞体外增殖,还能通过抑制免疫细胞对肿瘤的渗入促进体内肿瘤生长。利用不同的小鼠模型,研究者们发现阻断GABA的肿瘤能够通过抑制β-catenin通路而激活肿瘤中特定细胞因子的表达,而这将有助于树突状细胞对肿瘤的渗入,从而进一步影响T细胞进入肿瘤并对肿瘤进行杀伤。最后,研究人员发现将抑制GABA类药物与免疫检查点抑制剂结合使用能够明显改善对于单独免疫检查点抑制剂具有抗性的肿瘤治疗效果,并且显著提升小鼠的存活时间。 总体而言,此项工作揭示了GABA在神经系统之外发挥了调控肿瘤自身增殖和免疫逃逸的重要作用。由于一部分GABA抑制剂已作为药物在临床运用,此项研究也揭示了GABA抑制剂与免疫疗法相结合治疗肿瘤的潜在应用价值。
IF:17.300Q1 Nature cell biology, 2022-02. DOI: 10.1038/s41556-021-00820-9 PMID: 35145222 PMCID:PMC8852304
Many cancers have an unusual dependence on glutamine. However, most previous studies have focused on the contribution of glutamine to metabolic building blocks and the energy supply. Here, we report … >>>
Many cancers have an unusual dependence on glutamine. However, most previous studies have focused on the contribution of glutamine to metabolic building blocks and the energy supply. Here, we report that cancer cells with aberrant expression of glutamate decarboxylase 1 (GAD1) rewire glutamine metabolism for the synthesis of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-a prominent neurotransmitter-in non-nervous tissues. An analysis of clinical samples reveals that increased GABA levels predict poor prognosis. Mechanistically, we identify a cancer-intrinsic pathway through which GABA activates the GABA receptor to inhibit GSK-3β activity, leading to enhanced β-catenin signalling. This GABA-mediated β-catenin activation both stimulates tumour cell proliferation and suppresses CD8 T cell intratumoural infiltration, such that targeting GAD1 or GABAR in mouse models overcomes resistance to anti-PD-1 immune checkpoint blockade therapy. Our findings uncover a signalling role for tumour-derived GABA beyond its classic function as a neurotransmitter that can be targeted pharmacologically to reverse immunosuppression. <<<