颜林林 (2022-07-25 07:28):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41380-022-01661-0 Molecular Psychiatry, 2022, The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence. 这是一篇meta分析,而且还是一篇阴性结果的报道,按照很多“业内人”的观点,这样的“水文”是不屑一顾或羞于启齿的。本文研究血清素(serotonin,即5-羟色胺)是否与抑郁症病因有关。这是一个流行于大多数公众和专业研究人员的观点,人们普遍认为血清素降低与抑郁症有关。本文采取了“伞式”审查(umbrella review)方法,纳入多个不同领域对血清素系统进行的大量研究,以便为结论提供可及的最高证据等级支持。涵盖的六个领域分别是:(1) 血清素及其代谢物5-HIAA(5-羟吲哚乙酸)是否在抑郁症患者体液中含量更低;(2) 抑郁症患者的血清素受体是否表达水平更低;(3) 血清素转运蛋白(SERT)是否抑郁症患者中表达更高;(4) 色氨酸(5-羟色胺的前体)耗竭是否会导致抑郁症;(5) 抑郁症患者的 SERT 基因是否表达更高;(6) 抑郁症患者的SERT基因与压力之间是否存在相互作用。本文研究在 PROSPERO 注册(CRD42020207203),共纳入 17 项研究:12 项系统评价和meta分析(systematic reviews and meta-analyses),1 项协作meta分析(collaborative meta-analysis),1 项大型队列研究的meta分析(meta-analysis of large cohort studies),1 项系统评价和综述(systematic review and narrative synthesis),1 项遗传关联研究(genetic association study)和 1 项伞式审查(umbrella review)。最终在六个领域问题上,分别以各自可及的最大样本量(从数百到数万),否定了血清素活性标志物与抑郁症之间的关联,并建议“it is time to acknowledge that the serotonin theory of depression is not empirically substantiated(是时候承认抑郁症的血清素理论并没有经验实证)”。可见,能够明确下一个阴性结论(否定结论),也是相当不容易的。
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2023-Aug. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-022-01661-0 PMID: 35854107
The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence
The serotonin hypothesis of depression is still influential. We aimed to synthesise and evaluate evidence on whether depression is associated with lowered serotonin concentration or activity in a systematic umbrella review of the principal relevant areas of research. PubMed, EMBASE and PsycINFO were searched using terms appropriate to each area of research, from their inception until December 2020. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses and large data-set analyses in the following areas were identified: serotonin and serotonin metabolite, 5-HIAA, concentrations in body fluids; serotonin 5-HT receptor binding; serotonin transporter (SERT) levels measured by imaging or at post-mortem; tryptophan depletion studies; SERT gene associations and SERT gene-environment interactions. Studies of depression associated with physical conditions and specific subtypes of depression (e.g. bipolar depression) were excluded. Two independent reviewers extracted the data and assessed the quality of included studies using the AMSTAR-2, an adapted AMSTAR-2, or the STREGA for a large genetic study. The certainty of study results was assessed using a modified version of the GRADE. We did not synthesise results of individual meta-analyses because they included overlapping studies. The review was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020207203). 17 studies were included: 12 systematic reviews and meta-analyses, 1 collaborative meta-analysis, 1 meta-analysis of large cohort studies, 1 systematic review and narrative synthesis, 1 genetic association study and 1 umbrella review. Quality of reviews was variable with some genetic studies of high quality. Two meta-analyses of overlapping studies examining the serotonin metabolite, 5-HIAA, showed no association with depression (largest n = 1002). One meta-analysis of cohort studies of plasma serotonin showed no relationship with depression, and evidence that lowered serotonin concentration was associated with antidepressant use (n = 1869). Two meta-analyses of overlapping studies examining the 5-HT receptor (largest n = 561), and three meta-analyses of overlapping studies examining SERT binding (largest n = 1845) showed weak and inconsistent evidence of reduced binding in some areas, which would be consistent with increased synaptic availability of serotonin in people with depression, if this was the original, causal abnormaly. However, effects of prior antidepressant use were not reliably excluded. One meta-analysis of tryptophan depletion studies found no effect in most healthy volunteers (n = 566), but weak evidence of an effect in those with a family history of depression (n = 75). Another systematic review (n = 342) and a sample of ten subsequent studies (n = 407) found no effect in volunteers. No systematic review of tryptophan depletion studies has been performed since 2007. The two largest and highest quality studies of the SERT gene, one genetic association study (n = 115,257) and one collaborative meta-analysis (n = 43,165), revealed no evidence of an association with depression, or of an interaction between genotype, stress and depression. The main areas of serotonin research provide no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations. Some evidence was consistent with the possibility that long-term antidepressant use reduces serotonin concentration.