颜林林 (2022-06-08 07:44):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2022.05.006 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2022, Systematic cross-biospecimen evaluation of DNA extraction kits for long- and short-read multi-metagenomic sequencing studies. DNA提取是宏基因组研究中的第一步湿实验,其质量和稳定性对于后续数据结果产出至关重要。本文对入组受试者采集了胆汁、粪便、唾液、斑块、痰和结膜拭子样本,并使用三个商业试剂盒分别进行DNA提取实验。提取得到的DNA,分别建库和上机测序,包括使用二代测序(华大DNBSEQ-G400测序仪)和三代测序(纳米孔Mk1B MinION测序仪),用以分析和评估微生物组成。其结果显示,不同DNA提取试剂盒之间的差异确实很大,但不同样本类型之间的差异更大。而宏基因组的重要评估特征α多样性,也受到试剂盒及测序深度的明显影响。而相应地,在不同测序技术平台之间,所得到的微生物组成及分类概况基本是一致的,即偏倚主要还是来自于前期样本处理,而非后期建库测序过程。由于不同DNA提取试剂盒的微生物群组成差异很大,因而文章推荐,对于旨在直接比较来自同一患者的多个微生物群的研究,应该采取单一试剂盒的策略,以避免由于试剂盒选择带来的干扰。
Systematic Cross-biospecimen Evaluation of DNA Extraction Kits for Long- and Short-read Multi-metagenomic Sequencing Studies
High-quality DNA extraction is a crucial step in metagenomic studies. Bias by different isolation kits impairs the comparison across datasets. A trending topic is, however, the analysis of multiple metagenomes from the same patients to draw a holistic picture of microbiota associated with diseases. We thus collected bile, stool, saliva, plaque, sputum, and conjunctival swab samples and performed DNA extraction with three commercial kits. For each combination of the specimen type and DNA extraction kit, 20-gigabase (Gb) metagenomic data were generated using short-read sequencing. While profiles of the specimen types showed close proximity to each other, we observed notable differences in the alpha diversity and composition of the microbiota depending on the DNA extraction kits. No kit outperformed all selected kits on every specimen. We reached consistently good results using the Qiagen QiAamp DNA Microbiome Kit. Depending on the specimen, our data indicate that over 10 Gb of sequencing data are required to achieve sufficient resolution, but DNA-based identification is superior to identification by mass spectrometry. Finally, long-read nanopore sequencing confirmed the results (correlation coefficient > 0.98). Our results thus suggest using a strategy with only one kit for studies aiming for a direct comparison of multiple microbiotas from the same patients.