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四叶草 (2022-07-31 10:05):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2352-3 hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells 2020年发表在Nature上的文章,关于人多能干细胞向皮肤类器官分化,且伴随皮肤附属器结构的形成。文章通过对TGFb,BMP以及FGF通路的控制将干细胞形成的EB通过非神经外胚层逐步分化成为皮肤,再诱发皮肤的自我重排,使皮肤形成多层结构。体外培养3个月可明显看到毛囊的生长,经过裸鼠的体内移植实验进一步验证了类器官可以在体内分层,形成皮脂腺和含有感受器细胞的毛囊,为皮肤发育提供模型,为皮肤移植提供供体。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2020-06. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2352-3 PMID: 32494013
The skin is a multilayered organ, equipped with appendages (that is, follicles and glands), that is critical for regulating body temperature and the retention of bodily fluids, guarding against external … >>>
The skin is a multilayered organ, equipped with appendages (that is, follicles and glands), that is critical for regulating body temperature and the retention of bodily fluids, guarding against external stresses and mediating the sensation of touch and pain. Reconstructing appendage-bearing skin in cultures and in bioengineered grafts is a biomedical challenge that has yet to be met. Here we report an organoid culture system that generates complex skin from human pluripotent stem cells. We use stepwise modulation of the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling pathways to co-induce cranial epithelial cells and neural crest cells within a spherical cell aggregate. During an incubation period of 4-5 months, we observe the emergence of a cyst-like skin organoid composed of stratified epidermis, fat-rich dermis and pigmented hair follicles that are equipped with sebaceous glands. A network of sensory neurons and Schwann cells form nerve-like bundles that target Merkel cells in organoid hair follicles, mimicking the neural circuitry associated with human touch. Single-cell RNA sequencing and direct comparison to fetal specimens suggest that the skin organoids are equivalent to the facial skin of human fetuses in the second trimester of development. Moreover, we show that skin organoids form planar hair-bearing skin when grafted onto nude mice. Together, our results demonstrate that nearly complete skin can self-assemble in vitro and be used to reconstitute skin in vivo. We anticipate that our skin organoids will provide a foundation for future studies of human skin development, disease modelling and reconstructive surgery. <<<