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(2022-08-23 20:20):
#paper 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.01.014
Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation in sperm is transmitted to the embryo and associated with diet-induced phenotypes in the offspring
A father's lifestyle impacts offspring health; yet, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. We hypothesized that a diet that changes methyl donor availability will alter the sperm and embryo epigenomes …
A father's lifestyle impacts offspring health; yet, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. We hypothesized that a diet that changes methyl donor availability will alter the sperm and embryo epigenomes to impact embryonic gene expression and development. Here, we demonstrate that a folate-deficient (FD) diet alters histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) in sperm at developmental genes and putative enhancers. A subset of H3K4me3 alterations in sperm are retained in the pre-implantation embryo and associated with deregulated embryonic gene expression. Using a genetic mouse model in which sires have pre-existing altered H3K4me2/3 in sperm, we show that a FD diet exacerbates alterations in sperm H3K4me3 and embryonic gene expression, leading to an increase in developmental defect severity. These findings imply that paternal H3K4me3 is transmitted to the embryo and influences gene expression and development. It further suggests that epigenetic errors can accumulate in sperm to worsen offspring developmental outcomes.
(2022-07-28 09:45):
#paperFertil Steril. 2022 Apr;117(4):792-800. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.12.025. Epub 2022 Jan 31. PMID: 35109980
在IVF周期中,子宫内膜厚度是常规测量的,子宫内膜薄与流产、异位妊娠、前置胎盘、低出生体重、以及其他产科并发症风险增加有关。既往研究表明,在鲜胚移植周期中,子宫内膜厚度的增加对妊娠结局的改善有帮助。冷冻胚胎移植周期中,子宫内膜厚度与IVF妊娠结局的关系不一致,也有研究认为FET周期中子宫内膜厚度不能预测活产率。因此,目前尚不清楚妊娠率和活产率是否在某一点趋于稳定,或者是否随着子宫内膜厚度的增加而继续上升。此外,FET与fresh ET的最佳子宫内膜厚度是否相同仍有待揭示。本研究探索了在鲜胚周期与冻胚周期中是否存在最合适的内膜厚度。
纳入数据来自加拿大辅助生殖技术注册+(CARTR Plus)数据库,纳入2013年1月至2019年12月之间96760个自体周期。这包括43383个鲜胚周期和53377个冻胚周期。
结论 在新鲜胚胎移植的周期中,活产率显著增加,直到子宫内膜厚度为10-12mm,而在FET周期中,活产率在内膜为7-10mm后趋于稳定。
OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of increasing endometrial thickness on live birth rates in fresh and frozen-thaw embryo transfer (FET) cycles.DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.SETTING: National data from Autologous in vitro …
OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of increasing endometrial thickness on live birth rates in fresh and frozen-thaw embryo transfer (FET) cycles.DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.SETTING: National data from Autologous in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryo transfer and FET cycles in Canada from the Canadian Assisted Reproductive Technology Registry Plus (CARTR Plus) database for records between January 2013 and December 2019.PATIENTS: Thirty-three Canadians clinics participated in voluntary reporting of IVF and pregnancy outcomes to the Canadian Assisted Reproductive Technology Registry Plus database, and a total of 43,383 fresh and 53,377 frozen transfers were included.INTERVENTION(S): None.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Clinical pregnancy, pregnancy loss, and live birth rates.RESULTS: In fresh IVF-embryo transfer cycles, increasing endometrial thickness is associated with significant increases in the mean number of oocytes retrieved, peak estradiol levels, number of usable embryos, clinical pregnancy rates, live birth rates, and mean term singleton birth weights, and a decrease in pregnancy loss rates. However, live birth rates plateau after 10-12 mm. In contrast, in FET cycles live birth rates plateau after the endometrium measures 7-10 mm. The improvement in live birth rates with increasing endometrial thickness was independent of patient age, timing of embryo transfer (e.g., cleavage stage vs. blastocyst stage), or the number of oocytes at retrieval.CONCLUSIONS: In cycles with a fresh embryo transfer, live birth rates increase significantly until an endometrial thickness of 10-12 mm, while in FET cycles live birth rates plateau after 7-10 mm. However, an endometrial thickness <6 mm was associated clearly with a dramatic reduction in live birth rates in fresh and frozen embryo transfer cycles.