李欣 (2022-08-23 20:20):
#paper 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.01.014 Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation in sperm is transmitted to the embryo and associated with diet-induced phenotypes in the offspring  精子表观基因组对环境压力源的敏感不仅限于宫内发育期,可能贯穿整个生命周期。不良饮食可致小鼠精子表观修饰改变,精子发生过程中KDM1A过表达介导精子启动子H3K4me2/3差异富集、子代出生后早期死亡及大量先天性异常,而精子H3K4me3水平的变化是否可从精子传递到植入前胚胎尚未得到证实。此外,微量营养素缺乏,包括叶酸缺乏症,如何影响哺乳动物精子染色质在全基因组水平上的建立和传递尚不清楚。 本研究旨在探究:(1)断奶后叶酸缺乏会改变精子H3K4me3的富集吗?(2)受损的精子表观基因组是否会受到另一种表观基因组调节剂(叶酸缺乏)的影响并导致后代发育缺陷增强?(3)精子H3K4me3富集变化是否在胚胎中持续存在,它们是否与胚胎基因表达和发育异常有关?作者得出结论:精子H3K4me3传递到胚胎并影响基因表达和发育,增加了暴露于多种环境压力可累积影响表观基因组的可能性。表观遗传错误可以在精子中积累并恶化子代的发育结局。
IF:10.700Q1 Developmental cell, 2021-03-08. DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.01.014 PMID: 33596408
Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation in sperm is transmitted to the embryo and associated with diet-induced phenotypes in the offspring
A father's lifestyle impacts offspring health; yet, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. We hypothesized that a diet that changes methyl donor availability will alter the sperm and embryo epigenomes to impact embryonic gene expression and development. Here, we demonstrate that a folate-deficient (FD) diet alters histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) in sperm at developmental genes and putative enhancers. A subset of H3K4me3 alterations in sperm are retained in the pre-implantation embryo and associated with deregulated embryonic gene expression. Using a genetic mouse model in which sires have pre-existing altered H3K4me2/3 in sperm, we show that a FD diet exacerbates alterations in sperm H3K4me3 and embryonic gene expression, leading to an increase in developmental defect severity. These findings imply that paternal H3K4me3 is transmitted to the embryo and influences gene expression and development. It further suggests that epigenetic errors can accumulate in sperm to worsen offspring developmental outcomes.