muton (2023-06-30 21:57):
# Paper: Doeller, C. F., Barry, C., & Burgess, N. (2010). Evidence for grid cells in a human memory network. Nature, 463(7281), 657–661. 自由运动大鼠内嗅皮层中的网格细胞提供了自我定位的显著周期性表征,这表明了非常特殊的计算机制。然而,网格细胞在人类中的存在及其在整个大脑中的分布是未知的。本研究表明,大鼠内嗅皮层定向调节的网格细胞的优先放电方向与网格对齐,并且快跑与慢跑相比,网格细胞放电的空间组织更为明显。由于网格细胞的一致性特征,作者预测了在更宏观的信号,也就是人类的功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)记录中也会发现网格细胞的相关证据。因此,作者模拟老鼠的觅食任务,让参与者探索虚拟现实环境,结果显示fMRI激活和适应在跑步方向上显示出由速度调节的六倍旋转对称的特性。这种信号在鼻内/丘下、顶叶后部和内侧、颞外侧和前额叶内侧的网络中都有发现。并且该效应在右内嗅皮层表现最为明显,方向信号在内嗅皮层间的相干性与空间记忆表现相关。本研究提示了将单细胞电生理学与功能磁共振成像在系统神经科学中结合的潜在可能。本研究结果为人类的网格细胞样表征提供了证据,并暗示在支持空间认知和自传体记忆的区域网络中存在一种特定类型神经表征。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2010-Feb-04. DOI: 10.1038/nature08704 PMID: 20090680
Evidence for grid cells in a human memory network
Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex of freely moving rats provide a strikingly periodic representation of self-location which is indicative of very specific computational mechanisms. However, the existence of grid cells in humans and their distribution throughout the brain are unknown. Here we show that the preferred firing directions of directionally modulated grid cells in rat entorhinal cortex are aligned with the grids, and that the spatial organization of grid-cell firing is more strongly apparent at faster than slower running speeds. Because the grids are also aligned with each other, we predicted a macroscopic signal visible to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in humans. We then looked for this signal as participants explored a virtual reality environment, mimicking the rats' foraging task: fMRI activation and adaptation showing a speed-modulated six-fold rotational symmetry in running direction. The signal was found in a network of entorhinal/subicular, posterior and medial parietal, lateral temporal and medial prefrontal areas. The effect was strongest in right entorhinal cortex, and the coherence of the directional signal across entorhinal cortex correlated with spatial memory performance. Our study illustrates the potential power of combining single-unit electrophysiology with fMRI in systems neuroscience. Our results provide evidence for grid-cell-like representations in humans, and implicate a specific type of neural representation in a network of regions which supports spatial cognition and also autobiographical memory.