哪有情可长 (2022-09-18 20:36):
#paper 'Green revolution' genes encode mutant gibberellin response modulators, Nature 1999 Jul 15;400(6741):256-61. doi: 10.1038/22307. 绿色革命是将在拟南芥中发现的矮杆的基因引用到作物中,降低了水稻、小麦等作物的株高,然后加上水肥等配套设施开始完善,从而使得作物产量增加,也降低了作物成熟后期大风和降雨导致的倒伏减产。进而使得矮杆基因在’绿色革命‘中得以应用。作物中的矮杆突变主要是由于该类基因突变后,导致对GA(赤霉素)不敏感,反应异常导致的。该文主要从拟南芥、水稻、玉米、小麦中的矮杆基因的基因结构,蛋白功能以及突变位点的差异导致的表型的差异变化。分析物种之间矮杆基因的共线性、矮杆基因中发现的SH2 domain结构。且赤霉素信号转导在单子叶和双子叶植物中非常相似,可能涉及SH2 domian与磷酸化酪氨酸残基的相互作用。 该作者首先在1993年在拟南芥中发现了一个GAI的基因,该基因是负调控赤霉素(GA)信号通路的一个基因。获取拟南芥中该基因突变体,后再1997年又发了一篇关于拟南芥GAI基因的文章,后续他又在小麦中进行研究,发现无论是双子叶植物还是单子叶植物,该类基因的功能是同源性较好的基因。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2002. DOI: 10.1038/22307
‘Green revolution’ genes encode mutant gibberellin response modulators
World wheat grain yields increased substantially in the 1960s and 1970s because farmers rapidly adopted the new varieties and cultivation methods of the so-called ‘green revolution’1,2,3,4. The new varieties are shorter, increase grain yield at the expense of straw biomass, and are more resistant to damage by wind and rain3,4. These wheats are short because they respond abnormally to the plant growth hormone gibberellin. This reduced response to gibberellin is conferred by mutant dwarfing alleles at one of two Reduced height-1 (Rht-B1 and Rht-D1) loci4,5. Here we show that Rht-B1/Rht-D1 and maize dwarf-8 (d8)6,7 are orthologues of the Arabidopsis Gibberellin Insensitive (GAI) gene8,9. These genes encode proteins that resemble nuclear transcription factors and contain an SH2-like10 domain, indicating that phosphotyrosine may participate in gibberellin signalling. Six different orthologous dwarfing mutant alleles encode proteins that are altered in a conserved amino-terminal gibberellin signalling domain. Transgenic rice plants containing a mutant GAI allele give reduced responses to gibberellin and are dwarfed, indicating that mutant GAI orthologues could be used to increase yield in a wide range of crop species.