哪有情可长 (2022-08-31 21:57):
#paper The integrated genomics of crop domestication and breeding , Cell. 2022 Sep 20;9(10):944. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.04.036. 这是一篇关于作物驯化和育种中整合基因组学的综述,野生植物驯化成农作物是一个长期且伴随着人类文明发展的一个重要事件。驯化的成功有一大部分原因是人工选择的结果。例如小麦的驯化的现在研究的方向主要为脆轴性、落粒性等。在2006年cell发表了一篇”The Molecular Genetics of Crop Domestication“综述,该片主要重点讲述了驯化的分子遗传机制。随着测序技术的发展,以及测序在作物群体中的应用,使得作物驯化的研究从单个基因的点扩展到整个作物基因组的面,故2022年这篇对于驯化的文章主要是从基因组学、群体遗传学、遗传学图谱和功能基因组学等方面在作物驯化领域应用及取得的进展,期望能够利用复杂的遗传信息的方法来高效的从头设计物种或者对野生种进行重新驯化。
IF:45.500Q1 Cell, 2022-07-21. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.04.036 PMID: 35643084
The integrated genomics of crop domestication and breeding
As a major event in human civilization, wild plants were successfully domesticated to be crops, largely owing to continuing artificial selection. Here, we summarize new discoveries made during the past decade in crop domestication and breeding. The construction of crop genome maps and the functional characterization of numerous trait genes provide foundational information. Approaches to read, interpret, and write complex genetic information are being leveraged in many plants for highly efficient de novo or re-domestication. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of crop microevolution and applying the knowledge to agricultural productions will give possible solutions for future challenges in food security.