徐炳祥 (2022-08-18 17:16):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05030-3 Nature, 2022, Brown-fat-mediated tumour suppression by cold-altered global metabolism。有氧糖酵解是肿瘤细胞获取能量的主要方式,此过程需消耗大量葡萄糖,因此肿瘤组织对葡萄糖饥饿敏感。而暴露于寒冷环境中的动物通过棕色脂肪细胞(BAT)活化、白色脂肪细胞(WAT)棕色化进行非战栗产热的过程也需消耗大量葡萄糖。因此寒冷环境下的肿瘤患者势必存在BAT和肿瘤细胞之间的葡萄糖竞争,此竞争有可能使肿瘤组织处于葡萄糖饥饿状态从而抑制肿瘤生长。本文主要通过将异体肿瘤移植小鼠至于寒冷环境下对这一假设进行了验证。此为将代谢与肿瘤联系起来的又一新角度。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2022-08. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05030-3 PMID: 35922508
Brown-fat-mediated tumour suppression by cold-altered global metabolism
Glucose uptake is essential for cancer glycolysis and is involved in non-shivering thermogenesis of adipose tissues. Most cancers use glycolysis to harness energy for their infinite growth, invasion and metastasis. Activation of thermogenic metabolism in brown adipose tissue (BAT) by cold and drugs instigates blood glucose uptake in adipocytes. However, the functional effects of the global metabolic changes associated with BAT activation on tumour growth are unclear. Here we show that exposure of tumour-bearing mice to cold conditions markedly inhibits the growth of various types of solid tumours, including clinically untreatable cancers such as pancreatic cancers. Mechanistically, cold-induced BAT activation substantially decreases blood glucose and impedes the glycolysis-based metabolism in cancer cells. The removal of BAT and feeding on a high-glucose diet under cold exposure restore tumour growth, and genetic deletion of Ucp1-the key mediator for BAT-thermogenesis-ablates the cold-triggered anticancer effect. In a pilot human study, mild cold exposure activates a substantial amount of BAT in both healthy humans and a patient with cancer with mitigated glucose uptake in the tumour tissue. These findings provide a previously undescribed concept and paradigm for cancer therapy that uses a simple and effective approach. We anticipate that cold exposure and activation of BAT through any other approach, such as drugs and devices either alone or in combination with other anticancer therapeutics, will provide a general approach for the effective treatment of various cancers.