哪有情可长 (2022-06-30 22:52):
#paper 10.1038/s41586-020-03091-w. Nature. Genomic basis of geographical adaptation to soil nitrogen in rice. 推荐理由:这篇文章是水稻里面发现了一个关于适应当地土壤环境相关氮利用效率的基因。本研究课题的试验方式是先通过GWAS在不同区域环境下氮素利用的密切相关的性状进行定位,鉴定发现OsTCP19。后续发现该基因缺失了29bp的插入导致不同水稻品种之间不同的基因表达量和对氮素反应分蘖能力的变化。在野生稻和栽培稻中鉴定该基因29bp位点的变化,且发现现代栽培品种中该位点丢失,丢失的位点导致氮的利用率低。后续又进行全国各个区域试验,证明这个基因能够提高氮利用率,可以减少氮肥的施用,也能改善土壤中过量的氮素对环境的污染。很漂亮的正向遗传研究,从基因定位,得到转基因,转基因验证,大田产量验证,每一步逻辑都很严谨且证明的过程流畅。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2021-02. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-03091-w PMID: 33408412
Genomic basis of geographical adaptation to soil nitrogen in rice
The intensive application of inorganic nitrogen underlies marked increases in crop production, but imposes detrimental effects on ecosystems: it is therefore crucial for future sustainable agriculture to improve the nitrogen-use efficiency of crop plants. Here we report the genetic basis of nitrogen-use efficiency associated with adaptation to local soils in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Using a panel of diverse rice germplasm collected from different ecogeographical regions, we performed a genome-wide association study on the tillering response to nitrogen-the trait that is most closely correlated with nitrogen-use efficiency in rice-and identified OsTCP19 as a modulator of this tillering response through its transcriptional response to nitrogen and its targeting to the tiller-promoting gene DWARF AND LOW-TILLERING (DLT). A 29-bp insertion and/or deletion in the OsTCP19 promoter confers a differential transcriptional response and variation in the tillering response to nitrogen among rice varieties. The allele of OsTCP19 associated with a high tillering response to nitrogen is prevalent in wild rice populations, but has largely been lost in modern cultivars: this loss correlates with increased local soil nitrogen content, which suggests that it might have contributed to geographical adaptation in rice. Introgression of the allele associated with a high tillering response into modern rice cultivars boosts grain yield and nitrogen-use efficiency under low or moderate levels of nitrogen, which demonstrates substantial potential for rice breeding and the amelioration of negative environment effects by reducing the application of nitrogen to crops.