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哪有情可长 (2023-08-31 20:32):
#paper Whole-genome sequencing of diverse wheat accessions uncovers the genetic changes during modern breeding in China and the United States,The Plant Cell, 30 August 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koad229. 该论文对中国和美国目前的小麦育成品种以及地方品种进行表型鉴定和重测序分析,发现现代育成品种的表型和遗传多样性与地方品种相比发生了很大的变化。其中中美育种品种跟地方品种相比具有产量高,株高低,花期短等特征。在产量提高方面,中国和美国的育种偏好不同,中国育种家侧重增加籽粒大小,穗粒数和千粒重等因素来提高小麦的产量,而美国主要是依靠增加小麦的分蘖数目提高单位面积穗数,从而提高小麦的产量。这些表型数据结果表明了中美两国对小麦表型的重塑方面存在差异。依据重测序结果,对21个农艺性状进行GWAS分析,共鉴定到207个控制农艺性状的位点,并绘制了这些位点的指纹图谱。发现大部分位点的优异等位变异频率在中美品种均增加,但是增加幅度有所差异,说明这些控制性状的位点在现代育种过程中的不同地区进行了趋同选择。此外作者还进行选择信号分析,其中15%区域受到选择。比较有趣的是,中美育种家可能是通过选择同一基因,或者同一基因不同单倍型或同一基因在不同亚基因组上的同源基因来实现对同一性状的重塑。这篇文章对中国小麦育种进程分析提供了一些思路。
Breeding has dramatically changed the plant architecture of wheat (Triticum aestivum), resulting in the development of high-yielding varieties adapted to modern farming systems. However, how wheat breeding shaped the genomic … >>>
Breeding has dramatically changed the plant architecture of wheat (Triticum aestivum), resulting in the development of high-yielding varieties adapted to modern farming systems. However, how wheat breeding shaped the genomic architecture of this crop remains poorly understood. Here, we performed a comprehensive comparative analysis of a whole-genome resequencing panel of 355 common wheat accessions (representing diverse landraces and modern cultivars from China and the United States) at the phenotypic and genomic levels. The genetic diversity of modern wheat cultivars was clearly reduced compared to landraces. Consistent with these genetic changes, most phenotypes of cultivars from China and the United States were significantly altered. Of the 21 agronomic traits investigated, 8 showed convergent changes between the 2 countries. Moreover, of the 207 loci associated with these 21 traits, more than half overlapped with genomic regions that showed evidence of selection. The distribution of selected loci between the Chinese and American cultivars suggests that breeding for increased productivity in these 2 regions was accomplished by pyramiding both shared and region-specific variants. This work provides a framework to understand the genetic architecture of the adaptation of wheat to diverse agricultural production environments, as well as guidelines for optimizing breeding strategies to design better wheat varieties. <<<