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muton (2024-02-28 23:02):
#paper The Conceptual Structure of Human Relationships Across Modern and Historical Cultures preprint 人类社会复杂性的特征就是关系的复杂性,我们会和家庭、学校、工作、社区甚至社交网络的各类人群建立不同的关系。但我们应该如何理解如此复杂的人际关系系统?通过使用自然语言处理(NLP)、在线调查、实验室认知任务和计算建模,对世界各地的各种现代文化进行研究。(n = 20425)和跨越3,000年历史的古代文化,作者发现了关系概念的普遍表征空间,由五个主要维度组成(正式、主动、效价、交换、平等)和三个核心范畴(敌对、公共和私人关系)。这一工作推进了对人类社会性的理解。并且通过比较不同国家文化差异,作者发现中美存在巨大文化距离,在理解人际关系中的亲密程度时,美国人似乎更关注物理距离,而中国人更关注心理距离。
A defining characteristic of social complexity in Homo sapiens is the diversity of our relationships. We build various types of connections with people in families, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and online … >>>
A defining characteristic of social complexity in Homo sapiens is the diversity of our relationships. We build various types of connections with people in families, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and online communities. How do we make sense of such complex systems of human relationships? By using natural language processing, online surveys, laboratory cognitive tasks, and computational modelling on diverse modern cultures across the world (n = 20,425) and ancient cultures across 3,000 years of history, we discovered a universal representational space of relationship concepts, comprised of five principal dimensions (formality, activeness, valence, exchange, equality) and three core categories (hostile, public and private relationships). Our work reveals the fundamental cognitive constructs and cultural principles of relationship knowledge and advances our understanding of human sociality. <<<