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钟鸣 (2022-07-16 15:00):
#paper doi:10.7717/peerj.12272 PeerJ, 2021, Helicobacter pylori virulence factors: relationship between genetic variability and phylogeographic origin。幽门螺杆菌妇孺皆知,其感染全世界一半以上的人,并与慢性胃炎和胃癌相关。众所周知细菌致病有赖于毒力因子,在这里作者从135个全基因组中提取了幽门螺杆菌的7类、87个毒力因子(VF)并比较。 他们从4个角度做比较了毒力因子基因:拷贝数、基因大小(长度)、共线性、相似性,并根据保守性将87个毒力因子划分成了3类:高度保守、中度保守和低度保守。脲酶是高度保守VFs的代表,通过把尿素代谢成氨来中和胃酸,为细菌在胃中的存活提供便利。典型的低度保守毒力因子是黏附素,体现为高水平的重组,主要是基因倒位。基因倒位可能引发“位置效应,从而影响基因的表达。但是不同于其他基因,黏附素基因的倒位与致病表型/地理起源没有相关性。 作者还根据87个毒力因子的相似性将135个基因组划分成了a、b、c、d共4个单系群,a组更易引起胃炎和消化性溃疡,d组更易引发患胃癌和胃淋巴瘤。b组主要来源中东,c组主要来源于东亚。本文分析思路简单明确,分析结果为幽门螺杆菌的致病基因进化提供了富有洞察力的见解。 此外,作者的分析还表明,约34%的基因在基因组自动注释时被错误注释,这与早期上传的基因组注释结果不够准确、但又作为参考数据对后来的基因组注释,引起了错误的传播和渗透(以讹传讹),因此他们建议原核生物的基因注释应使用半手动的方式。
IF:2.300Q2 PeerJ, 2021. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.12272 PMID: 34900406
BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic bacteria that colonize the gastrointestinal tract from human stomachs and causes diseases including gastritis, peptic ulcers, gastric lymphoma (MALT), and gastric cancer, with a … >>>
BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic bacteria that colonize the gastrointestinal tract from human stomachs and causes diseases including gastritis, peptic ulcers, gastric lymphoma (MALT), and gastric cancer, with a higher prevalence in developing countries. Its high genetic diversity among strains is caused by a high mutation rate, observing virulence factors (VFs) variations in different geographic lineages. This study aimed to postulate the genetic variability associated with virulence factors present in the Helicobacter pylori strains, to identify the relationship of these genes with their phylogeographic origin.METHODS: The complete genomes of 135 strains available in NCBI, from different population origins, were analyzed using bioinformatics tools, identifying a high rate; as well as reorganization events in 87 virulence factor genes, divided into seven functional groups, to determine changes in position, number of copies, nucleotide identity and size, contrasting them with their geographical lineage and pathogenic phenotype.RESULTS: Bioinformatics analyses show a high rate of gene annotation errors in VF. Analysis of genetic variability of VFs shown that there is not a direct relationship between the reorganization and geographic lineage. However, regarding the pathogenic phenotype demonstrated in the analysis of many copies, size, and similarity when dividing the strains that possess and not the cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI), having a higher risk of developing gastritis and peptic ulcer was evidenced. Our data has shown that the analysis of the overall genetic variability of all VFs present in each strain of H. pylori is key information in understanding its pathogenic behavior. <<<