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李翛然 (2023-07-28 15:19):
#paper Role of neuroinflammation in neurodegeneration development doi:10.3892/mmr.2016.4948 这是一篇综述,陕西师范大学夏海滨/张伟锋教授团队,主要介绍炎症 神经退行病变之间的关联和联系,介绍了目前被生物信息及试验验证的一些总结,以及正在临床方面的进展。 总体来说,就是目前从国际上,越来越认可很多的严重疾病,比如神经退行病变,癌症的初始诱因都是炎症的持续发展,免疫系统的混乱以及细胞功能的变化。 从药物公司的角度来说,我有一个横向的很好的对比思路。 这个器官及细胞炎症的症候很能对应起中医的“湿气”,然而调控所谓的“湿气”其实就是把免疫系统调节正常。 免疫是一个直到目前为止,西方医学理论都没有完整的体系化解释清楚的一个大的系统性问题。 等待AI和更多的生物信息学介入,会让生物带来全新的革命。 至少这几年卖的最好的药 基本都是 单抗和细胞治疗,本质上都是免疫调节。
IF:3.400Q2 Molecular medicine reports, 2016-Apr. DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2016.4948 PMID: 26935478
Neurodegeneration is a phenomenon that occurs in the central nervous system through the hallmarks associating the loss of neuronal structure and function. Neurodegeneration is observed after viral insult and mostly … >>>
Neurodegeneration is a phenomenon that occurs in the central nervous system through the hallmarks associating the loss of neuronal structure and function. Neurodegeneration is observed after viral insult and mostly in various so-called 'neurodegenerative diseases', generally observed in the elderly, such as Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis that negatively affect mental and physical functioning. Causative agents of neurodegeneration have yet to be identified. However, recent data have identified the inflammatory process as being closely linked with multiple neurodegenerative pathways, which are associated with depression, a consequence of neurodegenerative disease. Accordingly, pro‑inflammatory cytokines are important in the pathophysiology of depression and dementia. These data suggest that the role of neuroinflammation in neurodegeneration must be fully elucidated, since pro‑inflammatory agents, which are the causative effects of neuroinflammation, occur widely, particularly in the elderly in whom inflammatory mechanisms are linked to the pathogenesis of functional and mental impairments. In this review, we investigated the role played by the inflammatory process in neurodegenerative diseases. <<<