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朵朵 (2023-09-30 22:00):
#paper Ivanov, Iskren. "Reshaping U.S. Smart Power: Towards a Post-Pandemic Security Architecture." Journal of Strategic Security 13, no. 3 (2020) : 46-74. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5038/1944-0472.13.3.1829 这篇论文的主题是后疫情时代,美国应运用“巧实力”塑造世界安全架构。论文先对“巧实力”的概念进行分析,对比了约瑟夫·奈等三人对于“巧实力”的不同定义,提出了自己的一个关于“巧实力”的理论框架,包括5个层次: ·hard power ·soft power ·smart goal ·smart strategy ·smart face 并用这个框架分析了美国在后疫情时代应该重点关注的四个领域,包括美中、美俄、美国与中东、美国与亚太。关于如何在美中关系中运用“巧实力”,照实抄录可能发不出来,反正挺狠。可以看看关于美俄: ·hard power:经济制裁俄罗斯 ·soft power :对俄罗斯侵犯人权行为进行媒体报道 ·smart goal:通过美欧能源会议限制俄罗斯对欧盟及北约成员对能源影响力 ·smart strategy:对欧洲盟友进行人道主义、金融、军事支持 ·smart face :通过在北约东线重新部署美国军队来防御俄罗斯 我读这篇文章,有几个体会:第一,“巧实力”这个概念,我不是很认同,更像是卖弄词汇,其根基还没有软实力深,软实力大家还能说上几句,巧实力是什么,谁也说不清,感觉就是软硬兼施而已。第二,这篇论文写作是面向实际问题的,提出一个理论框架分析现实,甭管你认同不认同,至少这点做得不错。不喜欢纯理论探讨的。第三,文章发表在2020年,那个时候疫情刚刚开始,俄乌冲突还没发生,当时发表估计作者觉得很有前瞻性,但俄乌冲突是世界安全架构的一个巨大变量,所以当时前瞻的分析,现在有点过时。
COVID19 turned out to be one of the deadliest diseases in history. The United States faced a series of new challenges after the Coronavirus spread throughout the world. China is … >>>
COVID19 turned out to be one of the deadliest diseases in history. The United States faced a series of new challenges after the Coronavirus spread throughout the world. China is taking advantage of the pandemic to challenge the U.S. global dominance. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the role of the United States in the postpandemic security architecture at a global level. The basic claim of the article is that Washington should reshape U.S. smart power in order to preserve the American global dominance. The article’s claim rests on the assumption that smart power is the most effective instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy in the post-Cold War era. It was U.S. smart power that allowed Washington to maintain its global leadership after the 9/11 attacks. The Coronacrisis will have longterm consequences for the global security architecture. However, this article argues that the Coronavirus pandemic will not change the global order. <<<