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旺旺小小酥 (2022-08-31 22:36):
#paper The Next Generation Intelligent Automation:HyperAutoMation, Vol. 19.2022,doi:10.4301/S1807-1775202219009 该文章是结合2020年Gartner出具的一篇有关超自动化的调研报告,结合目前自动化技术及应用程度进行的综合性调研和研究。考虑到超自动化是个较新的概念,作者先从超自动化的概念及背景入手,具体分析超自动化所用到的各种技术栈、编码语言及相应的建设路径。套路就跟当初DevOps、AIOps或者是云原生概念出来一样,从基本概念延申至超自动化组成部分最终至实施路径,将超自动化归属于新一代的智能自动化。 既然是概念性的产物,文中有一套框架范围体系对超自动化进行界定:1.识别和优化算法支撑流程挖掘、任务挖掘及流程分析 2.在1的基础上,继续扩展,降本增效的技术范围如RPA、低代码平台、PaaS、工作路径流程及商业逻辑工具(iBPMS\决策管理\业务规则管理) 3.在2的基础上,通过AI进行自动化增强,如ML、NLP、OCR、CV、虚拟助手及聊天机器人啥的。 文末也大致泛泛地给出了在不同行业中适用超自动化建设场景,但仅限参考意义,实际建设方案只能算是很小的一个范围。总结下来,算是对超自动化的一个探索,作者本身并没有真正超自动化建设落地经验,可以作为对超自动化建设相关数字化转型的参考材料。
One of the buzzwords in the technological world is “Hyperautomation”. Hyperautomation is the new technological phenomenon in which it can bring intelligent automation processes using Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial … >>>
One of the buzzwords in the technological world is “Hyperautomation”. Hyperautomation is the new technological phenomenon in which it can bring intelligent automation processes using Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and other technologies. It has a good amount of business applications; that is why many tech giants and start-ups are putting huge investments to reap the fruits of Hyperautomation. The data was collected from different secondary sources from 1-4-2020 to 31-7-2021. The rationale of this conceptual manuscript is to explain the definitions, concepts, technologies and models behind Hyperautomation. This study also emphasis in-depth benefits of hyper-automation specifically in Banking & Finance sector. Moreover, the study also presents some of the industry test cases to explain the Hyperautomation adoption level by different countries across the globe. <<<