来自杂志 IEEE transactions on medical imaging 的文献。
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Ricardo (2023-11-30 23:19):
#paper 10.1109/TMI.2022.3174827 PTNet3D: A 3D High-Resolution Longitudinal Infant Brain MRI Synthesizer Based on Transformers 最近看了一些基于GAN的医学图像生成的文章(当然现在的热点都转向diffusion model了),感觉都很没有创意,有点无聊,并且都存在一些共性问题。第一,纵向婴幼儿图像生成算法仅仅是通过在每个年龄段训练模型来构建,完全可以把年龄作为条件直接生成;第二,为了缓解数据维度高且数据量小的问题,大多数这类生成算法都基于slice或者patch的生成方式,不可避免的会导致生成图像的不连续性,而且基本上所有文章都没解决这个问题。在我的新工作(不是单纯的图像生成任务)里,这些问题都得到了重视并予以解决,估计年后会release预印本出来,敬请期待。
An increased interest in longitudinal neurodevelopment during the first few years after birth has emerged in recent years. Noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide crucial information about the development … >>>
An increased interest in longitudinal neurodevelopment during the first few years after birth has emerged in recent years. Noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide crucial information about the development of brain structures in the early months of life. Despite the success of MRI collections and analysis for adults, it remains a challenge for researchers to collect high-quality multimodal MRIs from developing infant brains because of their irregular sleep pattern, limited attention, inability to follow instructions to stay still during scanning. In addition, there are limited analytic approaches available. These challenges often lead to a significant reduction of usable MRI scans and pose a problem for modeling neurodevelopmental trajectories. Researchers have explored solving this problem by synthesizing realistic MRIs to replace corrupted ones. Among synthesis methods, the convolutional neural network-based (CNN-based) generative adversarial networks (GANs) have demonstrated promising performance. In this study, we introduced a novel 3D MRI synthesis framework- pyramid transformer network (PTNet3D)- which relies on attention mechanisms through transformer and performer layers. We conducted extensive experiments on high-resolution Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) and longitudinal Baby Connectome Project (BCP) datasets. Compared with CNN-based GANs, PTNet3D consistently shows superior synthesis accuracy and superior generalization on two independent, large-scale infant brain MRI datasets. Notably, we demonstrate that PTNet3D synthesized more realistic scans than CNN-based models when the input is from multi-age subjects. Potential applications of PTNet3D include synthesizing corrupted or missing images. By replacing corrupted scans with synthesized ones, we observed significant improvement in infant whole brain segmentation. <<<
前进 (2022-07-28 11:54):
#paper doi: 10.1109/TMI.2019.2953788 Transactions on Medical Imaging 2019 Progressively trained convolutional neural networks for deformable image registration 现有的基于深度学习的配准算法对存在大尺度变形的配准任务经常表现不佳。为了解决这种大尺度变形的问题,现有的方法主要分为两种:1、在配准前先采用传统的方法对图像进行预配准(affine,rigid)2、采用多个网络级联的方式,逐步变形,最终生成大尺度变形配准场。这两种方式都存在一定的弊端:1、传统方法耗时过长,削弱了利用深度学习进行后续配准的优势。2、级联网络在配准图像时,会对浮动图像进行多次插值,插值误差积累将会影响最后的变形场质量。因此论文作者提出只采用一个单独的网络联合渐进式训练方式来进行大尺度变形配准。渐进式训练方式首先是被用来提高GAN生成图像的分辨率,现被作者迁移用来解决配准问题。渐进式训练方式简单解释就是当网络的一层训练收敛以后,添加新层,再进行训练,直到生成最后的变形场。该论文有3点创新: 1、 提出了一个渐进式学习模型,能在同一个卷积网络内学习图像不同尺度的变形。 2、 证明了用神经网络配准两张图之前无需预配准。 3、 证明了神经网络可以采用合成的变形场进行监督训练,最后能够泛化解决实际配准问题。
Deep learning-based methods for deformable image registration are attractive alternatives to conventional registration methods because of their short registration times. However, these methods often fail to estimate larger displacements in … >>>
Deep learning-based methods for deformable image registration are attractive alternatives to conventional registration methods because of their short registration times. However, these methods often fail to estimate larger displacements in complex deformation fields, for which a multi-resolution strategy is required. In this article, we propose to train neural networks progressively to address this problem. Instead of training a large convolutional neural network on the registration task all at once, we initially train smaller versions of the network on lower resolution versions of the images and deformation fields. During training, we progressively expand the network with additional layers that are trained on higher resolution data. We show that this way of training allows a network to learn larger displacements without sacrificing registration accuracy and that the resulting network is less sensitive to large misregistrations compared to training the full network all at once. We generate a large number of ground truth example data by applying random synthetic transformations to a training set of images, and test the network on the problem of intrapatient lung CT registration. We analyze the learned representations in the progressively growing network to assess how the progressive learning strategy influences training. Finally, we show that a progressive training procedure leads to improved registration accuracy when learning large and complex deformations. <<<
Ricardo (2022-06-01 00:59):
#paper 10.1109/TMI.2021.3116879. SynthMorph: Learning Contrast-Invariant Registration Without Acquired Images. 这篇文章很漂亮的展现了如何用神经网络直接暴力学习度量。多模态配准一直是一个领域难题,各路大佬们提出了大量的方法度量两个不同模态图像之间的相似性。这篇文章作者想了一个很直接的点子,就是我直接根据分割的label构造具有不同contrast的图像对网络进行训练就好了呀,至于loss怎么设计就直接测量配准前后两个label的相似性就好了,这样网络自己就学习到了如何测量不同模态间图像的相似性。这篇文章我感觉像是自监督,毕竟就是自己通过设计某种规则寻找数据自己内蕴的规律,进一步我在想配准任务是否能够作为医学影像任务的预训练模型呢,毕竟既然两个图像能够很好的对齐的话,那说明网络能够检测到两张图像之间需要对齐的解剖结构,本质上也就是学习到更general的图像特征表征图像自身的结构了。
We introduce a strategy for learning image registration without acquired imaging data, producing powerful networks agnostic to contrast introduced by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). While classical registration methods accurately estimate … >>>
We introduce a strategy for learning image registration without acquired imaging data, producing powerful networks agnostic to contrast introduced by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). While classical registration methods accurately estimate the spatial correspondence between images, they solve an optimization problem for every new image pair. Learning-based techniques are fast at test time but limited to registering images with contrasts and geometric content similar to those seen during training. We propose to remove this dependency on training data by leveraging a generative strategy for diverse synthetic label maps and images that exposes networks to a wide range of variability, forcing them to learn more invariant features. This approach results in powerful networks that accurately generalize to a broad array of MRI contrasts. We present extensive experiments with a focus on 3D neuroimaging, showing that this strategy enables robust and accurate registration of arbitrary MRI contrasts even if the target contrast is not seen by the networks during training. We demonstrate registration accuracy surpassing the state of the art both within and across contrasts, using a single model. Critically, training on arbitrary shapes synthesized from noise distributions results in competitive performance, removing the dependency on acquired data of any kind. Additionally, since anatomical label maps are often available for the anatomy of interest, we show that synthesizing images from these dramatically boosts performance, while still avoiding the need for real intensity images. Our code is available at doic https://w3id.org/synthmorph. <<<
Ricardo (2022-01-22 17:06):
#paper doi:10.1109/TMI.2021.3137280 Recurrent Tissue-Aware Network for Deformable Registration of Infant Brain MR Images. 介绍一篇21年末发表在TMI上的文章。众所周知,非线性配准技术是一种用于纵向发育分析和群体分析的基础技术。然而由于出生后的两年时间里,婴幼儿大脑处于快速发育过程中,对同一个被试的不同发育时间点的婴儿脑图像或者对不同被试的婴幼儿脑图像进行精细的配准是一件非常困难的事。主要有几点原因:1.婴幼儿大脑处于持续的髓鞘化进程,脑图像体素强度呈现出区域间的不一致性;2.0~2岁这个阶段婴幼儿大脑图像的信号强度会出现反转的变化,这使得纵向图像的配准变得更加困难;3.婴幼儿大脑非常小,而大脑组织结构又相对比较复杂,并且还存在许多图像噪声及伪影。所以这篇文章干脆不对MRI强度信号图像进行配准,而是使用基于T1/T2图像的脑组织分割图进行配准,这样就规避了出生后的头两年大脑组织信号强度的快速变化的问题。这篇文章主要有两个创新点:1.只对模型做一次训练,但是在测试阶段进行多次配准,一步步对脑图像的形变场进行finetune;2.作者将速度场建模成一个多元高斯场,每个体素都服从高斯分布。并给予速度场的方差建模形变场的不确定度(uncertainty),并基于这样的uncertainty对形变场进行动态平滑(adaptive smoothing),而非以往的全局平滑。具体结果当然要比其他方法更好啦,这个没啥说的。不过这个方法的局限在于需要精细分割后的脑组织图像,而对婴幼儿的脑图像进行组织分割又是一个非常困难的事啊(就是又缺数据又难打label)。
Deformable registration is fundamental to longitudinal and population-based image analyses. However, it is challenging to precisely align longitudinal infant brain MR images of the same subject, as well as cross-sectional … >>>
Deformable registration is fundamental to longitudinal and population-based image analyses. However, it is challenging to precisely align longitudinal infant brain MR images of the same subject, as well as cross-sectional infant brain MR images of different subjects, due to fast brain development during infancy. In this paper, we propose a recurrently usable deep neural network for the registration of infant brain MR images. There are three main highlights of our proposed method. (i) We use brain tissue segmentation maps for registration, instead of intensity images, to tackle the issue of rapid contrast changes of brain tissues during the first year of life. (ii) A single registration network is trained in a one-shot manner, and then recurrently applied in inference for multiple times, such that the complex deformation field can be recovered incrementally. (iii) We also propose both the adaptive smoothing layer and the tissue-aware anti-folding constraint into the registration network to ensure the physiological plausibility of estimated deformations without degrading the registration accuracy. Experimental results, in comparison to the state-of-the-art registration methods, indicate that our proposed method achieves the highest registration accuracy while still preserving the smoothness of the deformation field. The implementation of our proposed registration network is available online https://github.com/Barnonewdm/ACTA-Reg-Net. <<<