Ricardo (2022-06-01 00:59):
#paper 10.1109/TMI.2021.3116879. SynthMorph: Learning Contrast-Invariant Registration Without Acquired Images. 这篇文章很漂亮的展现了如何用神经网络直接暴力学习度量。多模态配准一直是一个领域难题,各路大佬们提出了大量的方法度量两个不同模态图像之间的相似性。这篇文章作者想了一个很直接的点子,就是我直接根据分割的label构造具有不同contrast的图像对网络进行训练就好了呀,至于loss怎么设计就直接测量配准前后两个label的相似性就好了,这样网络自己就学习到了如何测量不同模态间图像的相似性。这篇文章我感觉像是自监督,毕竟就是自己通过设计某种规则寻找数据自己内蕴的规律,进一步我在想配准任务是否能够作为医学影像任务的预训练模型呢,毕竟既然两个图像能够很好的对齐的话,那说明网络能够检测到两张图像之间需要对齐的解剖结构,本质上也就是学习到更general的图像特征表征图像自身的结构了。
SynthMorph: Learning Contrast-Invariant Registration Without Acquired Images
We introduce a strategy for learning image registration without acquired imaging data, producing powerful networks agnostic to contrast introduced by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). While classical registration methods accurately estimate the spatial correspondence between images, they solve an optimization problem for every new image pair. Learning-based techniques are fast at test time but limited to registering images with contrasts and geometric content similar to those seen during training. We propose to remove this dependency on training data by leveraging a generative strategy for diverse synthetic label maps and images that exposes networks to a wide range of variability, forcing them to learn more invariant features. This approach results in powerful networks that accurately generalize to a broad array of MRI contrasts. We present extensive experiments with a focus on 3D neuroimaging, showing that this strategy enables robust and accurate registration of arbitrary MRI contrasts even if the target contrast is not seen by the networks during training. We demonstrate registration accuracy surpassing the state of the art both within and across contrasts, using a single model. Critically, training on arbitrary shapes synthesized from noise distributions results in competitive performance, removing the dependency on acquired data of any kind. Additionally, since anatomical label maps are often available for the anatomy of interest, we show that synthesizing images from these dramatically boosts performance, while still avoiding the need for real intensity images. Our code is available at doic https://w3id.org/synthmorph.