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小张(快乐科研版🦭) (2022-07-31 12:37):
#paper Plant Volatiles as Mate-Finding Cues for Insects • DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2017.11.004 植物挥发物不只是食草性昆虫用来进行寄主定位取食时发挥作用,还能为昆虫交配提供信息和地点。也能帮助食草性昆虫的天敌定位捕食发挥作用。植物的花、果实、种子都拥有不同的挥发物联合各类信息素吸引昆虫。挥发物刺激昆虫各类信息素的分泌,从而吸引更多同类前来交配。而被为害的植物被诱导产生的挥发物又能够吸引昆虫的天敌。 本篇综述文章分别从植物叶片、果实、花和虫害诱导产生的挥发物与昆虫信息素协同和抑制作用举例阐述了植物-昆虫-天敌三者通过挥发物的种间关系。
Plant volatiles are used not only by herbivorous insects to find their host plants, but also by the natural enemies of the herbivores to find their prey. There is also … >>>
Plant volatiles are used not only by herbivorous insects to find their host plants, but also by the natural enemies of the herbivores to find their prey. There is also increasing evidence that plant volatiles, in addition to species-specific pheromones, help these insects to find mating partners. Plant structures such as flowers, fruit, and leaves are frequently rendezvous sites for mate-seeking insects. Here we propose that the combined use of plant volatiles and pheromones can efficiently guide insects to these sites, where they will have access to both mates and food. This notion is supported by the fact that plant volatiles can stimulate the release of sex pheromones and can render various insects more receptive to potential mates. <<<