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陆一幺 (2024-01-31 14:48):
#paper Integrated multi-omics profiling to dissect the spatiotemporal evolution of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma, Cancer cell vol. 42,1 (2024): 135-156.e17. doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2023.11.010 本文利用基因组、转录组、单细胞转录组和空转,包括数字病理等多组学联合测序技术,对肝癌组织样本进行了转移机制的探索:1.肝癌瘤内异质性和进化轨迹:PT和MT病灶基因组层面比较类似(包括CNA层面),肝外转移主要是单中心谱系播种的,而非多中心模式,且来源比较多样化。多克隆播种方式预后会更差。2.低氧信号促进多克隆扩散:富含低氧信号的原发肿瘤被发现促进了多克隆扩散。3.新抗原异质性与T细胞反应性降低:转移肿瘤中观察到的显著肿瘤内新抗原异质性与T细胞反应性降低相关。可能是由于转移肿瘤细胞进化出了抗原递呈缺陷的能力。4.亚克隆选择机制:在亚克隆选择机制的研究中发现,没有Wnt突变的亚克隆显示出比有Wnt突变的亚克隆更强的转移选择性优势。此外,没有Wnt突变的转移肿瘤表现出更多的免疫抑制B细胞,这些B细胞通过HLA-E:CD94-NKG2A免疫检查点轴介导CD8+ T细胞的终末耗竭。 文章工作量非常大,但故事性非常好,值得精读。
IF:48.800Q1 Cancer cell, 2024-01-08. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2023.11.010 PMID: 38101410
Comprehensive molecular analyses of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are lacking. Here, we generate multi-omic profiling of 257 primary and 176 metastatic regions from 182 HCC patients. Primary tumors rich in … >>>
Comprehensive molecular analyses of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are lacking. Here, we generate multi-omic profiling of 257 primary and 176 metastatic regions from 182 HCC patients. Primary tumors rich in hypoxia signatures facilitated polyclonal dissemination. Genomic divergence between primary and metastatic HCC is high, and early dissemination is prevalent. The remarkable neoantigen intratumor heterogeneity observed in metastases is associated with decreased T cell reactivity, resulting from disruptions to neoantigen presentation. We identify somatic copy number alterations as highly selected events driving metastasis. Subclones without Wnt mutations show a stronger selective advantage for metastasis than those with Wnt mutations and are characterized by a microenvironment rich in activated fibroblasts favoring a pro-metastatic phenotype. Finally, metastases without Wnt mutations exhibit higher enrichment of immunosuppressive B cells that mediate terminal exhaustion of CD8 T cells via HLA-E:CD94-NKG2A checkpoint axis. Collectively, our results provide a multi-dimensional dissection of the complex evolutionary process of metastasis. <<<