哪有情可长 (2023-10-30 21:15):
#paper Genome resources for the elite bread wheat cultivar Aikang 58 and mining of elite homeologous haplotypes for accelerating wheat improvement,Molecular Plant, 23 October 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2023.10.015. AK58是在2005年国家审定的具有矮杆抗倒伏,稳产多抗,适应性广品质优的一个小麦品种,该品种在全国推广范围较大,在2013年获得“国家科技进步一等奖”。该品种作为人工培育的经典的现代品种跟小麦参考基因组地方种中国春相比较的话,能够揭示小麦近百年来小麦品种改良造成的基因组变异。作者构建了AK58基因、转座子、转录组、表观组、代谢组和突变体等综合的数据库。 利用比较基因组学对AK58和中国春进行比较分析,发现AK58特意表达的基因主要在光系统Ⅰ、损伤反应及氧化磷酸化途径中显著富集,而中国春的特异表达基因在植物与病原物互作途径中得到富集。在六倍体小麦中由于亚基因组二倍化与分化,使得每个多倍体位点中三个亚基因组的直系同源基因,通常显示出既有互补性又有特异性的功能。在F2遗传群体中,两个亲本的等位亚基因组直系同源基因间会发生多达27种(33)的组合,其中2种为亲本类型,而另外25种为新组合类型,每一种组合类型都有可能是一种功能独特的多倍体位点单倍型(homoeologous locus haplotype, HH),从而大大提高了六倍体小麦的遗传多样性。为便于研究,研究人员利用SNP芯片分析了AK58与CS衍生的F2群体,以特异的SNP标记重要多倍体位点的每一个亚基因组拷贝,从而可方便地区分由等位亚基因组直系同源基因组合而产生的多种HHs,并以其为基因型信息与农艺性状进行关联分析。这种基于多倍体位点单倍型差异的关联分析有别于常规的依赖单基因差异的关联分析,因而被称为HGWAS。用该方法对20个重要农艺性状进行检测,共发现393个显著的HGWAS位点,针对重要的HGWAS位点,研究人员进行了不同HHs之间遗传效应的比较。在AK58与CS中均发现了多种优异的HHs,源于AK58的HHs反映了现代育种的选择效应,存在于CS的HHs可能在现代育种选择中被遗弃,但可能仍然有利用价值。
IF:17.100Q1 Molecular plant, 2023-12-04. DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2023.10.015 PMID: 37897037
Genome resources for the elite bread wheat cultivar Aikang 58 and mining of elite homeologous haplotypes for accelerating wheat improvement
Despite recent progress in crop genomics studies, the genomic changes brought about by modern breeding selection are still poorly understood, thus hampering genomics-assisted breeding, especially in polyploid crops with compound genomes such as common wheat (Triticum aestivum). In this work, we constructed genome resources for the modern elite common wheat variety Aikang 58 (AK58). Comparative genomics between AK58 and the landrace cultivar Chinese Spring (CS) shed light on genomic changes that occurred through recent varietal improvement. We also explored subgenome diploidization and divergence in common wheat and developed a homoeologous locus-based genome-wide association study (HGWAS) approach, which was more effective than single homoeolog-based GWAS in unraveling agronomic trait-associated loci. A total of 123 major HGWAS loci were detected using a genetic population derived from AK58 and CS. Elite homoeologous haplotypes (HHs), formed by combinations of subgenomic homoeologs of the associated loci, were found in both parents and progeny, and many could substantially improve wheat yield and related traits. We built a website where users can download genome assembly sequence and annotation data for AK58, perform blast analysis, and run JBrowse. Our work enriches genome resources for wheat, provides new insights into genomic changes during modern wheat improvement, and suggests that efficient mining of elite HHs can make a substantial contribution to genomics-assisted breeding in common wheat and other polyploid crops.