(2023-09-30 22:08):
#paper Geissmann, L., Coynel, D., Papassotiropoulos, A., & de Quervain, D. J. (2023). Neurofunctional underpinnings of individual differences in visual episodic memory performance. Nature Communications, 14(1), 5694. 情景记忆在个体之间存在着很大的差异。以往核磁研究的证据证明了在群体水平上可以成功编码记忆的脑区,但是在解释个体差异方面的脑区和机制还并未阐明。作者利用大数据集,分析了1498名被试在图片编码任务中的核磁结果,他们发现海马体、眶额皮层和后扣带皮层反应性的个体差异解释了情景记忆表现的个体差异。而枕叶外侧皮层等,与成功的记忆编码有关,但与个体的记忆差异无关。这个研究很有趣,因为一直以来关于记忆的研究都集中于怎么记住,很少关注个体差异,对于个体差异的关注对于理解个体记性好坏具有一定的启示作用。
Neurofunctional underpinnings of individual differences in visual episodic memory performance
Episodic memory, the ability to consciously recollect information and its context, varies substantially among individuals. While prior fMRI studies have identified certain brain regions linked to successful memory encoding at a group level, their role in explaining individual memory differences remains largely unexplored. Here, we analyze fMRI data of 1,498 adults participating in a picture encoding task in a single MRI scanner. We find that individual differences in responsivity of the hippocampus, orbitofrontal cortex, and posterior cingulate cortex account for individual variability in episodic memory performance. While these regions also emerge in our group-level analysis, other regions, predominantly within the lateral occipital cortex, are related to successful memory encoding but not to individual memory variation. Furthermore, our network-based approach reveals a link between the responsivity of nine functional connectivity networks and individual memory variability. Our work provides insights into the neurofunctional correlates of individual differences in visual episodic memory performance.