笑对人生 (2023-08-31 23:55):
#paper Li J, et al. Non-cell-autonomous cancer progression from chromosomal instability. Nature. 2023 Aug;620(7976):1080-1088. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06464-z. Epub 2023 Aug 23. PMID: 37612508. 染色体不稳定(chromosomal instability,CIN)是癌症的基本特征之一,与治疗耐药、免疫逃逸和转移密切相关。CIN的形成始于细胞有丝分裂过程中染色体的持续性的错误分离。先前该团队的研究表明(Samuel F Bakhoum, et al. nature, 2018),CIN通过诱发cCAS-STING先天免疫信号通路介导的胞质双链DNA感应来促进肿瘤细胞转移。然而,关于CIN对肿瘤进展的影响究竟是肿瘤细胞自发的,还是依赖于免疫系统的问题,以及染色体不稳定肿瘤适应CIN和逃避免疫监视的具体机制是什么,目前仍未知。本研究通过四种相同遗传背景的肿瘤转移小鼠模型,首先证实了CIN是通过肿瘤细胞非自发机制驱动转移的发生。其次,开发了一个名为ContactTracing的单细胞转录组细胞互作工具,发现CIN引发的cGAS-STNG信号通路慢性激活,会促进下游I型干扰素的快速应答和内质网应激增加,最终导致促转移的肿瘤微环境形成。进一步的挽救实验(CIN逆转、STNG缺失和内质网抑制)和使用STING抑制剂处理细胞实验也支持这一结论。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2023-Aug. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06464-z PMID: 37612508
Non-cell-autonomous cancer progression from chromosomal instability
Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a driver of cancer metastasis, yet the extent to which this effect depends on the immune system remains unknown. Using ContactTracing-a newly developed, validated and benchmarked tool to infer the nature and conditional dependence of cell-cell interactions from single-cell transcriptomic data-we show that CIN-induced chronic activation of the cGAS-STING pathway promotes downstream signal re-wiring in cancer cells, leading to a pro-metastatic tumour microenvironment. This re-wiring is manifested by type I interferon tachyphylaxis selectively downstream of STING and a corresponding increase in cancer cell-derived endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. Reversal of CIN, depletion of cancer cell STING or inhibition of ER stress response signalling abrogates CIN-dependent effects on the tumour microenvironment and suppresses metastasis in immune competent, but not severely immune compromised, settings. Treatment with STING inhibitors reduces CIN-driven metastasis in melanoma, breast and colorectal cancers in a manner dependent on tumour cell-intrinsic STING. Finally, we show that CIN and pervasive cGAS activation in micronuclei are associated with ER stress signalling, immune suppression and metastasis in human triple-negative breast cancer, highlighting a viable strategy to identify and therapeutically intervene in tumours spurred by CIN-induced inflammation.